Why is Sup Forums threatened by women?
Why is Sup Forums threatened by women?
Hes right desu
I just donʻt like them, because they never gave me the time of day, and they think they should be on. mans level when they donʻt contribute or do nearly as much..
And here are 6 reasons why that's a good thing
a board full of coddled snowflakes who will never replace their mother
This is the 2nd thread about this. Why Sup Forums
>Abrams said the sentiment resonated for him on many levels. “We’re not asking to take away the male point of view or male artistry or male contribution,” he said. “We’re simply saying, ‘What is fair?’ I can see why people might get freaked out by it, but the people who are getting freaked out are the people who are accustomed to that privilege, and this is not oppression, this is about fairness.”
funny, I don't see JJ stepping aside to let a black woman direct the next Star Wars movie.
>*makes your movie kino*
Why is no one supporting /ourgirl/ ?
Don't worry, user. They'll come around once they realize they need a nice guy. :-)
I hope Jar Jar chokes on his teeth. Fucking hack fraud. If you defend The Farce Awakens you deserve to be homeless.
Itʻll be too late then, I donʻt want some used up roastie whoʻs approaching 30 and needs a beta provider.
>you don't like ghosterbusters 2016? you must be hating women!
>you don't like TLJ? you must be hating women!
is the left mainstream media completely retarded?
weird since nobody complained about female characters in Rogue One
>threatened by women?
Nah motherfucker I just hate them
Considering how badly one of them captained a ship, yes. Definitely.
>Threatened by women
>Not one female character in Last Jedi is shown being likeable or competent or who's actions make any sense
>Why is Sup Forums threatened by women?
Women had made StarWars so much better!
I'm threatened by shit writing and poorly hidden agendas.
>talentless kike shills for other talentless kikes
To be fair you don't contribute much to society either.
The Last Jedi was shit and Star Wars is dead, give up
God I hate The Last Jedi so much.
Force Awakens had a shit ton of flaws, but it's a masterpiece of cinema compared to this piece of shit.
I contribute more than women, the least they should do is offer me sex
>kills off beloved character
>makes awful movie
>blames viewers claiming they're threatened by women
I am not threatened by women.
I am not interested in women.
I want young and handsome not tranny manjaw marysue, ugly guy and was-handsome-when-he-was-younger-but-not-handsome-anymore.
TLJ is unironically the gift that just keeps on giving
Could you ask for a better trainwreck?
I mean really, could it have gotten any worse?
Answer is fucking "No!"
Just the sweat spot of normalfags are upset with the sequels to cause this type of backlash from disney and everyone involved. Just the right amount of people so that Rian keeps shitposting and digging his grave on twitter. Just the right amount so JJ starts talking shit as well like a child. Its just so perfect.
It's about equality created by chopping off the successful at their knees, same as any other commie ideology. You don't make things equal by elevating the bottom you lower the ceiling instead.
I didn't like the Last Jedi
>Of course you didn't you racist, misogynistic nazi
very exclusive.
very cool.
>I wanna jerk off to Star Wars
Just watch some porn.
Wimen are evil!
They're pretty and the smell nice, but they deceive us with their feminine curves and lustful embraces.
Why do they assume people hate the characters because they are women and NOT because they are shit characters? If Rose was male, it still would be a shit character. If Holdo was male, it would still be a shit character.
I voted for Trump mostly due to the fact that women have gotten too much power.
I won't sugarcoat it, I'm a 35 year old virgin due to feminism. Because of Obama and the liberal agenda, women are taught to be sluts and fuck every Chad out there with a nice car. But the guys like me? I don't spend my money on fancy things, I like anime, and my disability prevents me from working out or going out to bars and clubs.
But now? women will dress modestly again, and look toward men like me. I have a stable income from Social Security, I live in a safe neighborhood with my elderly parents, I'm straight edge, and I'm a nice guy.
