There is no knowable meaning in life...

There is no knowable meaning in life. The only way to happiness is to create in your mind a higher power and though it train yourself to be unconditionally loving of others and accepting of your own misfortunes.



This is a weird Lincoln ad

It's the reasonable conclusion as weird as this sounds to normies.

You always pick the wrong colors. I thought for sure you'd have enough information by now...


why need for higher power?

god is an extension of people's need for a father figure


Meaning is a human creation. The only meaning of life is the one you make for your self.

in the context of the OP, the higher power is why you accept your misfortunes and are unconditionally loving

I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

Because we dont know everything and the higher power creates a wall for us to give us something to stand on.

Has it ever occurred to you what our universe is? What is outside of it what i existence without time? We are such small things user it helps the idea that something larger is in charge.

that's a narrow view

things dont usually have one answer

do you mean accept that your misfortune is caused by this higher power? seems like thats just a way to not take full responsibility for your actions, pass the blame etc

To project a central order and establish meaning of the self. Faith in God is an active choice to accept reality as beautiful, interconnected, and good, while exercising the humility man needs to save himself from consumption of the ego.

And the father is the most important relationship a man can have, if he has a good one. God is more than a father though, as paternal kinship expresses exclusion (like any material kinship). Kinship with God is expressing universal belonging, and accepting all that the self experiences as good.

If there is no immortality, the Liberal believes, one can still lead a civilized life; "if there is no immortality"-is the far profounder logic of Ivan Karamazov in Dostoyevsky's novel-"all things are lawful." Humanist stoicism is possible for certain individuals for a certain time: until, that is, the full implications of the denial of immortality strike home. The Liberal lives in a fool's paradise which must collapse before the truth of things. If death is, as the Liberal and Nihilist both believe, the extinction of the individual, then this world and everything in it-love, goodness, sanctity, everything-are as nothing, nothing man may do is of any ultimate consequence and the full horror of life is hidden from man only by the strength of their will to deceive themselves; and "all things are lawful," no otherworldly hope or fear restrains men from monstrous experiments and suicidal dreams. Nietzsche's words are the truth-and prophecy-of the new world that results from this view:
Of all that which was formerly held to be true, not one word is to be credited. Everything which was formerly disdained as unholy, forbidden, contemptible, and fatal--all these flowers now bloom on the most charming paths of truth. [4]

The blindness of the Liberal is a direct antecedent of Nihilist, and more specifically of Bolshevist, morality; for the latter is only a consistent and systematic application of Liberal unbelief It is the supreme irony of the Liberal view that it is precisely when its deepest intent shall have been realized in the world, and all men shall have been "liberated" from the yoke of transcendent standards, when even the pretense of belief in the other world shall have vanished--it is precisely then that life as the Liberal knows or desires it shall have become impossible; for the "new man" that disbelief produces can only see in Liberalism itself the last of the "illusions" which Liberalism wished to dispel.

seems like that is just passing the buck

Absolutely. And a higher unifying power is the ultimately the most satisfying meaning to create. Faith is the invention of God.

how else could you ever accept that a loved one has been killed by a random event?

passing the blame might not be the most logical thing to do, but it will often make you the happiest.

would you rather be happy or logical?

Guess that explains why so many black people are religious

This guy's book is off the chizzain everyone on Sup Forums should read it, Evola also had some criticisms of Nietzsche as well.

You ever done that? You look in their eyes, even in a picture, doesn't matter if they're dead or alive, you can still read 'em. You know what you see? They welcomed it... Not at first, but... right there in the last instant. It's an unmistakable relief. See, cause they were afraid, and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just... let go. Yeah, they saw, in that last nanosecond, they saw... what they were. You, yourself, this whole big drama, it was never more than a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will, and you could just let go. To finally know that you didn't have to hold on so tight. To realize that all your life - you know, all your love, all your hate, all your memories, all your pain - it was all the same thing. It was all the same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a person. And like a lot of dreams, there's a monster at the end of it.

>Kierkegaard posting under anything but the Danish flag

>I get my views on life from Wikipedia

Way to go christfuck


There is a reason Nietzsche mourns the "killing of God". The only way to resurrect him is through the power of human choice and imagination.

"Meaning in life".
What a meaningless term. Leave this to the true philosophers. Metaphysical "meaning" is not necessary for one to live with a purpose, nor is it necessary for a code of objective ethics. The facts of reality, which are knowable by our consciousness, are all we need in order to establish these.
>Inb4 hedonistic nihilist
Holding man's life as his standard of value and his moral purpose is anything but hedonistic.

In eternity, where there is no time, nothing can grow. Nothing can become. Nothing changes. So death created time to grow the things that it would kill... and you are reborn but into the same life that you've always been born into. I mean, how many times have we had this conversation? Well, who knows? When you can't remember your lives, you can't change your lives, and that is the terrible and the secret fate of all life. You're trapped... like a nightmare you keep waking up into.

It's like in this universe we process time linearly forward. But outside of our space time from what would be a fourth dimensional perspective time wouldn't exist. And from that vantage could we attain it? We see our space time would look flattened. Like a single sculpture of matter and super-position of every place it ever occupied. Our sentience is just cycling through our lives like carts on a track. See everything outside our dimension that's eternity. Eternity looking down on us. Now to us its a sphere but to them its a circle.

That is only if you view the passage of life as unpleasant.

If you can't know anything, how can you make a preemptive assumption about needing to train yourself love for other humans?

