Why didn’t Dee Dee have any hips?
Why didn’t Dee Dee have any hips?
What is this from? Looks like fairly odd parents but im sure its not from that.
you have to be 18 to post here
because she was like 12?
it's b8 you idiots
It is Steven Universe
Steven Universe I think
>i must know every old show from every era
no its not
idk what the show is either
Just ignore these virgins who obsess over shows from the 70s or whatever
Because her mom has all the hips. There was none left.
Post the whole thing if you're going to post anything at all dingus.
It was a better time
damn...really made me think.
this is obviously fake
So they could desexualize her as much as possible cause they had the foresight to know the degenerates you psychos would grow up to be.
damn som, you just requesting incest r34 arent you?
These aimators get off on this, why do you think they made Penny so hot?
Shes a child her tallness compared to Dexter makes people think she is a teenager.
t. brainlet
They're supposed to be opposites in every way, so Dexter is short and shaped like a box and Deedee is tall and shaped like a stick or something.
You just need to be 18
Enjoy your ban
But I'm 31.
Because she was actually Dexters mentally damaged brother who crossdresses.
No shit dumbass.
Shut the fuck up before my penis hears you
>Tfw male with wide hips
Should I just do myself in lads
>get booted from nu-ppg because she's not considered a positive female role model for young girls by the nu-writers
>having the main characters twerk is perfectly fine though
I don't think this image is accurate
major baldcuck cope
lmao that's a fake gif
Cartoon network hadent realized the power of rule 34 yet so they settled to have an animator with this zany weird style that represents how autists see the world.
Just post the source and nobody gets hurt
What's funny, is that one of the reasons she got booted, is that she's faceless, as her head hangs off the top of the screen in accordance with a visual running gag in children's cartoons that goes back to at least the 60s.
If you mean her tiny torso in general, to emphasize her "ballerina" traits with long dancing legs, and to contrast her with the non-athletic brother
If you mean secondary sexual characteristics, because she's like 12
>Dexter's dick is bigger than his leg
Uhm, I need the source of this
holy shit really?
>mayor is a complete incompetent fool
>Ms Bellum spends her time fixing his shit and running the city
>but shes not a black crippled tranny hambeast so its sexist
I want off this gay earth
bullshit my balls are the size of planets
>This kid was born after 2001
Really? Didn't Bellum actually manage the fucking city while the Mayor was just a loveable man in distress? Fuck I even remember one time when she beat some dudes or something
Also Wait a minute do they really twerk
I refuse to believe anyone was born after 2000. Like, what the fuck.
Sounds like to me they were too lazy to come up with ways to keep hiding her face.
No boobs allowed.