C'mon guys, get a frraking reality check! It's 2016 and humanity is still supporting climate change with fossil fuels.



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Eat shit brainwashed inbred nigger
Global Hoaxing

I don't see how destruction of the planet benefits white people

Great post hans

Climate change is a zionist propaganda to make niggers come into my country because it's cooler there

I would seriously get rid of any animal that isn't useful for us..

YES! like mosquitoes

Do you not understand what a food web and ecosystem are?

>not useful

Anything that reduces nigger population is useful.

No, humanity support clean nuclear power, but green faggots prefer fossil fuels.

>what is an ecosystem?
delusional idiot

fuck them

Is this bait?


I like You Peru :D


is this?

Poaching, deforestation and dumping of harmful chemicals are doing more problems than natural climate change.

Man-assisted climate change deniers are really the only bait that make me reply all the time on Sup Forums. Can't handle faggots who really think global warming is fake.

so guinea worm and mosquitoes are our friends then? who knew?

The #1 threat to wildlife is Third World idiots breeding without thought and destroying the very places where they live.

Decolonisation was a mistake. The West ought to run the world, and things would be going great for the natural world if we did.

There are numerous theories about shrinking the Sahara and other deserts with wildlife and grasses. If you want to save wildlife in say Africa, the problem is Africans and people who buy poached goods.

amen to that

>humans are the center of the universe

Typical americuck post. Not every part of the eco system has to aid humanity in a direct way.

>There are numerous theories about shrinking the Sahara and other deserts with wildlife and grasses.
Would be hard. Current plan is a giant array of solar panels in the sahara. At least, that's how it is in Morocco.

I dont know about where youbarevbut here it's true. They want renewable energy that's extremely inefficient causing us to rely on more fossil fuel power plants instead of a smaller number of nuclear

Pollution. Human bullshit.

It would, but in the long run it would restore the Sahara as a semi-usable piece of land. Solar power requires rare earth metals and minerals to make. It's not environmentally friendly.

Hint: Shut down the factories and stop cutting down the trees.

>wildlife trade

the groups that prohibit it are the reason rhinos and elephants are fucked

>standing up for literal parasites and carriers of disease

everything seems to be in order

Tbh senpai this is the chinese fault. They keep grinding tiger testicles into their elephant soup and eat it with rhino horn so they can produce many offspring to get shark and dolphin fins for hemroid treatment.

They murder everything.

I am so tired of this.

We are HUMANS, we take/demolish/and destroy everything we are on. The only correct way for us to do things is planet hopping or a giant web of planets being used.

Many fuck heads keep saying we must stay on Earth and "fix it", the only way we can fix Earth is by not being on it for a while.

It just sucks that liberals thinking killing the human race is better than colonizing mars or space.

We're next. They will be hunting us soon enough.

>in the long run it would restore the Sahara as a semi-usable piece of land
And would take enormous terraforming/engineering costs. I don't think you understand how big and arid the sahara is.

The only similar project I know of is a "green wall" at the southern border of the sahara in order to prevent further desertification into central African countries like Burkina faso, and it's more about prevention than reforestation.

Obviously Jews are the center of the universe, Goyim.

Engineering. Earth Corp.

>politicians use climate change as a method to make themselves and their lobbyist friends money
>the only logical solution to climate change is nuclear power, yet no one wants to invest in it
>yet for some reason, scientists are still surprised people doubt it when their only exposure to it is from corrupt as fuck politicians and businesses

maybe if they took it more seriously people would believe it. I think it's happening but the people who want to fix anything about it are being drowned out by the idiots backing wind and solar power.

this has been on libshit agenda for like a decade and they have done not one thing to try to slow it except yell at white people


> 2016
> Believing in these globalist propaganda

>white people
the only phrase they know

I understand. I don't think Morocco should do it alone nor do I think that black Africans should benefit from it.

>cutting down all the rain forests.

>rain forests
Sure you can find a funny plant or animal but aside from providing us with expensive woods they're fucking useless.

The "answer" to climate change was known back in the 60s and 70 long before it became a "movement" and every special interest piled in with its own agenda and story.

The whole problem goes away if you return the rain forests to 1900 levels and stop cutting them down.

Politicians know it, scientists know it, even the general public know it, yet it is politicians failure to do it which leaves us where we are today, with carbon taxes, bullshit "clean technology" which costs more and isnt even clean when you take into account disposal costs.

Nice hook. They provide all the oxygen, atmosphere, and pollution filtration.

>The whole problem goes away if you return the rain forests to 1900 levels and stop cutting them down.
This is not the only problem. Industrial pollution scales up, and after a while, not even the rainforests will be able to consume such an enormous amount of CO2. That is why we have carbon taxes and clean tech in place.

Carbon taxes are starting to become pretty effective. Most clean tech is bullshit (mostly because we don't want to use latest-gen fission reactors since we invested a lot in outdated ones).

We could've had fusion reactors 20 years ago if we seriously invested in them.


World wildlife could fall by 90% and humanity would probably still be fine.

>They provide oxygen
Now I know you're just parroting propaganda. A forest in a temperate climate provides decent oxygen/consumes CO2, the rainforest produces almost as much CO2 as it consumes. The real hero is algae which has the best CO2 consumption to O2 production.

