Have you guys chosen your Obamacare health care plan yet? This is the cheapest you can get.
Have you guys chosen your Obamacare health care plan yet? This is the cheapest you can get
You can thank republishits for ruining Obamacare, just because they were too racist to work with Barack Obama, because he is black and successful.
>28k per year average
What the fuck, that's like the average income, or half of the average income in some cases
I didn't see any $0.00 options so no.. I can take enough deductions that I won't have a penalty so thanks mom and dad for good genetics.
Does lube come with package or does it cost 10k extra?
lol I pay $60/month for a silver plan
>$250 a month for the cheapest silver plan
How about you suck my fucking dick.
>have singles
>emits opinion
Get some nice gets and we'll talk CTR fags
Because you make jack shit that's why.
Yeah? Checkem.
I know you are just shit posting but do you have and proof to support you assertion?
Because the reason rates are jumping is that insurance companies are pulling out of the program meanwhile there are far fewer people who pay in and far more people getting assistance than previously thought
Where does racism enter into this?
>Nice gets
That why you suck at memes
Friendly reminder that this isn't because of private health insurance. It's because of Obama. Before managed care, things were a lot better.
Don't give me that "fucking leaf" shit either. The system up here blows fucking otter cock.
You do realize that when Obamacare passed he did it with no Republican votes right?
Blaming Republicans for Obamacare being shit is like laying down a huge fart and blaming the dog for it.
If it looks like it came out of a 12-year-old autist, it's 60% likely to be a shitpost.
redpill me on trump's plan, would opening state limits for health care companies really help? I get how it can avoid the monopolies some companies inevitably have.
Is the internet situation similar there?
>what is romney care
B-but the d-dog is smelly! It's a vast smelly dog conspiracy, I s-swear!!
Time for you to start working at walmart. I pay $150 a month for alright coverage that I never use.
Completely irrelevant when discussing the problems of Obamacare.
there is a subsidy for people w/low income - they don't pay the price you cite
are you really an ignoramus or merely posting in bad faith?
Not at all, insurance lobbies led by republicans shifted obamacare closer to romneycare turning it into this mess we have now. They set it up to fail.
Our health insurance is $1000 a month. I can't fucking do this anymore anons. If something doesn't change I don't know what we're gonna do. Not to mention we have three kids and it costs $1200 a month in daycare costs.
>are you on obamacare?
No I have a real job with a salary and benefits
Why don't conservacucks like you just get a fucking job with benefits? Then you don't have to worry about shit like this. It's what you tell everyone else to do anyway.
Fucking hypocrites
Haha, that's nice!
So the poor people get subsidies and the middle class pays the full price until they also turn into poor people and then get subsidies.
Brilliant plan.
Rethuglicans were shut out of negotiations you lying sack of shit.
What's the deductible?
>I'm a poor conservacuck who reproduced without the means to support a family
>I'm a conservacuck who tells people to "take responsibility for themselves" even though i'm a fucking little bitch
So its always the evil Republicans fault no matter what? Is this the Democratic mantra?
Don't the employers then have to pay these ruinous fees? Or do they get it cheaper?
>Republicuck congressmen have spent millions of taxpayer money (MY MONEY) on partisan witch hunts for the past 8 years
>Hurr durr is the democratic mantra
You're not a very bright kid are you
It's OK, mommy will keep taking care of you. You can just commit suicide when she dies.
It must be easy pretending you are a lonely virgin by choice.
Jokes on them, I don't even make that much money.
How does any of that have anything to do with Democrats passing shitty health care bills without a single Republican vote?
wow more than half my annual salary after taxes goes to insurance. thanks obama!
Employers (large corporations) get to deduct the cost of employee insurance on their taxes.
Individuals (small companies) do not.
It's all because of a shitty wage/price control structure that was created by FDR to maintains the controls during WW2.
>Set up policies that they cause government to fail
>See the government always fails!!!
>The republicans is good bois, they dindu nothin!
And remember kids, Obama made it illegal to not pay for this. :^)
But surely your insurance wouldn't be so high if you stopped eating burgers and did some fucking exercise for once
Its okay
The People are paying triple that for a shoddy pyramid scheme
Idk how you got such an obscene number op. Though this is pretty high it's relatively "affordable" compared to yours.
Tell that to the nigs and border jumpers. I've never needed a hospital visit in my life, but i have to pay for this and subsidize everyone else with my taxes.
>He thinks US insurance is about your personal health, not subsidizing niggers
you probably live in a state that still has more than 1 insurance provider in the marketplace. the affordable care act, intentionally or not, created legalized monopolization of the healthcare sector. many states now have only one healthcare provider in the marketplace, and people are seeing ridiculous premium increases because of this.
the website doesnt work for my state yet, they're still working on it
this is byzantine communism
jesus christ
Obamacare cut most fly-over states to one single provider and also amped the costs up to high fuck.