Sorry for the rant but this shit really drives me up a wall. I think the next 8 years are gona be a nice return to the gender politics of the 50s, which were way more balanced towards men AND women
No no it was the russian hackers
Folks, this is all a marketing angle. Disney has openly handed the new Star Wars franchise over to a new audience. The ultimate proof of this is Mary Sue Rey and Admiral Holdo.
Holdo herself is a gigantic FUCK YOU to every male Star Wars fans for the past 40 years. JJ is just doubling down on the marketing agenda, and pandering to the new audience by saying stuff like this.
And I gotta say, I don't blame him at all. You faggots deserve this. All you did was shit on George, shit on the prequels, and watch absolute fucking garbage like those Plinkett reviews. The very fact that Plinkett reviews exists is more than enough justification for Disney to say FUCK YOU to the entire traditional Star Wars fanbase.
I don't like the new direction Star Wars is heading in, but I'm glad it makes you fucktards so unhappy.
>stupid goyim, you have to like what we tell you to like
Nope. I'm just not interested in watching shows and movies that do not have young and handsome main characters.
>giving a shit about Jar Jar Abrams' opinion
Kill yourself
The prequels were shit movies, there is no arguing this. However, they still did feel like Star Wars, they did expand on the universe and added to it rather than taking away from it. The setting, general plot and some of the cinematography is nice, but god damn it is surrounded by some of the shittiest crap ever. I don't blame George investing in the CGI, progress requires risk and failures. I do blame him for poor directing of actors and plot contrivances. I will give him the benefit that he was passionate and if the prequels were all a mix of TPM and RoTS, I would've enjoyed them more.
I'm just hoping he is doing what he said he was always going to do when Star Wars was over, make his own indie movies. I want more stuff like THX 1138.
>abrams cites criticisms like leia suddenly being able to use force to move in space and holdo not listening to poe as proof critics hate women
>abrams focusing and smokescreening gender and ignoring fact that criticism is someone suddenly uses force and someone did not listen to poe and not it's a woman and that the scriptwriter is the one who put these women in these situations not the audience
they can't intelligently refute the criticisms so they use the gender card
>I'm straight edge
I think I encountered that phrase before. What does it mean?
When it all it takes for your entire career to be destroyed is to be accused of rape by a woman, and she doesn't even need proof, yeah
I feel threatened by women
no drugs, no alcohol
is that really all the executives, or is that some bullshit press shoot for female empowerment? either way its embarrassing the state that the franchise is in, and even more embarrassing that women think they have achieved something by taking a property from men and making it shit
Thank you JJ for removing any reason I had left to watch Episode IX. I will be proud to tell everyone I know that it was the first numbered Star Wars movie that I ever skipped outright.
JJ has given us the gift of freedom. Do not squander it by paying to see Episode IX, or Solo for that matter. We can finally stop pretending that The Force Awakens was good, and finally stop pretending to have hope for the next movie. Nu-Wars is dead and JJ has given us all an open invitation to dance on its grave, just like Paul Fag did with Soybusters.
the reason i didn't like Last Jedi wasn't because of the woman in it, it's because those women were part of a story that was, dumb, retarded and made no fucking sense in regards to the larger SW story
what's hilarious is how the pushed and screamed about how Last Jedi was sooo diverse and "womyn empowering" and Rogue One beat it by a country mile in both of those regards
It's amazing how these people do not have any kind of self criticism and see themselves as beyond any possible defect.
its what you deserve for not trying hard enough to be chad-like
Chads arenʻt made, theyʻre born.
>The prequels were shit movies,
No they weren't. Fuck off RLM.
>Do not squander it by paying to see Episode IX, or Solo for that matter
Almost everyone here will see both movies, yourself included.
They were great lore expansion pieces but as movies, they had shit acting, pretty bad cinematography outside of some very nice shots and plots that go nowhere. That said, the settings and the base ideas are very nice.
I will watch it on stream, mainly so I can complain about it without giving it money.
