ITT: Movie ideas based on the autistic self-insert fantasies you have before going to sleep
Don't even pretend you don't do it
ITT: Movie ideas based on the autistic self-insert fantasies you have before going to sleep
Don't even pretend you don't do it
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i dont want anybody to steal my ideas
I had a dream I led an alien race with technology that allowed my fellow aliens to disguise as humans. I eventually went on a murderous rampage, giving all the human forms from people that I had killed to the other aliens.
>what is self-insert fantasy?
like Lewis in Edith Finch?
I'm a superhero called Xenith.
I was 'given' the powers by god
by which I mean I obtained them and he just stood there in (human form) and let me.
not even a godfag but If I'm getting powers I'm getting ones from the top.
I use the powers to fix the world's ills
I stop ISIS
redraw the borders of African nations so they match the ethnicities
I reunite north and south Korea
I save Chinese baby girls from death
I encourage industrialisation to lift people out of poverty.
This is the most reddit post I've ever read on Sup Forums.
>autist tries to fix the world's problems but he has no idea what they actually are so he just does retarded thoughtless meme shit that doesn't actually help anything
Could be a funny dark comedy
what would be more effective?
I picking 'meme shit' because there the most well known.
>tfw entire world in my head spanning several continents and thousands of years
what re the problems?
are you gonna say the jews?
>tfw just started doing a bunch of drugs and drinking a bunch because society mistreats me for being autistic/antisocial
>normanfags actually treat me slightly better for it
>don't have dreams anymore, don't have "autistic self-insert fantasies" to think about before going to sleep
>just pass out when I'm too tired to drink any more
great pic
Well, there's this kinda comedic superhero parody that I sometimes think about that's be sort of a combination of 60s silver age comics and 90s anime about a teenager in a fictional californian city (in a world technologically stuck in the 90s) who gets super powers from a magic artefact and uses them to fight an assortment of quirky villains, including a seapunk themed surfer gang, a comically incompetent bimbo supervillain with a plastic surgery theme and the forces of hell led by a devil whis depiction is mostly based on Al Bundy.
But I think all of that stuff's way to specific to appeal to anyone other than myself.
>A movie about an alien invasion but the ayylmaos are not your tipical grey aliens
>They are inmortal human lolis that don't grow up
>Their ship looks like a lollipop for massive triggering
>The resource they want is our semen
>Women panic all over the globe
>The men say it's not technically pedophilia cause they are thousands of years old
>The earth females unite and form a single global goberment that bans interespecies sex
>The lolis begin their attack against the independent womyn army
>None of them know how to use a tank or a fighter, the battles are priceless
>The loli army destroys the world roastie goberment without a problem
>Every user gets their own loli harem
>The fertility rate jumps to 2000
>Every race, nation and tribe on earth secures their future and finds a place for their children in other planets
>The loli space empire conquers the whole galaxy fueled by nothing but neet semen
>The end
I want an answer to this. I've also imagined using powers to influence governments but I've also thought that would just cause resistance.
This is basically a superman fantasy. During WW2 they dropped stories of him defeating the nazis because in real life they would be there the next day. This wouldn't have this writing limitation.
what the fuck dude
roastie detected
what about helping catalonia gain their independence
yeah possibly, the people wanted it
you could make a list of countries a superman figure could help. I'm taking a semi-realistic approach to this. I think if a super hero existed he wouldn't be able to reach disasters in time. They would arrive just after it happened. Which still could be a good thing, finding people buried in rubble for example. It would be more practical if he raised the quality of life for people on a big scale.
Multibillion dollar twenty something genius (he has a technology company) unlocks the secret of unlimited energy. Then, an alien ship arrives to Earth, informing us that we've been put on the list of "fully civilized planets" and, thus, are no longer protected by integalactic federation of invasions, war, etc. Genius, who has a robot butler, now has to lead the war against alien races that want to conquer Earth. There would be battle scenes, but the focus of the film would be on the diplomacy with aliens, as the genius boy plays with several races interests.
this has potential to be an interesting series
>average kid but desu wanna die because no pussy
>sing my favourite song in front of the whole school in a talent contest
>everyone suddenly thinks i am a pretty cool dude
>my hot crush asks me out
>get famous later on from singing
holy shit that's fucking kino