What's the in-universe explanation for why no one used a hyperspace kamikaze before? And what's the in-universe explanation for why it was required that a human stayed on the ship while it crashed?
What's the in-universe explanation for why no one used a hyperspace kamikaze before...
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You fucking misogynist! REEEEEE!
Obviously because she's a dumb broad and couldn't figure out how to work the auto-pilot.
This makes sense actually, I can also imagine her not letting any of the male pilots "mansplain" it to her.
autopilot probably wouldn't allow for to plot a course through objects.
because she's badass!
I swear we've had this thread every day. Does this scene really trigger autists that much?
There isnt a canon in-universe reason yet. Until we get one you will just need to make assumptions.
Personally, I assume it's because of all the factors that need to be considered for it to work. It IS canon that both ships need to be big enough for it to be successful, but on top of that, you would also need to take into consideration the ship would need to jump at the perfect angle or else it would go flying off in a different direction. Not to mention that the collision needs to actually be before the ship fully disappears and enters hyperspace, but after the jump has begun. That means both ships would need to be a very specific distance appart.
Would all need to be perfect for the collision to be replicated. I think Holdo probably just got lucky.
We have not had this thread already because every time someone asks this no one replies. People just talk about the jewish agenda and all that. Sure that makes sense and all but what about the answer to the issue from inside the movie's universe?
on the upside, she's gone. in the grand scheme of things, we had to endure more screen time from Jarjar.
genuine question. Do you not want the rules of a film's universe to make sense?
it is against the space geneva convention.
I do. Or at least in the case of star wars, they created the illusion of making sense back in the day and I hope for that to continue happening.
but you can send a protocol droid to do it.
>both ships need to be big enough for it to be successful
an xwing would be more dangerous than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
>Would all need to be perfect for the collision to be replicated
what do you think would be harder? hitting a military vessel or getting into orbit of a planet from the other side of the galaxy. because nav computers can already do the later. every single one of them.
Makes sense
star wars has never been consistent or """""made sense""""" in the way you pedantic autists pretended it did
I love how booty blasted this movie made you fucks, Yoda burning down the tree and telling Luke (and by extension, the audience) to stop being so prissy about in-universe autism because that's not what stories are about was beautiful
Maybe it's against their programming and they didn't have any hackers on board
disney has basically destroyed the ot in ways the eu never managed even after hundreds of books
they have get the lightspeed and use it to make every scene in the ot useless
>he thinks the yoda scene was deep poetry
Ironically you are reading so deep into that scene that you became the autist yourself.
nice trigger discipline you dumb bitch
shes crashing this spaceship with no survivors
DESU you need a really low iq to understand TLJ
The movie is not subtle, you're just too triggered by le evul disney jews to engage with the movie or you're genuinely stupid
>An Xwing
Xwings are too small. The way hyperspace works in star wars is like a sort of alternate dimension. An Xwing would pass through another ship like it isn't even there.
Entering orbit from hyperspace is a totally different situation. Hyperspace is a map of precharted lanes and roads to avoid major collisions. When a ship enters a planet from hyperspace, it is doing so at a specific spot in a hyperspace lane. Not all planets are charted to allow a ship to exit hyperspace in it's orbit, but the ones we see in the movies typically are.
This is all canon btw.
I engaged in the movie while I was in the theatre and I enjoyed it. The hyperspace never been used before thing didn't bother me while I was watching it.
Now if you are against discussing movies at all just get off Sup Forums. Unless you work for Disney for free or something.
>"look at me, I'm so meta!"
There is none. It is a massive, massive, massive, massive plot hole that even the most hack fantasy writer would not fall into.
Absolutely fucking disgusting and a disgrace.
The Chinese were absolutely correct that this film was an insult to the viewer's intelligence. Hollywood has switched to the Common Core version of film making.
JJ, stop posting here, nobody will tell you how should you fix this mess.
You don't have to like it, but to pretend TFA and TLJ aren't meta is just showing you stupid you are
I mean how the fuck can you claim the movies aren't being meta to a degree when this character exists
Size wouldn't matter AT ALL. Also you could easily have a net with ball bearings spread out on wires that a A-wing drags towards the target. You could take out a square mile or more, depending on the size of your net.
You could wipe out planets.
It is world breaking and stupid. Star Wars is dead.
>Star Wars has been destroyed and it is beautiful (if you disagree you are a nazi)
Yeah I agree with this. There's no way around it.
This is the best explanation so far: >it is against the space geneva convention.
It does though. We have a canon explanation that the size matters.