If I watch it will be a shitty camrip. I'm not giving Disney a dime for it though, not with the way they and their creators have abused me.
who do you mean by Sup Forums?
because the Sup Forums i've seen wanks itself silly over any actual decent female character
just make a good movie. everyone loved TFA so your argument is moot you dumb retard.
Sounds like he's preparing for 9 to go down like a lead balloon when no one cares about saying Rey defeat Kylo Ren for the third time.
Fuck off, I'm not giving Disney a cent.
I criticized the Last Jedi before the Force Awakens was released, fuck that bastard child of Martin Scorsese. TLJ was a pile of garbage.
Even if this was true.
By the end of the OT, there were 6 main heroes (7 if you include Wedge, which I do, go fuck yourself) they include 3 white males, a white female, a black male, and a fucking dog male. Even with all the diversity of characters getting close to equal screen time, especially in Jedi, like 90% of Star Wars fans were males.
It's very clear that the overwhelming majority of women on the Star Wars hype train don't really care about the world. What they care about is taking something that men love, and make it for them. And even while doing that, something like 70% of movie goers were males.
They tried to take something men love and make it for women in an attempt to:
1. Further an increasingly popular SJW agenda.
2. Increase their fanbase by banking on point 1 while getting the female demo.
3. Live out the fantasies of one powerful female.
What happened:
1. They increased their fanbase by a very small amount.
2. The fanbase that used to see the movies several times only went once.
Now once again. Instead of making a good movie for the fans they're doubling down, exactly like Ghostbusters did.
>Rey is the Mystery Box incarnate
>so is Snoke
>stormtrooper who defects is an interesting concept for a character but they didn't write a character, they wrote quips
>hype up Phasma just to have her job to Finn once a movie
>Kylo Ren is mildly interesting but only exists to get his ass whipped by Rey, which would be okay if this were a porno
Is these pasta? Reads like /r9k/ pasta.
Women don't pick up what you put down because you're pathetic.
>tfw TLJ was the first episodic SW movie I skipped, haven't seen RO and have no intention of seeing Solo or Ep IX
>>stormtrooper who defects is an interesting concept for a character but they didn't write a character, they wrote quips
I had high hopes for Finn as a character. A defecting stormtrooper is something we haven't seen before. Those hopes were dashed when he killed his former comrades with glee during his escape with Poe. Because, ya know, he doesn't want to fight or kill anymore . . . .
Yaaaas. They've finally done it, they've fucked over the entire sw fanbase
This is not about race or gender though. Only Sup Forumstards play that card. It's simply about bad movie making and shitting on canon. TLJ is not bad because it has strong women or other ethnicities. It's bad because it is badly written and does not make any fucking sense so nobody gives a shit about the characters. But they try to play it as race hate or gender bashing because it's easier to defend a turd that way.
Rogue one was pretty good tbqh. I still haven't seen tlj though
you include wedge, same my guy. desu the pilot in the galaxy
best pilot*
Is anyone else here not going to see Soylo? What about the next Star Wars episode? I am not paying to see these movies at the cinema anymore. They are garbage. I will pirate them and see how far I can get before deleting them though. They just won't get my cash anymore.
I haven't seen RO yet because it should've been the start of Dark Forces kino. Instead we got Jyn Erso. Although, I do get a small sense of satisfaction knowing Clone Wars has multiple watch throughs on my Netflix Acc and RO has exactly 0.
>Its a masterpiece of cinema
If I copy and paste War and Peace does that make me a great Russian author?
>Watched original trilogy.
>didnt feel threatened by leia when she told han off for his shit rescue
>felt slightly threatened by natalie portmans character in the prequels, but probably because she had better abs than me in attack of the clones
>felt significantly threatened by holdo and rose, because they were idiots damaging the star wars franchise
I guess JJ showed me :(
What makes me laugh is when people say that when TESB was released everyone hated and went on to become the best loved of the trilogy. They actually believe the same will happen with TLJ.
