unironically what do people like about these movies? please explain
Unironically what do people like about these movies? please explain
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i just turn my brain off
your brain switch needs to be in the off position
is this a meme
Fun action films with humor, nice continuity and character moments. Not offensively bad. Just solid movies.
shitload of colorful figures fighting each other
thats all, seriously
it's transformers but with humanoid form
And that's okay
they were fun at first but they're starting to get old
Seriously, who the FUCK thought thanos would look more menacing without the helmet?
No fucking idea. I could understand if the action was good but it's fucking terrible, every single time. The quips maybe?
now he looks like that guy from auction/dealer tv shows
>infinity stone? all i can give is 200 dollar
a few of them, sure, but there's like a dozen and a half of them and most of them are nigh indistinguishable
Transformers was more kino than Marvel will ever be
It's pretty easy to distinguishable assuming you're able to keep DC, Marvel based, and Marvel Studios separate which is not that hard.
>Avengers : Infinity War on Disney Channel
adults will pay to watch this kid's movie at the cinema
i can't understand hate 1-3 are actually really fine for what they are
4-5 are awful tho, hate them
They're fun action flicks with a nice variety of tones, and they're able to do character development over multiple movies which is nice.
Phase 1 and Phase 2 were dumb fun
Phase 3 is just dogshit
>they're able to do character development over multiple movies
none of the characters have developed at all. they literally all have the same personality
Civil War was their chance to have character development and they blew it