What's the most disturbing, thought provoking, unsettling black pill a man can take, Sup Forums?
What's the most disturbing, thought provoking, unsettling black pill a man can take, Sup Forums?
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There is no knowable truth. We choose unhappiness and subservience. Faith in God was our only chance, but our capability to accept it is growing weaker and weaker. We are becoming consumed by solipsism.
I saw a video here yesterday of chink women taking apart boiled aborted fetuses for to feed to people. People are scum. Find God. I found the Orthodox Church.
There is no meaning in life.
Existence is absurd.
To live is to rebel against the absurd; man must give meaning to his life.
Man must fine joy in the act of creation, not in the creation itself.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
>There is no knowable truth.
Sure there is, and are.
White people fought a war to free you.
The south was full of Jewish slave owners. Yet today misinformed retards still pretend the south was something "white" and "christian".
Truly shameful, that the Southern kike puppet state caused so much bloodshed.
The archontic infection. This chan is exemplary of such technology.
The white race will die out in the next hundred years
Not that bad. Jesus's sex cult did the same thing when they accidentally knocked up a broad. Better to reabsorb the nutrients. Strong jing.
That absolutely nothing matters.
Seriously the issues we face have arisen time and time again and they will continue to do so forever more until the universe dies.
You're nothing more than a cloud of atoms that has temporarily gained form and consciousness, in less than 100 years you will return to dust and your name will more than likely start fading from peoples minds and all that will really be left of you will be your name buried in a few hundred computer systems with information on who you are and the atoms that composed you being cycled through the lungs of other people before the same happens to them.
You're nothing more than a dead man 50-80 years ahead of his time.
The world is too far gone. Things can literally never be the same again thanks to left wing cucks who've fucked their countries for the greater good.
Millions of migrants are now here to stay and they'll keep voting for the left wing that lets them get away with anything. The natives of these countries never will rise up because they've been indoctrinated to avoid racism at all cost. Even the ones who are no longer affected by the label of "racist" still will never actually discriminate no matter how far they're pushed by invaders. Eventually we'll all become minorities in our own countries and the west will be lost.
We are animals burdened with a sharp capacity to understand the nature of the universe.
But we are doomed to be trapped by the limits of our flesh, emotions, and susceptibility to irrationality and evil.
We are doomed to be aware we will never be better, only we will repeat our behaviors forever.
That is the saddest black pill, because it offers no way out, only an alarming truth.
A single family owns the world
going to need a link to this
It's not butter
But God does not exist, brother.
I know it's a difficult and unsettling truth that you avoid acknowledging, but it's the reality you are born in to.
That pain you feel when trying to grasp at this truth, is part of you growing from the knowledge.
Pain is growth. You are a better person for accepting the truth.
kek'd and check'd
Thanks, Camus.
That nothing really matters, and all our fighting and struggling is in vain.
That we're all just cattle, and death is the only true escape.
That happiness in not a feeling but a moment.
All life equates to a shriek of pain in the darkness of space.
You don't know that. There is literally nothing you could do to prove that statement, and your positive assertion of it as a fact is therefore utter bullshit.
The "blackpill" Ian just edged autist 20-something who are wallowing in nihilism
God is the light and the way in the darkness
>God not real
Yeah, it's so unsettling to know there isn't a giant cosmic creator out there.
Of course it would be far better if his divine hand were present to oh I dunno, drown some people, smite a few cities turning their residents to salt right?
I find it so fucking bizarre that people actually want God to be real, he's nothing more than a petulant fucking child with an ant hill and a magnifying glass, he could give us all the sugar we need but instead he so often seemed to be in favour of pissing in the ant hill.
Western civilization isn't a thing. White identity isn't a thing. This pan-european bullshit being pushed in the alt-right is pure kikery. The values and interests of the anglosphere are not those of Scandinavia or the Balkans. We share little in common and have no history of unity. Don't let (((them))) fool you into thinking otherwise. We may share a common enemy, but it doesn't it make us one people.
Natural selection favours the lowest quality humans and we are devolving fast
We still call them fingers, but the knowledge of how to fing has been kept from us by the establishment.
Do you guys still think Christianity is cucked or was it just a meme all along?
coal medicinal
Orthodoxy is not cucked, and it is not a meme.
You can say the exact same thing about your beliefs, thereby nullifying the argument completely.
