ITT: kino that women will never understand.
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Daily reminder that Ming was a slut and had it coming.
Roasties are so funny LMAo.
World Peace
I enjoyed this though.
you didn't understand it.
Females cannot feel guilt.
BASED woods
I'm a girl and that scene when De Niro raped that blonde girl because she asked him to do it was pretty hot.
good post
Is this worth it? It's universally praised but four hours are a lot of time to dedicate to a single film.
the praise takes the movie's length into account. you're not the only person with things to do.
A River Runs Through it
best answers ITT
Heat is also in strong contention, although Once Upon A Time In America is prolly best answer
West Side Story
Women will never understand race war
this shit made me cry. fucking faggot-ass movie making me cry. asshole. faggot-ass.
damn good pick
Agreed brother!
>Things women will never understand
>said the guy who know 0 women
The 400 blows is on virtually every womans top 4 list on letterboxd
All the women on letterboxd are on the spectrum to be fair.
and the guys on here....?
Anyone who is really into film is autistic to some degree.
400 blows is an overrated piece of shit
dude lol im a bad kid, but not really tho
It's a beautiful movie
>your roastie gf fucks everyone in town
What a beautiful movie.
It really is though
But Ming being such a roastie broke my heart.
Women love this one. They even call it Good Will Bae. Wish I were joking.
women make my pee pee hard but boy do i hate them.
I watched this film during a time when I was struggling with insomnia and it ended up becoming one of my top references for my feeling of isolation and paranoia at work and a general loss of a grip on reality and I'm not a dude.
but you were a dude when you watched it, right?
Sleeping an average of 4 hours a day, I couldn't even tell.
i guarantee you don't pass.
Indeed I don't, and I'm not even trans.
do people think you're a boy?
Nah, just a low quality girl.
sorry. you'll turn it around there sport.
I watch to experience not to "understand"
Thanks, user. Have a random image from my folder!
That's a very feminine thing to do, femanon.
>that beta pose
What did John Wayne mean by this
he's a pussy. and that's the best that the "greatest generation" had to offer.
We all rubbed one out to that scene.
Heat is too overrated. But i agree it's something awoman wouldn't understand