Is this literally nothing or are we fucked? I have to say that it reads like propaganda: a weapon travelling 7km/s with a maximum yield of 40MT sounds like Jules Vernes made that up. What do you think? Strange thing is that this is not reported widely and only very few outlets wrote about this.
Russia has set up us the bomb, "Satan 2"
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It's nothing. Hillary will kill us all before it goes online, or we'll be past this point in time.
Dear fucking Lord.
If nuclear war happens, we're all dead.
Hmmmm.... looks like you Americans need to vote for the puppet with no foreign policy experience... yes... good goy...
Well OP, with that maybe you'll stop looking concupisciously to the right side of the Elbes river.
looks like deine mutters dildo
It looks like a huge vibrator.
Unfortunately it does not exist.
Aside from that, not much.
7km/s haut hin, solange die rakete im all ist. in der atmosphäre würden die dinger sofort verglühen.
>40 MT
die stärkste bombe der russen hatte 50MT
The RS28 is just a rocket. It is a bit bigger than the old 1970s RS36, so it can hold up to 15 MIRVs.
That is nothing new. The RS36 can hold up to 10 MIRVs, with a total TNT equivalent of 20MT.
The reason the RS28 is bigger than the RS36 is because Russia wants to cut costs. They can reduce their numbers of required rocket silos by 3 times, cutting back on launch crews and maintenance costs.
>They can reduce their numbers of required rocket silos by 3 times, cutting back on launch crews and maintenance costs.
Good, less silos for NATO to hit = less chance for a retaliation from russia
It was a giant waste of resources on Russia's part.
We now have a half dozen land-based anti-missile laser arrays on the east coast, four on the west coast, three on our northern and southern borders, another dozen inland, and dozens worldwide on the shores of our allies. Each of these is capable of firing a concentrated electron beam with pinpoint accuracy that would easily disable this giant waste of rubles.
We've been prepared for this for over a decade. The era of missiles, especially solo-dependent missiles, is drawing to a close. The future is in lasers, covert weapons and small bombs, and space-based kinetic weapons.
I'm not worried at all. And even Russia knows that a nuke this size would kill them as well as the target. This is nothing but a giant phallus that Russia wants to show everyone but will never have the balls to use.
Would you all like to know why bigger warheads get developed?
It's because Russia's targeting abilities are shit compared to the US. We don't need 40 MT of explosive power on target because only a few MT is enough to destroy whatever it was we were aiming for. This allows for a lighter and smaller weapon, and logistically more can be deployed and launched. It is statistically harder to track and intercept incoming MIRV's when there are a bunch of them in the air. 1 big target is far easier to hit than 20 small ones.
>electron beam
I believe you meant photon beam
I feel very bad for anyone living on the East Coast, honestly. They will be nuclear shadows by this time next year.
>Good, less silos for NATO to hit = less chance for a retaliation from russia
Do you really believe things will go to plan in an all out nuclear war situation? Do you think Russia hasn't fucking planned for preemptive strikes? Do you think the world wouldn't be fucked up if Russia manages to even just get 2 or 3 ICBMS and a few submarines through to nuke America and Europe?
One of those RS28 can annihilate all of the UK, Ireland and part of France. As in no cities left standing.
How is anyone on here surprised by this? Do you even follow military & tech news?
Remember kids, the tech that is being revealed as state of the art is always dated. If we got to see what the eggheads at DARPA are currently slaving away on, we probably would think it isn't real.
>electron beam
Lasers fire photons. And guess what, nukes cannot be disabled by shinning a bit of laser light on them from 300km away.
Interesting. What is the name of those devices?
not even a railgun projectile can reach that speed, let alone a fucking heavy ass nuclear missile
>Is this literally nothing or are we fucked?
It is an upgraded version of the old SS-18 (Pic related is the old one, very similar in layout). The reason for its introduction is the collapse of relationships with Ukraine, where the old missiles used to be assembled and maintained.
So basically, they are moving the production to Russia and as they need to build new infrastructure anyway, they might as well introduce a few upgrades without having to completely reinvent it.
What is more interesting is how close the nuclear warhead stocks, majority of which were produced in the times of USSR, are to the end of their shelf life.
>tfw falling for the retaliation meme
NATO Nukes won't even have enter orbit when russian retaliation Nukes fired up we don't live in the 50's anymore where you can spot a nuke after it's detonation only
You have literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about and it's showing.
