What does Sup Forums think of movie posters in one's home?

What does Sup Forums think of movie posters in one's home?

Is it nu-male tier?

what kind of loser has slot machines in their home?

this faggot really likes Ahrnold and the terminator.

Having posters of any sort in your home beyond the age of 25 is numale tier.
Unless they’re your son’s. But not if they’re your wife’s son’s.

Those chairs in OPs pic are cool though.

they need to step up their game, that looks like a twenty-something year old's first attempt at a game room/man cave

>man cave
Spotted the cuck.

Unrelated to the thread but the T2 3D poster is sexy.

move out of your parent's house and we'll talk

i have exactly two movie posters: the original bladerunner and fargo. framed in my livingroom. why the fuck would i care what anybody thinks about that?


Sure thing, you little soyboy

you know you're getting old when you admire the woodwork moreso than whats in the room

>putting slot machines in your home
Fucking retarded desu

Is that your "man cave" then?

because you may one day actually want to stop being an embarrassment.

If you've got a basement with tchotchkes and shit go for it, but get something a little nicer for your living room. Movie posters are the most surface-level accessible pop art, and scream "I haven't explored myself or the world outside of commercial media." Find something a little more unique to you!

I did 9 years ago kiddo.

You should kill yourself

I'm sorry you never got to meet your dad

Im gonna build a kino man cave one day

Do you guys like my epic la goblina poster?


Using nu male and letting the Internet dictate what's masculine is nu male

and Sup Forums is the worst place to attempt that anyway

Im sorry youve been relegated to a "man cave" when you should own your own home by this point.

he never mentioned a man-cave, fagoot

This board is full of 90s born queer shippers. There isnt any hope for that age group.

He didnt need to. It was obvious.

it must be hard to fight imaginary monsters

not gonna lie, crazy jelly, that's fucking slick.

It must be hard white knighting "men" relegated to their "man caves"

I reiterate, the world inside your head must be terrifying

Are you a teenage girl?

I dont equate man caves with monsters user.

Those posters look like shit. Why do so many faggots not care if the design is actually decent?

no, you just imagine you're being attacked by imaginary mancaves

Ok user you win

T3 doesn't really belong with the rest. Other than that, pretty sweet setup.

If you allow yourself to be judged by any retard on the fucking internet then you are the ultimate in weak, nu-male pussies.

Why not? It's not any more shitty than Terminiator 2.

you sound like you're trying to prove something to yourself, that you're not inadequate, what are you afraid of?

this is the only acceptable poster

OK, I'll get rid of them, since you wrote "desu", and are therefore wise, and not at all a retarded weeb with sweaty hands.

I explored your mom and your sister.

If it really matters to you ive lived in 3 houses since i moved out. I dont have anything to prove. Im afraid of big spiders.


Why are you so mad?

WHy dont you have your own kino cave yet user?

Wait, I'm confused. Are nu-male and soyboy essentially the same thing?

>having a "man" cave with movie posters and sports memorabilia instead of a library

I'm very calm, weeb.

ITT: a whole lot of faggots spouting meme words like cuck and soyboy and the like. Listen boys, when a man has reached a certain point in his life, and is comfortable, he may chose to take a part of the home he owns and make it "his", after years of working to provide for others (his wife, his kids, maybe a parent too), and that's what has been come to be known as a "man cave". It can look like a bar, or an arcade, a movie theater, or even a library, or whatever he wants, but it's his to do what he wants with and he can relax there. If you guys live in studio apartments by yourself you don't (yet) know what this is like, but that doesn't mean you never will and you certainly don't have to get defensive and call anybody a "cuck" or imply that means they aren't king of the whole castle, you'll see when you grow up, oh, and movie posters outside of a "theater" style cave are pretty weak and you will eventually outgrow them (I gave my nice framed Star Wars poster I've had for like 25 years to my son last year). Good luck lads.

Because thats only for the cucked

>having a man cave that isn't a literal cave

why do you act like a defensive little bitch throwing meme words around then?

>Wait, I'm confused.
Thats why you should lurk more reddit.

Those chairs are hideous

Movie posters are fine though

why on Earth would a teenage girl think this was her type of environment, why don't you make any sense?

This room gives off such a dull boring vibe and I can't put my finger on why

I like my Italian posters
they are much bigger than I thought when I originally bought them

can you imagine being this guy? who hurt you, user?

Im allowed to have disdain for man caves and the cucks that dwell within. You enjoy your cuck cave and ill enjoy my house and we can both be happy.

>hey frank, these cigars are quite girthy indeed
>i'd wager that they are the largest cigars i've ever seen
you know the majority of studies have had gay sex performed in them and thats a fact

it's what the people in it do, user, not the excitement the room provides them, are you a big video-gamer?

OK big guy, I see you're worked up over something internal to you but I'm sure you'll work it out so you enjoy life and go easy on all of us "cucks" out there and good luck to you.

Terrible thread


gay sex is never far from your mind is it?

Why were you assigned a room user? Whats wrong with having your own place instead of a "cave" in someone elses?

but i don't have a study
just stating the facts, those whom can't handle them can just ignore them like they dont exist

it's pretty much establishing that you consider hollywood flicks to be art worthy of decorating your home.

>not gonna lie, crazy jelly, that's fucking slick.
I refuse to believe a straight adult male typed that out.


That's the fucking word I've been trying to think of for three days. Thanks.

Why the hell is there a high chair in there?

snooker chair.

>White man's burden, Lloyd my man, white man's burden...

Isn't that one of those chairs for polishing people's shoes?

Yeah you get your friends to come over and your house nigger shines their shoes.

weird thread

Yes actually, I usually have guest negros bring their shine box in once a week to give the boys a round o' polish. Tonight's guest is Chadwick Boseman. He'll be here at 8pm est sharp.

that's gay

No, a fucking teenager wouldn’t know, but I watched a lot of MTV Cribs, and all the badass violent misogynistic rich niggers had Scarface posters and shit in their homes, they’re the opposite of nu-males.