Case of the Diamond Dick


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She was hot, but when she wore that fake wig for the spy scene, she reminded me of leslie jones, it was fucking awful

Her acting is fucking shit in the movie worst performance ive seen in the last year.

This is her "serious and intimidating" look and it's like a child who had they're toy taken away.

Niggas, there are some really attractive black women out there, but that ain't one of 'em. You are all blind if you think she's attractive.

She looked nice with the wig, but Shuri was hot and cute.

I hated her in that last episode of Black Panther and her acting/accent was terrible in the movie so fucking corny and overacted

>This is her "serious and intimidating" look
No, it's not. That's her worried/concerned/sad look. That's when T'Challa is getting his ass beat by Killmonger.





Angela Bassett was the ONLY good looking woman in the entire cast

Nice reply homophobe.
Best looking character was Jordan.
>shirtless and army pants


M'BAKU is 500% ALPHA CHAD. I'd suck the come out of his BBC any day.

>3 weeks of shitposting this movie to follow
it's gonna be a long month

They might have Eddy Puss syndrome

>Thats the ghetto version.

Lupita is cute as fuck



>Good looking woman
Michael B is not a woman last I checked

I still don't get why the catalog isn't flooded yet, we had more threads for Blade Runner and especially The Last Jedi

You now remember him as Dominic from Person Of Interest

Why are they all so man-faced?!

>liking bald chicks

Might as well like men.

>MFW her nipples were poking out of her suit the whole movie

High test

>we had more threads for Blade Runner and especially The Last Jedi
Sup Forums actually wanted to see those movies

Black Panther is a hard pill to swallow, it probably won't get a wide viewing here before a shitty camrip drops. I will be waiting for the digital.

She looks like the girl at Burger King that got pissed when I asked for a second dipping sauce for my nuggets.

I fucking hated her and Shuri. I was hoping Erik would kill one of them in the final battle.

how could anyone find that attractive

she got pissed because you're a fumbling autistic retard who is wasting her time

pls no bully.

You wouldn't understand. It's a zoophile thing.

By definition a woman can't have a man face. Man face would be a face only a man could have.

Lupita's face is extremely cute, but that chest is just sad. I've had gyno bigger than her tits

It's not about the tits man it's about that tight body and the cute face.

black women being attractive is the most popular forced meme

>all the ritual scenes where the royal guards were thrusting their chests back and forth

>being this autistic

"umm actually by definition..."


The lack of black panther threads is pretty ridiculous though desu, when the RT reviews were released a week or two ago we had waaaaay more threads on it

I would like to think this is cos of mods but they're probably too lazy

That was so fucking cringe

Black and latinos in my cinema were cracking up during that

It's a big hit so the Sup Forums-Sup Forums task force has now conveniently forgotten this movie and how it was going to be a big failure.

They were supposed to be like that, right?
I mean, it's also possible that I just don't know that much about african culture or their rituals but whenever they showed their traditions it all seemed so cringey and silly to me.

Seriously? She was great and a believable warrior.

I think she would have done a better job if she was given a comic relief character.
Her exaggerated expressions were so funny that I felt it was a waste that she was playing a character that was supposed to look like someone farted on her face 99% of the time.




I mean, it's a fake made up ritual shit for a fantasy movie.

I was legit diamonds for lupita

her shoulders are sexual

It was all pretty silly and corny.. Everything was overacted with fake accents.

They're all american/british blacks putting on a "fresh off the boat" accent which keeps drifting. It's like making aziz ansari do a bollywood movie but forcing him to put on a shitty english accent.

It's all so weird I feel like if it came out 10/20 years ago it would be called racist if it had a white director

She had some funny/light hearted moments, like when they address T'Challa freezing and she smiles/winks. They should have given her more moments like that.

Who is that Black hottie? Source?


She makes up for it in the ass department

>we will sho u de wae

I literally thought of this fucking shitty meme everytime someone said "the way".


I seriously hope you guys have seen this

>skinny leslie jones
yeah she was the worst character in the movie

Her character was pretty 1D, just a militant black woman. Her husband at least had emotions.

>wears a gorilla mask
>starts making monkey noises
surprised nobody outside of Sup Forums has noticed this

>watching 12 years a slave at the cinema
>scene where white guy is whipping slaves
>stand up in the theater and say "Hey, you know what? NO. That is NOT ok. I'm white and I'm against that."
>get standing ovation from audience
>two qt black girls glance over at me and say "gurl, he kinda cute"
>black guy pats me on the back as we exit

Good lord I want to bury my face in that

His husband is the saddest character in the movie
>be frontier dude
>everyone in Wakanda lives in a futuristic city with flying cars and shit while you live in a shitty hut raising rhinos
>some white dude kills your people and steals your shit
>king doesn't do shit for 30 years
>king dies and you don't challenge his son for the throne because you like him
>white dude whom you hate shows up and new king promises to capture or kill him
>he escapes because the king wouldn't kill him because "muh exposure" or something
>feeling betrayed, you support another candidate, who raises to power fairly and legally
>your gf and the royal family tries to overthrow him because "muh isolationism"
>protect your king
>get fucked and your people get killed
>your gf forces you to surrender like a cuck
>go back to living in your shitty hut and raising your shitty CGI rhinos

who dat

>>he escapes because the king wouldn't kill him because "muh exposure" or something
>>feeling betrayed, you support another candidate, who raises to power fairly and legally
I dont get why Black Panther didnt just tell the council his uncle was responsible for the Claw attack and that Killmonger was helping him earlier. The last king of Scottland would have backed him up.

>these fucking shills



what about you?
did u laugh?

An African tribe actually does that in real life.....forgot their name though.

I googled Zimbabwean actresses and models and literally all of them were better looking than Danai Gurira

well done user, you're a hero

Yeah, halfway through it was way noticable

>models hotter than attractive actresses
Wha...? No way!

The hottest person in the movie was fucking MBaku.

*gorilla noises*

>own a bunch of slaves
>one of them beats the odds and is actually kind of cute
>go out of your way to ruin her body
For what purpose?

modern filmmakers think people back then wasted a fuckload of money on slaves, invested in their living quarters and food just to break them all the time so they couldnt work

you know, like you do to a car

(to be fair tho that movie is good and that scene makes sense in context and is pretty good)

..blood diamonds are bad user

made me want to see the dominic arc again

the retarded director don't know how to photograph women

This t b h

if you can orgasm to blacks its time to go back

>we can't let the refugees come here. they will bring their problems
>we can't help the slaves, the blacks in war zones, the famine in Africa because we will lose our advantage over the minorities
>set up the first outreach center in the country where blacks have the highest amount of privilege just because they are in that country instead of fixing the problems of Africa

how BASED is T'Challa