How about this: It's too late.
I'm not talking about presidents, nations or a specific conflict.
I'm talking about the fact that the past showed that no revelation, no leak, no whistleblower,
no war, no rebellion and no revolution prevented the billionaires club from rising to power,
buying - and now owning - everything and become the shadow governments of the world.
To me this is not a tinfoil hat theory, to me that is just plain fact. We can argue how much
influence they have in specific regions, or if they form one government for the world or are
as split up as the nations. We can argue if there is a greater plan, or if they just want to
make money. We can argue if they are really monitoring everybody, or if they just try to
have as much influence as possible while not achieving it in Orwellian dimensions.
But we can't argue that every major government has been run by those with the most
money, and not the ones we voted for for decades, right?
You can start from the world wars, go to Pearl Harbor, go to Vietnam, to Korea, go to the
Cold War, to Kennedy, to 9/11, to Afghanistan, Iraq, Wikileaks, NSA... It is always the
same. As soon as something seems like we might have a glimpse of how the world works
the sacrifice some pawns, maybe one of them, till the masses are quiet again and go on.
The rich guys club has done this since we don't know when. Maybe they fight each other,
maybe they don't work together or maybe they are some fucking reptilians from Mars
planning it all since acient egypt. It does not matter. It is always the same. The win.
Especially today with all the joys of the digital age and consumerism they have more
power than they ever had at their hands. Nothing can change this.
As often said before we are the 99% that is not in the club. Therefore we know nothing.
We just run from election to election, from leak to leak and do exactly what they want.
Nothing will change. Why should it?