Trump could still win the swing states Hillary is leading in and still lose the election
Former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
> people on this board are sure he is winning in >the face of all reason.
Former Bernie supporter now voting Hillary. Donald Trump wants to deny people human rights.
He's going pass policies that only help the rich, like his tax plan which equates to Trumped up trickle down economics and only benefits people at the top.
He's heartless and racist with this stupid fucking wall and immigration policies. Repealing the ACA is a step backwards, millions of people will lose their insurance and be unable to get the care they deserve as human beings. He has no experience in creating policies. There's no chance he can win.
>leading in iowa, florida, ohio
>democrats usually dominate early voting
Face it CTR cuck, he is already winning
You guys on this board are delusional. The American public see's what a racist misogynist this man truly is. I know after spending some time on here that these traits reflect your core values, but these are not the values of the American people.
>retard hill shills don't know how to greentext
Shill. Trump can do nothing with the nuclear codes on his own. Secondly; Hillary actually wants war with Russia. Trump doesn't.
>racist misogynist
Only argument left eh?
Racism is a core value of Americans.
>Only argument left eh?
lol! This guy is a climate change denier, and says he wants to grow the economy on clean coal! Seriously?!? There is no such FUCKING thing as clean coal. Hillary is going to grow this economy on the back of clean renewable energy and offer better schools for the entire public. I know the men on this board don't have children, but that's your own problem.
coal is already to expensive, if you add in any extra processing or cleaning of exhaust it would be much more expensive.
But hey, clean coal makes a good sound bite.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
Now where's my 0.5 dollars?
says who?
.50 ? I thought they got a penny a post.
Why is Florida blue?
Stale pasta fuck ctr neck yourself.
Just a single penny!? Wtf, I love the minimum wage now!
because Hillary is leading with a 70% chance of winning FL.
This is wrong on so many levels also you and your candidate were cucked by a shrill old woman who can barely stand on her own without cheating
> former Trump voter
> former
When did you vote for him?