Fuck global warming for 2 very good reasons.
If the meek shall inherit the earth and the meek just so happen to be muslims and SJWs then they can fucking choke.
of which half will probably own a car in their lifetime.

A human being breaths out the same amount of carbon dioxide per year as a typical family car that is insured for 15 000km or 40km/day.

Whats the point of cutting down when niggers cant stop breading.
Whats the point of carbon dioxide quotas when immigration is out of control causing a future population boom.

Fuck global warming - fuck the environment - we are all doomed anyway.
My car is big and it has a big fuck off engine and I drive to have fun.

For the sake of this discussion, climate change is 100% real and proven. It no longer becomes if climate change is real, but at the rate of the change. Can we do something about it? Or are we doomed to crash this planet with no survivors?

If we have time, would it make more sense to put more research into renewable energy costs and efficiency instead of immediately "you have to have x amount of solar panels right now?"
If we don't, and there is little we can do about it, why does it matter?

What this user said. Let's just planet hop. Even with the theory that we will never be able to reach something beyond this galaxy cluster, that's still a seemingly infinite amount of planets.

You're an idiot, what is oxygen. We need balance in the world, rain forests exist for a reason. Though global warming, climate change, whatever you want to call it is globalist propaganda. That being said, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't change our ways and take care of our planet. We only have one, at least for now.


then we need an algae rain forest

The best way to increase life on earth is to produce more CO2 so more plants and trees grow so more animals can eat them and then eat those that eat them

>yfw NASA evidence suggests that man-made climate change has already reached Saturn

We're fucked, m80s

Just kill all the animals so they stop eating all the plants :^)

Can anyone with any skills search the archive for a climate change thread with some based Russian (I think) explaining that the density of CO2 makes it impossible to act in the way the world thinks it will. I can't find it.

Anthropogenic global warming is a fairy tale that leftists tell themselves when they virtue signal.

Will the Chicoms adhere to environmental regulations? Do they do it now?

> Rain forest producing oxygen is now kike propaganda.
The earth is perfect if it spawned rain forests, its for a reason. I agree with your statement on algae, but that doesn't make rain forests irrelevant.

How in the fuck is that even possible?

What, we littered it with probes?

>Rain forest
Why are you so stuck up on that. The vast seas can be used to grow algae on.

>We should change our ways and take care of out planet
>The world is holy and we shouldn't alter gods work
Fuck off creationist. The world needs to be in constant change or else evolution would just stop. Darwinism ho!
Besides, climate change is a natural thing and shouldn't be prevented. It has happened before and this is just another cycle.

>Muh extinct insects

Elephants are still there, go fuck yourselves, greenies.

fucking alivers

>the woods are expensive for humans
>the woods are fucking useless
>the animals and plants just exist for being funny for us

Are you sure Denmark is first world?

All of the animals on the Earth could die out right now and I guarantee you humans would be able to adapt within less than a year.

trout will be trout

Climate change isn't destructive; it will just make for more rain and shorter winters. Agricultural output in the Anglo sphere will increase, and rain will fall on the Sahara. Global warming is the best thing to ever happen to us

Humans have no effect on climate. Climate variation is driven by solar variation.
Communists & globalists are just exploiting the myth of AGW to push their agenda and make lying scammers like Al Gore rich.

Climate Change is a result of pollution and deforestation. There are other results as well, such as lung cancer.

Climate Change is a political bullshit term. How about Earth Wrecking.

When I said "expensive woods" I mean the rare lumber you make exotic furniture from. Not that woods are expensive, they can pretty much take care of themselves. I also only implied that rainforests are useless.

If every single plant and tree was wiped off the face of the earth it would have zero effect on climate. The only thing it would wreck is the terrestrial food chain.

The Food Chain is breaking. Whoops!

why the dichotomy between man vs nature?

mankind is a product of nature. man-made climate change is no different than those caused by natural causes. don't be a faggot.

>>humans are the center of the universe
We basically are the uberspecies until some other species takes us out

this is hilarious

guy sounds like a hippy and he destroys the global hoax snake oil sales men

So 99% caused by niggers cutting down all the trees to burn or poaching the animals

But push Climate Change meme and blame whitey im guessing

>If every single plant and tree was wiped off the face of the earth it would have zero effect on climate.

look at this fucking retard and laugh



What the fuck is that? The mating cry of the shitskin faggot?

>that one racist in the middle

> We are going to colonize planets.

Right. Look at all the interstellar travel research projects going on. We must be only weeks from a breakthrough.

>Mankind will die in a month
Think big user, hundreds if not thousands of years are nothing in the big picture.

>m-m-m-m-muh environment

I don't have time to give a fucking shit about the environment, I work in a grocery store, I barely make rent every month, I don't even own a car, I am not even part of the fucking problem and you want me to take time out of MY life and go on some activist crusade against polluters? Do you live in fucking reality? Do you understand how many more important things there are than the fucking CO2 percentage in the atmosphere? I need to put fucking food on my table, I need a roof over my head, I need to heat my home in the winter, I don't fucking care about elephants in Africa or the Ausfailian coral reefs, I care about my job and being able to fucking SURVIVE on a weekly basis.