You do know that all ICBMs are hypersonic during their terminal re-entry phase right? Not like this is insane new technology.
Maybe in 1970. Military-grade defense lasers fire electron beams now. They work on principles similar to sustained lightning but without needing a charge differential between the source and the target. Focus the laser on it for a split second, heat it up tens of thousands of degrees, then watch it melt.
These missiles are being tested for more than 10 years, and your tabloids need to cover them right before american elections. Hahaha.
>a weapon travelling 7km/s with a maximum yield of 40MT sounds like Jules Vernes made that up
What speeds do you think stuff falling from orbit has? Protip: it's over 20000 km/h
Laser defense systems rapidly heat up the surface of an object. Space has no atmosphere, so the ability of a satellite to shed heat rapidly enough to survive a laser strike is laughable.
They are heat sheilded to survive atmospheric re-entry.
Seit wann reden wir Muttersprache ?
Stop replying to fucking burger shitposters, you're just encouraging them.
You think it's some sort of a new idea or something. Star Wars programs existed for 50+ years or more.
Warheads are heavily shielded against heat, it takes a lot of time and energy to burn through even relatively thin material, won't work with poor atmospheric conditions, and warheads maneuver and deploy lots of decoys. Good luck shooting them down with muh lasers.
The tips and tops of the fins are designed to take the brunt of the heat from re-entry. The sides are vulnerable.
That's a big rocket you have in your pocket Mr. Putin.
oh my god we are so FUCKED
>(((NATO))) Shitting itself because their missile shield worth shit
Too bad Putin is a sionist too...
Metal Gear?
It's funny because u think politicians and figureheads control who fires the weapons. You also believe the propaganda that Russia is weak, which the string pullers tell you for a public supported war.
There are covert wars and public wars. Public wars allow more funding access but we are in the middle of a covert eat right now. Russia is actually trying to sees slate the situation.
>Putin organized huge media forum begging and pleading with media to speak to their people because he's being pushed into confrontation (by Soros btw)
>media brain dead
>realizes Americans are just as braindead
>shows them super burger-bomb
>it's our only hope
Dude what are you on about?
Amplification (by)
Light is made up of photons, which are technically part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but they are not fundamental particles in the category of electrons.
What you see as "lightning" is plasma, the medium through which electrons are flowing, and is made up of superheated air.
And the fact that there is no "potential difference" means nothing at all. Electromagnetic waves aren't bound by the same material parameters as electrons flowing through a wire. It's potential difference is self contained in the field.
Or vote for the more experienced one that wants to sell out her country? I don't understand what your point is.
>7km/s with a maximum yield of 40MT
7KM/s is impossible in the earths atmosphere without burning up.
That's space ship kind of fast.
Pick one
You're correct in that there are anti-ballistic silos but they're only going to take down a handful of thermo nuclear missiles and even they are going to rain down radiation on whatever it's crossing over.
May I remind you that Russia has over 4,000 warheads ready to fire.
IT's been around since fucking Soviet times.
They are ablative and designed to carry a given thermal load. If you add more thermal energy to it than it was designed to handle then it will fail. Re-entry is one of the most vulnerable times, since the atmospheric friction has already done most of the work for the laser. You guys seem to think these are laser pointers or something.
good thing we have anti missile defense systems capable of neutralizing Russian nukes inside Russian territory courtesy of Europe.
The satan-2 has stealth capability. IE you can't detect it on radar. So all those anti missile system are useless.
>radiation meme
The amount of radiation in fusion bombs is negligible.
Dispersed heat of reentry != concentrated heat of a laser gun
Heat of reentry != heat of laser gun
When dealing with lasers, we're talking about a whole other form of matter, plasma. I very highly doubt heat shielding can protect against a laser, unless you have proof of that happening.
>no cities left standing.
that wouldn't really be a loss, as 90% of the SJW degenerates live in the cities. In this sense, a nuclear war might actually benefit humanity.
Electron beams would degrade rapidly in air. And, true, the military might have laser-guided electric arcs (i.e. lighting guns) but that is still in development in the civilian world for all we know. Out of all the known tech, I'd say railguns would be the thing to take down incoming nukes.
Like people before said, lasers would be useless on a rainy, cloudy, or foggy day. Unless they have x-ray lasers, they're not going to reliable.
