>tfw too Chad to vote for Trump
Listen bros I like The Donald, but if my lady finds out I support a 'racist bigot' there goes my once a month poontang she allows. #ImWithHer
>tfw too Chad to vote for Trump
Listen bros I like The Donald, but if my lady finds out I support a 'racist bigot' there goes my once a month poontang she allows. #ImWithHer
You just confirmed you're not Chad at all.
I think he wanted to do a whole satire thing but shit ended up shitting his pants.
that tfw when to intellogant to have a gf
> chad cares.
>Once a month poontang
Hahahahah you beta faggot, how's your wife's boyfriend doing
those eyes look really feminine
tfw when im king at maymays to be le trolled
It's a good thing that voting booths are private places and you can vote for who you want and no one will ever know.
Grow up.
Chad voted who Chad voted for.
>that tfw
kek, dont go too far.
Daily reminder that Trump is the King Chad
>too Chad
>my once a month poontang she allows
I dont even know whose trolling who anymore, CTR has truly changed the stupidity landscape of this board.
If you really liked Sup Forums you'd red pill your woman.
Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching that cunt crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this pig get the nuclear codes.
>implying a woman's opinion matters
They side with winners. As soon as Trump wins, he'll win all the women over anyway because he won.
It's in their nature to submit to an alpha male.
Pic related
you're not a chad, you're a cuck
The poontangs, gf!
>tfw too Chad to vote for Trump
you are on Sup Forums
Stfu up fag, lmao off
And you just confirmed you took the bait.
>Chloe Mortez on super male vitality
Hand them over!
Tfw when too inteligent too vote Trump
Pic >related
A true Chad doesn't care about the opinion of one woman because he has several more lined up primed
Not today globalist impersonator!
i like this meme
dags att spåra denna bajstråd med en bajspost
i ahte you
Don't read the post I replied too just now
bad meme