He's such an attention whore.
Spoiler alert, he'll release it even if Trump doesn't win
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AIDS in the hole!
wtf i love hillary now
Yes, you are, Milo.
I despise this degenerate faggot.
It's even worse since Im associated with him because I'm gay.
He has a long face
Reminder, that if the whole world was male and gay and could produce more gay males, we'd be 100 years more advanced than we are now.
Prove me wrong, hun! I'll wait.
I would imagine that endless sex with no effort would slow down the rate of advances made by humanity
>dragons exist!
>prove me wrong faggots!
Wtf I hate Trump now.
I wonder if Milo has AIDS.
That's true.
I wish someone could develop a way for gay men to have children without women.
We could go somewhere and declare independance. A country only for males.
so sick of this faggot, I'm voting Trump but the one good thing that will come from him losing is this literal nigger fucking kike homosexual fading into obscurity
The only good Jew is a dead Jew.
We should use this kike's entrails as mortar in the wall. But we'll have to make sure we wear hazmat suits while handling them, because he most likely has AIDS.
Is that a black guy over his shoulder?
The only reason he has done any of this is for money & attention. Only good this to come out of Trump losing is that less people will care about this fag,
Jesus Christ he must be attention starved
member when he was a suit, calmfully and logically argueing against femnazis on british tv? that guy totally lost contact
a .
wait, milo is hated here? since when? i like when he btfos feminists
Did I miss something, besides he is a faggot why does pol hate him? I mean I love the videos where he bashes leftshit, blm, transnigger etc.
Okay so tell me which one is /ourguy/
Which would you rather have?
Forgot pic
I wanna throw him of a building
He's jewish andhe takes black cock everyday.
Also, he probably has AIDS.
Sure pooloo go back to faggditXD
t. Ismail
Alright, now I'm interested
This kike stole everything about Sup Forums and ""alt-right"", and he's making it worse.
Fuck off kid
only aspies and stormfaggots hate milo, but some are just shitposting
he was only ever used to give the """"alt right"""" some form of protection from 'le homophobes' attacks. once that no longer helped he was cast aside
eh, I silll have time for him
get in here
This disgusting coal burning fag needs to be castrated.
I don't hate Milo he's just annoying and an attention seeking degenerate. He latched onto the gamer gate movement and now he's trying to latch onto the alt-right all for popularity.
The dick has been planted.
Fuck so close
Milos ok. Only someone like him can do what he does. Plus the guys got bants power and makes me laugh.
Milo pls u r better than this
He is OK, but he isnt funny at all.
the same musical intuition the beatles had was shared by members of nirvana. something noteworthy, when someone who has this gift begins to have influence and starts creating art in a social-political spectrum, they end up dead.
Would Milo have just remained an unknown journalist if it weren't for Gamergate?
What's the title of milos sex tape again?
>Another guy says he will release unheard Wu-Tang singles if Trump wins
Not like funny ha ha, but the way he can just btfo sjws. Like that time he was giving that big speech about feminism: walks to the mic, checks his notes, says 'feminism is cancer', and walks off.
Ah, you mean "situational funny".
Yeah, I agree with that.
I remember one that he was showing on the screen the DVD cover of some gay oprn and someone on the audience shout out if he has done a porn movie and he said "I was a young girl and needed the money". That was funny as hell.
But those forced laugh he do often when saying something that it should be funny but it isnt its a deal breaker.
Hi, Milo
M8! Don't call me hun!
fuck off Milo
Until one of you catches HIV at least.