>can't detect a giant fiery object being shot from a known high value location
>can't detect a ragingly fast object with plasma tails coming off it while re-entering the atmosphere
>Strange thing is that this is not reported widely and only very few outlets wrote about this.
And the one you chose to link us is from a tabloid. Is your whole country retarded or just you?
Electron laser, faggot
Lasers might work on aircraft, but not on an ICBM that was designed to handle the heat of atmospheric reentry.
Dude it's sub-orbital not returning from pluto, the heat shield won't do shit against a laser
First of all, during that "Star wars" craze the Soviet generals just about shat themselves because of the supposed possibilities offered by the laser antimissile defense. So all Soviet warheads were upgraded with ablative protection - specifically against lasers (protection against re-entry is another thing).
And second, even the lowest-yeild warheads (130-150 kt) are set to explode about 600 meters above ground while traveling about 1 km/sec. You do the math - there is simply no time for the laser to deliver any energy to the warhead.
So there is no way in hell any of the current laser defense systems can come even close to destroying an ICMB warhead. Their absolute limit right now is some puny cruise missile that falls apart if you so much as sneeze near it.
Escape velocity of Earth is 11.2 km/s and rockets managed to leave it intact somehow.
Care to post proof that heat shielding can withstand the power of a laser weapon?
>without needing a charge differential
Even if that were true, an electron beam would create a charge differential by definition... I think you're full of shit
Actually photons can act as waves and particles. Do you remember a little proof called E=MC^2
Who gives a shit? We've had enough nukes to destroy the world ten times over strapped to ICBMs for decades. This changes nothing.
Why the East Coast? Shorter distance to the west coast.
fusion bombs don't release much radiation when they explode however they still have large amounts extremely toxic radioactive sources inside them
honestly i'd think it'd more harmful in a long term sense if one of these bad boys got cracked open. Detonation would just result in immediate damage.
You should back up your claim that a laser weapon works with proofs first.
It doesn't matter that it is a horrible weapon designed to kill as many people as possible.
Satan is a rad name.
>Use LASER on a re-entry vehicle traveling at mach 25 hundreds of kilometers away
>We've had enough nukes to destroy the world ten times over
This technology has operationally existed for over 3 years now, sergei.
they can launch over the north pole and hit east coast pretty well too
>using something that travels at 160,000 miles per second
>what is beam dispersion
During reentry you get a superheated air bubble infront of the nose...which is.. plasma
>what is light refraction
>multiple warheads
I'm so fucking hyped.
They are made of paper. How about heavily shielded target at hyper-sonic speed?
So laser weapons can only target the tip of the missile now?
LASERS are shit son it's why your MoD uses kinetic kill variants at right angles to traveling objects.
The whole missile is shielded.
Ahd it tracks at hypersoinc speed?
Why is american propaganda so dumb?
Get your people to hack DARPA for that information.
Hyper sonic missiles aren't a new thing and I imagine that efforts are being made to defend against them using non-traditional means like lasers.
Again, prove that heat shielding can withstand the force of a laser weapon.
Heat shielding is designed to disperse heat right over a large surface area right? So explain how that would help against a concentrated laser beam.
So, is anyone else legitimately excited to actually live out the wasteland life?
>It's because Russia's targeting abilities are shit compared to the US
literally this
where that guy is wrong is where he says US needs "a few MT's"
Well nobody uses megaton range warheads anymore, not even the russians themselves, 90% of nuclear weapons are sub-500kT because its enough and guidance went a long way since the 1960's. Half a megaton is a tremendous explosion which is good for everything you need a nuke to do if you land it close enoug. The big megaton+ nukes are probably still around to ensure you can knock out places like american Cheyenne Mountain which were only ever built to withstand a near-miss. Nothing will survive a direct hit from a nuclear weapon much less more than one.
If you know russian history you will instantly see this as pure propaganda, they once built the biggest cannon in the world that couldn't be fired and the biggest tank in the world that couldn't move.
This is very russian, but its very shit.
>what is beam dispersion
Hey now... I live in the fucking city bub
I mean, technically right now I'm in kraut land, but California has some things worth saving
i am excited for all the super cool weapons everyone has developed, my entire body shivers in excitement just imagining all the amaizing weapons we have created
its not heat shielding you fucking troglodyte its the cloud of plasma a re-entering warhead is sheathed in.
nukes are actually the most vulnerable in space before they re-enter the atmosphere