Thus you have no point in believing in something that is a concept only, and in practice does not exist.
Same for you.
You can pretend and play make believe all your life, but nothing will manifest itself to 'prove' to you that your faith was justified. Ever.
Maturing isn't age, it's looking at your question from a different angle and seeing something different.
Step away from your blind faith for but a moment, and you will see that you were only fooling yourself.
A big black cock
That things like genocide and slavery are not objectively wrong, but a moral wrong we decided ourselves, and thats fine.
There is no life, there is no reality, you don't exist. Your concept of self is merely a momentary manifestation of particle interactions.
Ohh ahah--good one. Utter nihilism then--why use words? You don't attribute any meanining to anything, why use words to express any essential meaning you say they don't have, hypocrite?
hot tip to everyone ITT: nihilism really isn't disturbing, thought-provoking, or unsettling
>inb4 600000 sophomoric attempts at existential despair & absurdity of existence
Enjoy yourself while you are still in the pink/enjoy yourself, its later than you think
I didn't think anyone here ironically worshiped dead kikes on sticks and quoted Semitic desert scriptures...
This tbqh famalamadingdongsupercalafragilisticexpialidocious
Being edgy is easier than being happy.
>pic related
Alle leben ist kampf
You don't choose the black pill. The black pill chooses you.
That this thread is really a competition to see who's the most edgy.
The girl you like poos and pees
Happiness does not exist. Gratification is your brain's way of tricking you into keeping yourself alive long enough to reproduce.
The ultimate blackpill: Your own body deceives you.
(((Talmudist/Nazi controlled opposition detected)))
> why son of carpenter got so important and influential
Nietzsche plz
base 10 is bullshit
Humans are fucked.
We're all hapless, unreasonable, easily manipulable fools, chasing one pointless fantasy after another.
Any notion of human perfection, purity or strength is a blatant lie we usher to ourselves so that we may sleep at night.
In reality, each and every one of us is a slave to our own fears and compulsions, from the lowest gypsy to the most influential jew. We endlessly try to con and, cheat and and subdue each other, most often becoming the victims ourselves.
Only those who undergo just enough shit to begin to know themselves and less than it takes to break them will ever stand a chance to know themselves, their shortcomings and their true wants and desires. And out of those, only a strong few will ever manage to resolve their meaningless conflicts and chisel themselves into something truly beautiful, truly powerful, or truly perceptive. And that takes more effort than they can ever give.
The rest of us are failures, purposeless husks with twisted and entangled thought processes, living blindly without either purpose or appreciation for the things happening around us.
I've been talking to all sorts of people for a while now. And the more I listen to them, the more I work to keep them going, the less faith I have in all of you cunts.
On the bright side, Sup Forums probably as the largest amount of people with the potential to overcome the brain damage that the normies suffer.
With love: a Psychologist.
P.S. Most of the shit you believe in, from your religion(any religion) to your retarded theories on honor, dignity, personal competence is nothing but a bunch of processes in your head. That's the simple and painful truth.
How's that for a pill?
>Joseph raised a child not his own and actually believed its from god.
You tell me...
you're a shit psychologist
God does exist. Atheism is just a modern day excuse for hedonism and laziness. Only religion can save the NEET.
How so?
but does she do that in the loo?
But she'll never allow me to eat it.
>step away from your blind faith
I'm positive you've grabbed the wrong end of the stick on this one pal cause I'm an atheist.
boys have penises
girls have vaginas
And what's the appropriate reaction to this observation? Bitterness and reclusion?
You need nearly perfect genetics to experience a life worth living.
99.9% of life is suffering and coping with it.
Surviving is not the same as living, and most of us were only given genetics that allow us to survive.
Didn't mean to trigger you.
>binary gender
The 19th century called, they want their outdated patriarchal oppressive thinking back.
atheism is exactly blind faith
Life is pretty good. If you actually thought the benefit of living wasn't worth the cost you'd off yourself.
No matter how well you do your job or how much money you make, there's a chance you'll get
Alzheimer's and then die.
I like Camus's philosophy
If you don't hate womyn yet you are bluepilled
>Inb4 hurr get laid u loser
Franklin cover up
I'd actually argue the complete opposite. There is an objective principled reality by which God and man operate from, and we have a responsibility to understand it. The implications of that far outweigh "there is no knowable truth"
Almost, Sup Forumsro. Some boys *are* vaginas:
I was wondering what the fuck they were doing. Normally that'd sound ridiculous, but if you mention they're Chinese it makes perfect sense.
