Oh Murrica, sorry for this shit.
Pussy Riot vs Trump
I'd rape her.
degenerates gonna degenerate
fucking cunts. why have our justice system released them?
Trump is pro LGBT rights. It's hillary that's trying to domesticated them.
Pleeeeeeease forgive me, Murrica
where are the cossacks when you need them?
>Russians preaching Americans on freedom.
WTF Russia I thought you just killed dissidents.
Гдe cossacks?
I kinda wanna fuck that pussy riot chick
Does Russia have a lot of qt red pilled women who oppose the invading brown hordes and the international Jew banking system?
I thought they were punk rock wtf is this s&m electro shit?
Putin needs to clean some trash.
does anyone fall for fake jewish 'rebellious' propaganda anymore in 2016?
Didn't Putin arrest these whores?
You have a vid when she fucks in a church I think and she is pregnant.
I remember fapping to it on tync or liveleak but lost the link.
Preferably if you have some long version.
Well, most of our women are just apolitical in general, but we certainly don't have so much sjw chics, Pussy Riot is notable exception.
What else do you expect from those Soros-funded whores?
>no more small breasts
I can pick up what she's putting down, desu.
They are trying to make them more popular for some reason. The music video doesn't look cheap. Wonder where the money comes from.
You need to do something about her Ivan. Don't want your women getting cucked.
>the left actually believes trump wants to ban all muslims and all mexicans
>pussyriot thinks we care
>band named pussyriot does something extreme for attention...again
Thank for apologizing, friend. We shouldnt worry about them at all.
This video is verging on parody of LE TRUMP IS HITLER
When did we just throw subtlety out the window
they played this on that viceland channel in between some shows
I was so fucking confused, it came out of nowhere
Not gonna lie, i hope we become that patriotic again lol. That is UNAMERICAN tssss.
Do any of you Ruskies even like this garbage?
Mute it and Jack off
>be putin
>not putting a hit on these degenerate fucks already
If I ever meet one of these cunts, I'll hold her down and break her fingers one at a time on camera.
My grandfather died in the Holodomor. These fucking kikebloods cut down the memorial cross built in respect for that horror.
I don't care if I go to prison. They will treat me as a prince when they hear why I did what I did.
This really activates my boipucci
Soros can do better than this cunt riot. At least some of the femen cunts were very attractive.
Most of "qt's" too busy looking for man with money (i.e. golddiggers), and dont care about our natsoc games
But yeah you can still find one. I have one
repeating digits for they get put in a headlock again.
Why are they not in the slammer, Vladimir?
Or the gulag? The gulag is a better option.
No. Only kikes and their shabbos goyim support them here.
I think they live in america now.
Only the globalist shills liked and supported those Pussies in Russia. And there aren't many of them.
Ofc. We have liberals too.
I don't even think about these cunts until they're stripping in front of politicians. If they really wanted to sell albums, they could do it like other artists and make music that doesn't sound like shit. But if this is the worst thing coming out of Russia, no apology necessary.
She seems to lack any musical talent. I'd hit it, though.
If they were hot, they would be famous here. Thankfully they look like Russian gutter trash dykes, so nobody here listens to them.
This is now a based Cossacks thread.
There's this vid where these cunts try to protest the winter Olympics and these hardcore ruskie motherfuckers started kicking them in their fetid cunts, shit was cash
What's their foot game like?
> "Meдвeди cкopo вce вымpyт! Mы дoлжны пoддepжaть Meдвeжoнкa! Mы пepeдaдим eмy энepгию нaших тeл! Meдвeдь - тoтeмнoe живoтнoe дpeвних cлaвян! Mы дoлжны coвoкyплятьcя в пoддepжкy Meдвeжoнкa!"
Proigral, kak v perviy raz
Nu ladno, ya poshel fapat, spasibo tebe slovianin za to chto rozvrat prines.
>Trump will holocaust women with small breasts
Are these faggot Marxists even trying anymore?
You have to control your women Ivan
Are you saying a group of Russians are actively assisting the democrats in an effort to influence the election?
I mean, we should
sorry for what? they should be worried about their own country, lol
They need another beating
Putin really should have killed them.
>some leftists whores not understanding a politicians platform or nuance in general
Shocked! Shocked I tell you!
It's funny, they all swallow mainstream propaganda. These "anti-establishment" whores never think for themselves. Just regurgitate misrepresentations of a persons political stance.
Pussy riot.
Pity you sis.
I can't wait to glass you fuckers
>they should be worried about their own country
She lives in USA.
I'm going to kill at least 4 black children because of this video.
>It's funny, they all swallow mainstream propaganda. These "anti-establishment" whores never think for themselves. Just regurgitate misrepresentations of a persons political stance.
So we're talking about Sup Forums, right?
>Pussy Riot is notable exception.
I am starting to suspect its not really russian womens at all.
Just look at pussy riot, they travel all over the world to promote anti-putin message and tell how russia is bad.
I think at this point its obvious they are sponsored by someone rather wealthy and their message its probably not their message but something they get in the same envelope they get money.
Why shouldn't we ban illegal Mexicans?
Looks like cheap porn. Besides.
>Branding someone for being Russian.
That would be under Hill.
wow nice smooth song,
wtf I hate trump now
reminds me of CSS song music is my bf
>pussy riot
Those attention whores are still around?
I don't even know if anyone other then actual cultural marxists like them.
(((((Pussy Riot)))))
Any other songs by them that sound like this?
Pussy Riot hates Putin and wants Hillary to "liberate" Russia. Not surprising in the least.
All mexicans isnt the Same as all illegals
Good one.
Remember that one when you're slurping crown maple off your girlfriends dick.
Why do feminists have a rape fetish?
Yeah, all that mainstream propaganda about how Jews run the world
Well cut out the mainstream part, it's hard to deny this place isn't an intense echo chamber.
You ain't glassing nothing, you're gonna die on the day of the rope!
How will the God Emperor ever recover?
Women get off on submission, feminists want the extreme version of it cuz they're fucked in the head.
>get raped for thousands of years
>only those who fetishize it or enjoy it create offspring by not killing themselves
I thought that bitch was Trudeau
are Ruskie passports good for anything?
yet another instance of "im not relevant anymore so im going to talk about trump"
Seeing most of these Euros that don't know shit trying to tell us what to do. How cringe worthy especially from some fucking Ruskies
If they want communism back they can move to North Korea.
Fuck Pussy Riot. Their supporters are more totalitarian than the people they criticize.
>trying to tell us what to do.
It's simple. Vote Trump. Don't Vote Hillary. Don't be a puppet. Don't destroy us all.
>Let the people in
>Listen to your women
>stop killing the children
Umm does she know that its the current establishment that is "killing the children" in this instance?
Also, who the fuck wants to listen to women who have no respect for the culture of a country?
Does anybody actually like their music?
I mean, even if you're the biggest pussy riot fan because you agree with their politics or their retarded feminism or whatever, you have to acknowledge that their music is absolutely garbage. It's more confused noise than music.
Russian liberals are the least effective humans ON EARTH.
keep those downvotes goin lads
These disgusting skanks are still alive?
Christ Putin do your fucking job already
I thought Soros stopped their funding
Did they get it back?
fucking sellout HeebWhores need to get hit with a billy club until organ failure