Hero: Doesn't consider black people as his own, loyal to his nation and doesnt want black people to have his technology

>Hero: Doesn't consider black people as his own, loyal to his nation and doesnt want black people to have his technology.
>Villian:Wants all black people around the world to be armed with superweapons and take down all white people.
Why was this movie so redpilled?

What Andy Serkis does in this movie?
Worth going just for him?

>Andy Serkis
great villain, funny too.

Are we saying this is a movie for Sup Forums?

Laughed a lot.
Makes a few bad jokes.

His role is pretty forgettable.

he's one of greatest actors ever
his motion capture characters are sometimes more believable than well known A-listers

Basically their ideal hero but black.

the fuck?? wasted him for nothing, really?

T'Challa final monolouge

>“Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this earth should treat each other. Now more than ever the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.”

Wow, so Sup Forums, very nationalist. Dude is like the perfect globalist

Except T'Challa changed his mind after Killmonger death. He doesn't want to wage war on white countries but he does want to help impoverished people now.

Black Panther is unironically nationalist. There's a scene where he denounces refugees. He argues with the villain about preserving his nation and its culture above all else, he does not see American blacks as "his" people. He hates any foreign entanglements and is anti-war. His only "arc" to show that he is willing to grow with the world around him is that he decides to provide a limited amount of foreign aid at the end of the film, but outsiders are still banned from Wakanda.

>it's a "Hollywood jews put in just enough bullshit to trick Sup Forums into liking the movie too" episode

Well until the mid credit scene that was made at the last minute

It's all the VFX Artists. He jumps around with some ping pong balls on him.

>movie ends with T'Challa opening up outreach centers to help people in need and share technology.
>in the next movie, you'll hear about Wakanda's refugee program.

Not really, it's a fake out for the real villain.
Yeah, it's a kind of classic example of that sort of arc but it's funny seeing so many people act like Wakanda could be any African nation that wasn't invaded.

That's not even mentioning that Wakanda only became super advanced after T'Challa came back from studying in the West and made Wakanda into the super-nation we see in the comics. As opposed to Movie Wakanda, which was somehow always a technological super power in hiding

yes, but this requires a lot of 'bodyacting' skills
he literally acts in a room full of nothing, wearing spandex suit with dots and thats all

>that after credits scene with The White Wolf
That was pretty cool...based Bucky is just a loner everywhere he goes

>black people vs white people

implying an ethnocentrist african nation would not unify under one black ethnicity rather this loose "black people". Their first victim would be other black people as they extend from one place of africa to the rest of the continent

It's literally Sup Forums the movie but with black people

Based Bucky gonna colonize all the women in wakanda

>implying he's not a brilliant politician who gives a grandiose speech, throws a few bucks at the problem, and continues doing what he wants.

Though more likely:

>implying Marvel realized they needed a quick/easy reason for why Black Panther would fight in Infinity War so they added a credits scene

>build bridges not barriers

so deep

Well that's the whole thing that T'Challa gets but Killmonger disagrees with:
In the west, racism typically has to do with what you look like more than your actual background. For T'Challa though, being surrounded by other African nations and Africans, he considers himself separate from them the same way the French consider themselves separate from the Italians and Spanish

except that is what wakanda is actually written as in the past...

Also why do you guys think Sup Forums posters are actually white? Unless they are from Croatia, they are not white.

>which was somehow always a technological super power in hiding


They had vibranium, which in the MCU is how they are so advanced. Di you miss that?

He still doesn't open borders to Wakanda, he just decides to help other people where they are, which is the best politic.

>For T'Challa though, being surrounded by other African nations and Africans, he considers himself separate from them
Theres also the fact living next to space metal for generations has mutated them into homo sapiens negro superior. 3 x as smart as the average nog and 2x stronger as well

Yeah but Comic Wakanda wasn't even a technological super power until T'Challa came back with western knowledge of information. Still isolationist, but they only became relevant recently in the history of the comics

How did Movie Wakanda become so technologically powerful? The Native American tribes didn't develop modern computers despite having access to all the raw resources locally. That's the part that is kind of weird.

Yeah. Doom himself states that Wakandans are disproportionately more intelligent compared to most people, especially other Africans iirc

All black americans are a single ethnic group you fucking retard.

>especially other Africans iirc
Did they really say that?

Natives had civilizations but no horses so these societies in NA besides the jungle ones eventually dwindled back into tribes.

He's basically a black Trump

This was written by a black person BTW

This really. It's why white supremacy tends to be less common in Europe than nationalism compared to the United States. A nationalistic Englishman and a nationalistic Frenchman will accept they're both considered white and may even cooperate if an outside force attacks them because of that distinction, but realistically neither is usually going to be interested in creating a single, shared identity.

This is why various racial supremacist groups in the US "celebrating black culture" or "celebrating white culture" seem very odd to people in Africa or Europe.

>During a crisis, you should build bridges and not barriers

>This is exactly what fucked over the Romans, letting in Germans during the crisis with the Huns, and the Byzantines, letting Turks settle in Anatolia

I don't follow the comics, haven't seen the movie yet, is T'Challa in Captain Murica's league because Wakanda has developed a similar serum or are all Wakandans superhuman?

Wasn't really explained in Civil War.

Victor Von Doom grew up as a dirty poor gypsy, its hilarious T'challa, the one that grew up as the heir of an kingdom, is treating to act opressed

It wasn't red pilled. Black Panther is a cuck. Killmonger is right - it's race vs race and you must use your superior technology to enslave or eradicate your enemies. There isn't enough room for everybody on this planet.

This. Killmonger is Sup Forums.

And Black Panther is Based Hillary.

>American mutt

Americans are european mutts all they can cling to is their base genetic trait which is being white.

>tfw Wakanda lets slav refugees in from that place that got rekt in Avengers 2

>tfw Wakanda quickly becomes a shithole filled with terrorism and mass rapes

>tfw people in Wakanda post "unrionically Killmonger did nothing wrong" on Wakanda Internet and T'Challa prosecutes them for hate crimes.


I think you mean America.

Europe has a long and storied history of similar looking people wiping each other the fuck out.

Oh get off his dick. Learn your history. When closed off, isolationist nations make small openings like this, soon ties with the rest of the world open like a dam in a matter of time. Look at Meiji Japan and glasnost in the USSR

Killmonger wanted them to help non-wakandans blacks. To them, he would still be a villian.

>Blaming the Romans.

>Sacking of Rome
>Reformation and religious wars
>Opening the borders to the third world and Islam

What are these fucking cunts going to try next?

>globalist propaganda
I knew it

Does this movie imply Wakanda was never colonised and that's why it's super techno?

its super techno because a big asteroid made out of plot device landed there ages ago

There's a super-herb affected by Vibranium radiation that is the equivalent of a Super Serum.
Killmonger burns all of them after he and TChalla each got theirs

Space rock full of super metal landed there millions of years ago and somehow increased nigger’s intelligence

>charting the stars
Joining the illustrious leagues of the Polynesians