> inb4 science needs philosophy bullshit

i've never personally benefited by blaming others for what happens. some things are just out of your control,shit happens you know. blaming "god" doesn't change reality even if makes me feel better. nothing wrong with deluding yourself, just seems immature

In other words: if Man thinks that he can create truth himself, then such truths only have the binding power and authority of the one who has created it. But since Man is mere creature who dies, then the truths of the Liberal subjectivist will also die with him. Thus the Liberal lives within a bubble of supposed meaning and power, but that bubble collapses in the face of Eternity.

Why then do Liberals and Nihilist's fall for their delusion? Because they think that the contents of their brain are true, or even truth itself. They are deceived by their own brain thinking that whatever they think and reason is truth. But the brain is only a material organism: it cannot create Eternal Truth. So the Liberal and Nihilist is deceived because he does not understand the nature of the brain and the nature of his reasoning.

When will the Liberal/Nihilist penetrate the delusion of the brain in relying upon its content? When the gun is pointed at his head. Then no amount of self-made belief can countenance the reality of his mortality.

Prove it.

Actually he doesn't have to. That's the point of his post: meaning for him is purely subjective. His belief is enough for him to function in the world. That's all he's looking for, and his belief enables him to do it.

By asking him to "prove it", you are asking him to refute his own subjectivist inclination by correlating it with an objective truth. He won't accept because of his pre-suppositions.

In any case, the subjectivist will end up in a bad place because he will have to believe that auto-erotic stimulation and porn is just as good as an authentic relationship due to his belief that it's all in the head anyways.


>That's all he's looking for, and his belief enables him to do it.

Well no, believing something of reality to be the case does not case does not make it so in reality. He needs to assert that there is no objective meaning and he has the capacity to assert subjective meaning. Without the capacity to objectively assert subjective meaning we can't say the OP is truthful at all.

meaning of life is knowing what my last 3 digits mean

He's truthful, just not right/correct.




Where is OP's pic from?


In epistemology, truth is ascertained one way through correlation with reality. "I see a tree" and there is actually a tree.

But "meaning" is abstract. Thus, how do we know we are "perceiving" meaning, how do we know that it is meaning, ... etc.

It might be better to start with the basics: what does OP mean by "meaning". At this stage, I would wager this: meaning for OP is just any ARBITRARY INTENTION WRT HIMSELF AND HIS LIFE THAT GIVES HIM A SENSE OF SATISFACTION.

It's vague like that: he wants a sense of satisfaction, and the belief he has conjured up yields such a goal/desire. Thus the objective condition he looks to satisfy is "personal satisfaction". And the means he has come up appear to actualize that.

The distance between where he is at and where you are at is the distance between a vague sense of "personal satisfaction" (him) and the acknowledge of an esthetic of value/good that includes "eternal truth" (you).



>train yourself to be unconditionally loving of others and accepting of your own misfortunes.

I achieved this over a period of a few years of experimenting with drugs and reading existenstial philosophy and learning about quantum physics and the nature of reality.

I don't feel angry or sorrow or misfortune at my position in life, and I have no hatred in my heart for people, even those who would trespass against me.

My higher power is humanity and our DESTINY to colonise the stars.


The only other option is dealing with a meaningless universe.
But you can't, because unlike animals and plants, you're consious. You don't want to be meaningless, so you become depressed.
And then you turn to hedonism.
But feeling good isn't the same as being happy.
So you become even more depressed.

>the only way to be happy is to be blue-pilled

Lol who buys Lincolns anymore? They're ugly as sin.

RIP Town car.

Meaning, meh. The 'why' you were born was to assure provisioning to your mother from either your father 'new daddy' or the State.

The reason you were born was because you offered value to other person.

Yes, there's no meaning to life. Aside from perhaps seeking revenge against those fuckers.

Seriously, why would you even need a meaning in the first place? Existential nihilism can be overcome by realizing life can and should be lived for its own sake. Some people find happiness in a family, children and loving wife and others in adventure and danger. You just gotta find what you always wanted and work towards it because #YOLO.

Well that came out of nowhere, good post. My intent was to just to loop from intentionality to objective meaning.

I think you're likely right about the understanding of meaning by the OP, that's an effective way of grasping people who have simply grown up with existentialist thought without assessing it critically.

It seems you are saying:
1) Either there is no truth/meaning, or
2) We have to create it in our minds like OP.

You are leaving out the 3rd option:
3) Truth is out there, and we as intelligent beings can RECEIVE it.

But what does it take to RECEIVE truth/meaning? By this, to perceive it when it arises and to recognize it as such.

It's possible, but it's difficult.

Consider: how much time would it take a person to understand quantum physics at a good level? Assume 4 years of study. Then if we take "meaning" to be something just as fundamental to existence, how much effort would we need to come to grips with it?

Or you could just say that you can live without understanding "meaning" just the way that 90% of the world does not properly understand quantum physics and we would still be OK. All we really need is to have "full bellies" and "empty heads".

No: there is meaning, and it takes effort, and in the end it will cost us because we have to submit to it. But that's the rub: we don't want to put in the effort, and we don't want to submit to Truth, just as many people don't want to study (for instance) quantum physics b/c it's just too effort. Knowledge is freedom, but knowledge requires cost of effort.

Wise chocolatier here.

For a few years before I achieved "nirvana" I was trapped in a depressive cycle of nihilism and pessimism.

It is hard to break out of until you understand the nature of the universe and our place in it.