ITT: movies only you've seen
big and bold taglines used to be a big deal on movie posters
nowadays if a poster like this was made, people would think it's ironic or "cringe"
sincerity is dead
that's why cinema is so dishonest now
I fucking loved that movie when I was a kid.
Prince of Egypt
just kidding, everyone's religious parents got this movie for them
do they show houdini's shota dick?
me too! gosh I totally forgot this even existed
I always like the monster's design
Lol I bought the entire collection when I was a kid.
The skeletons move so unbearably slow.One or two of them are entertaining entertaining
minus one "entertaining"
Salute of the Jugger in the UK
Hey I'm a Joan Chen completionist
This one too
Great "did I dream/make this movie up in my head as a kid?" movie
nobody I ask has seen this
I've seen this. It was okay.
Was reminded of this movie from a thread a week ago
Asia is hot but what a pretentious piece of garbage this was.
Are you twelve? They hyped the crap out of that movie, everybody saw it.
Complete garbage compared to It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World
Underrated early JCon
Wide birthing hips!
comedy kino
Galaxy destroyers aka Battle For the Lost Planet
I fucking love that movie.
fucking love that movie
seen it.
Had the video game for SNES. Kinda miss the era of sidescrollers based on movies.
seen it
For real, has anyone else here witnessed this shit
better than I Am Legend desu
you can watch this on youtube if you're interested
Agree, it's an okay movie. The setup at the beginning is so great, but after a few twists and turns the story just ended up being kind of a mess.
I don't even remember. Vanishing Waves? It was dumb.
That's a great poster
unironic kino
Been thinking of watching this recently with a friend.
Is it worth or should I watch it alone first?
We watched this in History class in like 7th grade.
never saw it, but it was sitting on the rack next to:
Me and the kids in my class, you silly goose
An inferior sequel to a movie that was barely a movie and was just an excuse to use props that had been made for MOTU2. True garbage.
Your mother is a whore, faggot. Kek lol
>tfw your name is comprised entirely of first names
I remember it
There's always one faggot that has to tell everyone he saw the older movie. Go die. You're worst than the people who just HAVE point out there's a kid gangbang in the book "It".
I rec it, it's not bad for what it is, though pic related is the superior version of the story imo. It falls apart a little near the end and gets a little too artsy in its portrayal of the emotional trauma the mc is experiencing, but overall a decent film.
Not a good one. De Niro was in a fim with the same title 5 years later and everyone remembers that one.
speaking of which
Only watched this to see Helen Mirren naked in her prime. Pretty comfy movie desu.
oh fuggg bebe neuwirth
>Helen Mirren naked
saved me typing mate thx
user this is basic stonercore
Paranormal Farm
I think you win
Contributing more unheralded Hauer-kino. Saw this when I was 12, literally thought I might have dreamed it.
Oh hey I've read that story, where he swims in everyone's a pool.and it turns out he's divorced or some shit, right?
Can this be considered a remake? IS it considered a remake? That was never clear to me...
Watched the fuck out of this stuff back when Scifi channel, A&E, AMC, and all the others played old movies in the 90s
My third grade class sang the main song from this at a talent show, and for some reason our teacher and the music teacher sang the two solo parts
>one faggot that has to tell everyone he saw the older movie
It had Jonathan Winters
So fucking good
damn she had some tasteful thickness
This movie's actually pretty decent, but it came out around the same time as other sea creatures monster movies in the late 90s, and it stars a literal who.
I fucking loved this movie, short story is good too.
This on HBO like every day in the 90s
read the book. not interested in the movie.