Basically we let a nigger muslim into the white house and he helped his cronies rob the Republican working class for life.
Worse in new york, irf you make $45K a year or more you get no tax credit and the cheapest silver plan is $323 for a single adult.
I've been paying the fee every year. It's just like 2k a year as opposed to 12k a year for shit coverage. I'm 30 never been to the hospital in great health exercise 5 times a week no drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Hate this fucking country that wants me to pay for all these piece of shit reckless fat asses and illegal aliens.
>Be me
>Be National Gaurd
>Healthcare no deductible $50
>Dental $14
>half off college + GI BILL
Except that the Democrats set up the health care bill with no republican votes and you just damage control all over the place for that.
>We can't get single payer healthcare
>let's just make a hybrid so shitty under the guise that it will "help" "insure" "people" without insurance that it will become a massive bloated failure but we'll have the pretext to implement single payer later.
Reminder: Hillary Clinton was already in charge of coming up with Hillarycare in the 90s, in which if a doctor or a patient tried to bypass the system they went to gulag
okay, serious here:
i neglected to sign up last year and have been avoiding the fine since.
what do i do?
Holy fuck Americans pay more for health care than I pay in taxes that cover everything I need :D
OK serious question. How much does the everyday 'normal' dude pay for their insurance and how does it work, are specific things covered/not covered, what if you run up a bill you can't pay?
How does it all work in the US, the non-meme, non shitpost version is ideal?
UK - pretty much everything is paid for out of general taxation, be it doctors visits, maternity, disease, ambulance whatever.
Care is generally pretty good but has limits. If you need a hearing aid, you'll get a fairly basic one, nothing too fancy for example.
Waiting times for operations, especially non-urgent ones are occasionally a bit of a headline, though not as much as is made out.
That's us pretty much, good and bad.
They "set it up" while compromising with lobbying republitards and insurance providers.
Democrats compromise on issues, unlike republicans, though I wish they didn't sometimes.
>demoshits compromise on issues
>except gun control, abortion, "hate crimes", gigantic tax hikes...
Let's also not forget when Newt Gingrich drug Bill Clinton kicking and screaming to welfare reform because cutting it would mean starving his constituency into getting jobs.
Having a trip should be an offense punishable by hanging.
>it costs $1200 a month in daycare costs.
Your wife is suppose to take care of the kids
Paying for maternity care for people that can't keep it in their pants and junkies that get HIV and Hep C is expensive.
Redistribution of wealth comrade
Wait, so these jackasses expect me to pay them almost 1200 dollars a month? They can get bent.
>calls others stupid
>constructs "arguments". Like a haphazard third grader suffering from trisomy in the 21st chromosome
This the height of kek
Have the va for life....
It won't break my wallet since it's free, but I'll lose a leg from a surgury I'm not suppose to have or die waiting in line
>paying for some stranger fat ass healthcare
>paying for healthcare you don't want or use
>giving more money to the goverment
>we wuz european and shit
Why is Obama's head not on top of a pitchfork ?
>>except gun control, abortion, "hate crimes", gigantic tax hikes...
These are things the republicans refuse to compromise on lol. The NRA especially keeps them from compromising on gun control...
Haha wow. My wife and I make alittle over 150k a year. This is the cheapest plan I could get. Im glad I have employer based insurance. This is 100 dollars less a month than our mortgage.
That's the idea but with how fucked the market is we won't know what happens until we try
why would you openly admit to being a parasite?
we need some sort of scarlet letter for fags like you
That's not funny.
>mfw retards think their plan is good because it's cheap
Wait until you actually need your insurance and have to cover that 12,000 deductible
>150k a year
>Has a mortgage
You're already failing at life.
Honestly I'm not him but I'm of the opinion that the more people who abuse the system the faster it will collapse
>earns 150k a year
>pays $754 mortage per month
>being poor makes you an abuser of the system
I don't understand this thought process, you are required to sign up or face a penalty. All these people did was obey the law.
You realize if you pay too much on your mortgage you get penalized, right?
They want to make money off you, which they don't do if you pay back too much too quickly.
It's perfectly feasible that his mortgage was small and his salary has grown.
My friend got his mortgage when he was earning £34k and he's already gone up to £48k and that was within a year. He could easily be on £100k with 10 years left on his mortgage and be unable to pay much more than he already does.
What kind of a totally fucking retarded delusional fedora faggot takes a test like that?
Do you also happen to actually believe that you are like Putin in any possible way?
>1200$ health tax per month
blyat what the fuck man that's more than I earn each year