I'm not going to force you to like it, but you can't ignore facts
nothing about star wars makes sense. You think we are actually going to have world war II fighter planes in space when we inevitably engage in space combat irl?
dogfighting is dead among currently existing fighter plannes, why the fuck would that transition to space, especially when zero-g functions nothing like in-atmosphere?
Why would size matter? An A-wing sized Torpedo that flies into position then activates it's hyper-space drive could take out imperial ships. It'd drive a straight through spike through the entire structure.
This is the most beautiful post in the Sup Forums right now. Thank you user.
The same reason we haven't swapped to giant planes with hundreds of missiles yet
Here's your explanation, you autists.
Why didn't the Empire just FTL bomb Alderran with a single droid manned Star Destroyer?
The Death Star probably cost 10,000 Star Destroyers in material and credits.
All right, here's am explanation I came up: The hyperspace jumps shifts the ship on a different spectrum of time and space, making it capable of passing through solid objects. This leads into a possibility of jumping inside a planet or any other large object, which obviously leads into a destruction of a ship.
Now, with this principle in mind, any ship can be used to make a precision jump inside a vessel, but the calculations for this level of precision take a lot of time and the possibility of a direct hit levels in low percentage, hence it's not often used, if not all, as you do need to hit on something that will cause a total meltdown, if you want to take out something as big as a Death Star.
This is different. This isn't the manner in how combat is done. I mean for christ's sake the Jedi use a sword, you could kill one with a .308, your bullet would just turn into a molten hunk of metal as it passes through their light saber and drives home into their skull.
No man, this is not how they fight but the rules that make up their universe. This is simple stuff that comes from fantasy, which is what Star Wars is.
If you've ever read fantasy you'd realize there are lots of dumb-ass shit like what you said - however they go to great lengths to not have dumb, backed into corner things happen like what happened with Star Wars eight episodes in.
The way hyperspace works prevents you from colliding with planets and stars. Han explains this in ANH.
An Xwing would simply fly through a massive ship or planet. Again, this is said right in A New Hope by Han
By canon explanation you mean the planets thing right? That planets get in the way of hyperspace travel if they don't take specific routes and stuff.
Kek check out this guy he thinks we will exist long enough to have space battles
They're still writing the canon book that explains it. Wait a few months, then you'll have a chance to exchange your $$ for answers.
Well they DID write a book explaining why Phasma betrays the First Order when Finn has her at gunpoint so this Holdo and hyperspace book could totally happen.
Actually, wait until next month for the novelization
Oh so that's what is happening in that webm.
A writer doesn't get bonus points just for making meta commentary on a setting's inherent silliness if the movie is unenjoyable.
A pasty-faced darth vader fanboy who has autistic shitfits may be clever and is representative of the negative part of the fandom, but at the end of the day you'll still end up with a pathetic main villain who people don't take seriously.
Kek, imagine if Holdo actually was planning to just run away and hope the FO chased the transports but instead became a kamikaze hero.
You still wouldn't kill a Jedi because the Force would give them the ability to foresee and dodge.
Its illegal and against treaties based on what you are allowed to do in war, showing the rebel scum have no care for the laws of the galaxy in their mad desperate lashing out at the First Order's attempts to bring peace to the galaxy.
What webm?
>kylo is bad because he isn't le badass xDDDD
I suppose her character is supposed to be some crazy bitch that is actually clueless about war but only got her title because she's friends with Leia. I hope the canon books which I won't read don't contradict this.
better yet, why does a fucking admiral have pink hair?
She's friends with Leia and no one is allowed to question her.
>villain is bad because he isn't threatening
Or to use a droid
>he isn't threatening because I can't use him as an escapist fantasy where I murder all of my bullies with a lightsaber
They didn't dodge order 66. They wouldn't dodge a full magazine.
Star Wars is dead. It's for the pretending females and their disgusting beta orbiters now.
What is the third movie in this series supposed to even be about? What are the stakes? What has been built up? There is a Mary Sue and a 'bad' guy.
>Blocking such a huge combat advantage
>and my bullies are younglings
I haven't seen any of the latest films, but I saw all the old ones and new old ones and was in that EU like a motherfucker.
When a ship jumps to "light speed" its not going faster than light but going into another dimension where speed/distance are different. A ship has the same speed exiting hyper space as it does entering. Stars and planets create mass shadows in hyper space that destroy ships there. The Supremecy probably doesn't weigh enough to do that, but might have hyper mass generators which may no longer be canon.
Anyway, Admiral Triggered Hair might have went to max speed then did a micro jump to get close enough to the enemy ship to ram it and not get destroyed by long range fire or them manoeuvring out of the way.