Considering the regional historians of the time were writing about municipal matters at length and not about the son of God, it's reasonable to assume Jesus never existed, and was made up by the Romans to placate the Jews.
look its that roastie poster again
I'm starting to think that. Or to believe that.
I think that's another reactionary and contrary position for nowadays cultural mindset.
Maybe that's why they call it "believing"
you can catch a neurological disorder at any point in life, at any age. for no clear reason and there is no obvious treatment for those type of disorders
>There is no knowable truth.
But how do you know that, then?
How do I get over the solipsism black-pill? It makes me anxious.
You just prove my point, either way. I'm not scared of you. Your master is a pathetic pretty-boy.
a lot of people fear death
but not dying is much more scary
The demographic shift of Europe. Even peripheral places like Ireland are starting to feel it.
There wont be any white people left in 100 years unless something is done, but we don't have the stomach to do what's necessary.
lmao, your inability to break from a centuries old idea of 'God' without tossing the whole idea of a cosmic designer/creator is amusing. Yet another assertion of a person's undigested past and small understanding of a vast topic onto whole swaths of humanity.
This shit is so old, I'm surprised people still fall for it.
No it's not, I don't believe God is not there, I'm absolutely sure of it, I don't take it on faith because I understand a principle called the Onus of Proof.
What this means is that the person making the positive claim, there is a God, must substantiate it. It's impossible to prove something doesn't exist by very definition you'd have to scoure every inch of the universe before you could say conclusively that God is not there but I'm sure of it for the simple reason that every single thing in the bible regarding Gods actions are horseshite.
Secondly can you explain the physics behind God? If he's capable of interacting with us and our world then he must be an actual object with mass and physical characteristics. Also how does one explain the omniscience and omnipotence bit?
He's a convenient figure and nothing more, present to explain why things were the way they were, why the rains came at certain times of the year, what the stars were etc. Gods, monsters, demons and the like are nothing more than mans first attempts at science and ways to explain the world around them when they lacked the tools to find out for themselves.
Believe it if you like, I have no qualms with others and their beliefs but don't sit there and pretend you have some sort of high ground.
Why did nobody post the only true blackpill?
>still living in fucking la-la-land
We are all just a combination of memories. One moment to the next always moves back into the past as a memory. The moment before you die, your entire existence is just a memory. After you die, the idea of the person that was you, never even knew they existed.
Beyond that, your family and friends die never having known they existed either.
Nothing you do matters. There is no greater meaning to life and the universe. No purpose. No matter what you do, it will end the same. There is nothing awaiting you after death. No paradise or judgement. Just oblivion. It will be as if you were never born, and eventually, all you were will be forgotten.
I would guess you didn't make anyone feel better. You just sucked the life out of humanity like any vampire would.
For me it's that at the end if it all it's everyone for themselves. After X is killed, there will be a power struggle between Y, after Y is gone there will be struggle between Z etc. All the way until it reaches (you), however that doesnt mean you shouldnt cooperate to bring down X and so on with other "variables".
Whites are the real niggers
Hillary will be president
God isn't real
Except that life is in itself proof of god.
You already know this though. Keep up with your cognitive dissonance, hopefully the depression will kill you.
>What's the most disturbing, thought provoking, unsettling black pill a man can take, Sup Forums?
That there is no such thing as the black pill, and anything other than RED or BLUE pill is an attempt by the jews to pollute the pure meaning of the red pill.
I think proof of extinction level cataclysm is the ultimate pill. something wiped us all out. maybe several times, its going to happen again
>There is no knowable truth
Thoughts exist.
You wanted a black pill. I provided it. It's Sup Forums, I'm not gonna care about breaking anyone's happy little world. Not gonna get bothered to try and make it propaganda either. It's just the truth.
As for the appropriate reaction, I'm not sure there is any. You get the choice to start working on your problems and persevere until your head either works flawlessly or pops off, or you could just become satisfied with your self the way you are and live like you have so far.
Neither is of them is either right or wrong.
But who knows, maybe somebody will get some ideas and start growing.
> placate
Actually the ultimate black pill is that anyone who claims to have the ultimate black pill is a liar.
The ultimate black pill is that we can never know, in this life with 100% certainty, what the ultimate black pill is.