>Former A list actors who will never star in a good movie ever again
Former A list actors who will never star in a good movie ever again
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No shit, he's 74 you fucking retard. Most people retire at that age.
Scientology ruined him.
Used to love his movies and grew up with the fresh prince.
See this
and you could have it all
>thinks scorsese has made anything good in decades
It'll be shit, trust me, he can parade all the corpses around and he wants and play Just a Swing Away all he wants, but it'll be shit.
since scarface he only does Tony Montana
Hard to believe he hasn't had a hit since I Am Legend over 10 years ago
Hancock and MiB 3 were shit and now he's co-starring in capeshit
They haven't been in a good movie since 1994
Afterbirth sunk his career
Blame his weird kids and racist wife for ruining his image
Bright 2
He’ll be fine
he doesn't allow the movies he signs on for to be good. he forces script rewrites to make his character more prominent, and more like his own personality and mannerisms.
he was really great in The Wizard of Lies. He can still put in a fantastic performance if he makes the effort, he just doesn't seem to give a shit anymore.
Will smith is an anagram for white slime
idk if he counts as A list but he is def super washed up.
Jeff Bridges
Anyone watch 6 Degrees of Separation, finnily enough, I know someone, who knows someone, who knows Joe Biden, which is kind of strange.
>True Grit
banderas did that thing some do where they switch to children's material while their kids grow up.
Sometime between doing Spy Kids and all those Shrek sequels he really ruined his marketability.
i mean, yea
i still like him tough.
he is making like 6 movies per year now.
prob has to pay the alimony
>takes 60 million dollars for few minutes in the capeshit
He is fucking finished I tell ya, impeached even.
That is because for whatever reason, people always put him into action hero or sexsymbol, while i doubt that he was ever any of those thing. He is just a guy, who can act somehow decently, so of course that when he got older they stopped putting him into those two categories.
I liked Bright although it didn't end like a proper movie should. Felt like a made for TV Part 1 sort of affair considering they didn't cover the magic shit at all. Considering they'll be delving further into the mythos surrounding it I'm genuinely looking forward to the second part and further ones if they start really fleshing shit out.
>A list
Would you at his age? Fuck it.
That doesn't make sense, since men become even bigger sex symbols when they get older.
You know what I'm just going to say it.
After Earth was better than I Robot.
After Earth just didn't get reviewed fairly for the type of story it was.