Thats what I like to think happened
>Anyone who doesn't like nu-wars is a virgin LMAOLLMOLOLOL
Then you could micro jump a torpedo inside of the enemy ships.
It's probably really hard to aim something going into fucking lightspeed
but it would go against the rules of war!
Idk about the rest of Star Wars but I read some of the Poe Dameron comics and they stress a lot that the First Order and the Resistance were in some sort of cold war before the events of TFA and they were very afraid of shooting each other because they really wanted no trouble. And actually the Resistance is always the one that breaks the rules and shoots first. I hope the story keeps building up on this because I like the idea of the Resistance being some sort of terrorists that can't be reasoned with and who are actually the ones who have no code of honor or anything like that. I mean the First Order is bad and all because it kidnaps kids, allegedly, but the Resistance is not the opposite black and white good guys like the Rebels were against the Empire.
>asking about lightspeed kamikaze
>not about how bombs could be dropped in zero-g or how tracking through light speed became a thing
Just because the guy throws temper tantrums and is conflicted doesn't mean he's not dangerous. He's pretty badass in TLJ, tbqh. You didn't think his fight in the throne room or singlehandedly destroying the entire Resistance fighter fleet while spinning (it's a good trick) wasn't cool?
script, that is the only correct answer, it`s fiction, get over it you fucking asperger cunt.
The 'your a nerd loser' for not liking nu-wars is not a valid argument.
I don't mind the tracking through lightspeed thing so much. It wasn't really "tracking" from what I understood, they just calculated every possible destination through brute force and then somehow checked each one to see where they were, right? Or something like that.
As for the bombs, I don't mind either. They aren't really "dropped", they are fired downwards using the fake, generated gravity of the bomber itself (same reason you can walk inside a ship in Star Wars) and then they keep flying towards the target because of their inertia, or using magnets or some shit.
I'm also strictly sticking to the idea that physics in the Star Wars universe are simply different than they are in our own universe. I mean they can use the Force over there so it's okay if physics are different in general too because they have different rules.
Well, you'd have to stick a hyper drive and nav computer on it and still your chance to hit a moving target would be astronomically improbable and then the missile would just be running into the target. .. whic you could have done by keeping it in normal space to begin with. Hyperspace =|= teleportation.
let's not discuss any fiction ever again then
which is why I chose to actually engage with you, and then you chose not to refute anything despite this. fuck off
She's so powerful.
Yeah a torpedo the size of a tie fighter or a wing is not hard. It could be a tie fighter or a wing converted with a payload.
If it's so astronomical then how did Holdo do it?
stories are not about in-universe wiki autism, they are about characters and theme and the ideas that you take away from them and pass on to other people
star wars is not real, quit obsessing over the minutia of hyperspace physics and the literal word of the sacred jedi texts
Actually, just realized my description is literally what "dropped" means but still I think it makes sense if the ship has its own gravity inside that also allows the pilot to walk around.
You people just need to realize if it was a male character who did the hyperspace ram, none of you would be complaining, its only because a woman did it that anyone has a problem with it, same with not telling Poe the plan, had a man done it no one would care.
Why? because it triggers your autism?
>mooooom they are talking about hard stuff again it makes my head hurt, tell them to stop!!!
>He's pretty badass in TLJ
All movies are made up bullshit so if you don't want to discuss it why the fuck are you here?
Even documentaries are for the most part made up bullshit or at the very most twisted representation of reality.
That was a woman? I thought it was supposed to be a tranny? Are you sure?
I can't speak for everyone but ironically I would be more pissed if they used a male character to do this hyperspace kamikaze nonsense. I liked Holdo as a character and I would have hated the hyperspace thing in general regardless of who does it. But it was more interesting seeing a character than her than a generic male admiral, or even worse, a male SJW admiral (a gender swap Holdo).
Because it detracts from discussion of the Star Wars FILMS as FILMS and instead degenerates discourse into wookiepedia autism
>tracking through light speed became a thing
Bobba Fett / the Empire was able to track Solo after he did a jump by placing a becon on his ship during the second film
>its not minutia of physics, its the question why no one has ever used widely available technology as a superweapon or why it will likely never be done again. its like finding out any cars gas tank could be converted into a megaton bomb just by driving your car into a wall
like her* not than her
i definitely made that a quote on purpose, u got trolled bro
How's your Saturday, Rian?
There was an entire war with one side using nothing but droids.
>I can't keep my worldbuilding straight even though I'm a literal billion dollar franchise so I need a bunch of online shamers to protect me
It's disgraceful.