I think it's more a case of women getting jobs in writing and such not based on talent but purely on what's between their legs. This often leads to these ladies having an influence on things that they really have no talent to influence, degrading quality and turning something that could be masculine good into effeminate cleo or tumblr tier trash.
Is this the gender equivalent of being called antisemetic because you dont agree with the israeli government's policy?
Thing is, I don't think that's even true, when ESB came out critics gave it mix reviews while fans loved it.
Wedge and Veers are my favourite.
No drama, no bullshit.
Do the job, go home.
I can't wait to be told I don't like Solo because of Khaleesi. Or that I'm racist even though I'd much rather see Lando: A Star Wars Story.
You have a disability and you voted for trump? Dude....
not really, girls won't buy merch in the quantities boys would, it's not sensible to ditch your core for people who have never ever cared about star wars.
Giv Mubber
Predict what happens to the franchise if 9 turns out complete shit, remember it has basically ahnialated 99% of the old fanbase aka the ones that make the movies money
fucking hell
Too wrong buster.
friendly reminder to my Sup Forums buddies
cause they run the world
I didn't like it because it was...
Based Immortan Joe
Women dont deserve what they get in society, beta males who keep treating women like princesses will cause the death of the west.
Because I was raised by one.
>Do not become addicted to (competent storytelling), it will take hold of you and you will resent its absence.
he tried to warn us
My shitposts bring people joy and wonder.
There's something more sinister at work here though, and I think it's time we address it.
>'Men are threatened by women'.
This is used everywhere, mainly by feminism. Recognize it for what it is, fellow Anons. Men hate being accused of being scared of anything; men respond instinctively to this criticism by essentially saying, 'I'm NOT afraid!', and getting angry. To not respond is to (in the eyes of society) tacitly agree to the accusation. For women it's different.
Is there any value to a woman being called a coward? Of course not, because we expect women to be cowards and men to be brave. That's why it's always a surprise when a woman has bravery, and always 'funny' when a man is a coward.
You have to recognize this as bait, not because they're attacking nerds, but because they know that men will instinctively respond by saying, "NO I'm NOT AFRAID!!!!'. No matter what, when a man is accused of this, he looks weak, either for not responding, or for responding. The act of responding to this accusation is in many ways to prove that it's true. It's like when feminists keep on harassing men until men fight back, and then they accuse men of being violent.
So, see it for what it is. Bait. Not because it's attached to the Last Jedi, but because of the language being used. It can of course always be turned around on them.
>Men don't marry whores. Why it's a good thing that you should be ashamed for not being a virgin.
etc. etc.
It's stupid, but what gets me most is that there are no stormtrooper-based bits about Finn. They never have a scene where Finn is trying to shoot someone who should be easy to hit and can't manage to do it, they never have the opposite scene where he hits someone on his first try and is visibly surprised, he never suggests bumrushing an enemy position and burying them in corpses, he never has to be taught what cover is, etc etc.
Instead what they do with his background is nothing, he just implausibly knows where things are in First Order ships/bases and that's it. He was just a janitor so he has no deep ties to FO officers and leadership, and not even to any of the other members apparently. He acts like a normal person in spite of the fact that he states that he was abducted as a child.
This lack of engagement with Finn is, to me, really the root of all the problems with the new trilogy. They'll double down on identity politics but they won't single down on the decisions that have been made previously in the series or even the decisions they make themselves, they just ignore it and do whatever scene they wanted to have instead. Oh, so in RotJ it's heavily implied that the Empire is destroyed and the Republic will return? Well whatever, it'd be easier if we had the Empire back so they're just back and the good guys are the Rebellion again. The Force requires training to use with skill? Well we don't want to bother so Rey just knows how to do everything.
There's no way to get invested in a series where they don't seem to care about what happened five minutes ago and everything just kind of keeps happening in the laziest way possible.