White people BTFO
lmao this is cancer. How perfectly they have adapted fucking sick mind game.
Damn. How many lightdays away is India exactly? This happened last week in here.
Thought California was supposed to be attractive?
Why do they dress like tramp hitchhikers?
They live in the most privileged state of, arguably the most comfortable country in the world.
There are literally, literally billions of people in the world who would sell their internal organs, and/or children to swap places with any of these people.
In spite of having won the where to be born lottery, these ungrateful cunts managed to find a reason to be unhappy about something.
Just used this video to massively red pill the GF. whatever leftist media she reads was saying it was over a safes pace for transsexuals or some bullshit. The banners they're holding litterally say "fight 4 spaces 4 colored people"
Last year I went to SF pride with my buddy and his gay gun rights group (not making this up). Tons of liberals were triggered hard by the sign, but too afraid to criticize gay people for it.
american university teenagers are so fucking gay.
I can understand right before the election you can't go violent BUT if the american cucks still do nothing after Trump won or not you faggots will be the biggest cucks in the world and even canada is not cucked like you
That's cultural appropriation and I won't stand for it!
I'll sit here, like I always do.
Notice how the women always greatly outnumber the "men" at these events.
These bitches are just asking to be put in their place.
>This is what leftists have been supporting for decades
Love how the left eats itself always.
Only like 1 in 14 girls are actually attractive in California. I guess that still depends on on which part you go to.
I like to image as soon as the light turned green the dude gunned his truck and took them out.
Califags need a good nuke
You will never see so many gay Asians as in American campus collage.
>chain of libtarts blocking the road while holding hands
>apply electricity to chain link #1
>entire chain goes down
do with this knowledge what you will
>Walk up to them
>Throw empty bag on the ground
>Run away
At least they can addapt to something.
Why don't you try adapting to shitting in a fucking toilet like the rest of the world you sewer tier scum
Notice the pattern:
White and hispanic girls protesting and "muh body muh rules"ing and generally being a pain in the ass
Whilst Asian girls are walking to and from class.
kill yourself you memelord faggot
>tfw white girls are better looking because of their facial features, eye and hair colour (green/grey eyes and blardk/dark brown hair is god tier)
>Only asians make an effort to stay thin, and embrace their femininity
Fuck. Either I need to pray central asians have the idea mix of both, or that brain transplants become a thing.
Bunch of entitled cunts
Back when America was great, the Sheriff would discharge his gun ONCE in the air and the crowd would scramble away.
drop your proxy foul pajeet
and stop your shitting in the street
>2 poos by this ID
I'm a mexican I would have tried to walk in whities by holding thier hand or hugging them.Then get those biggots to attack me.
10,000 women honor killed in Pakistan last year but western feminists are too scared to leave their tutorial zone and face actual challenges.
These snowflakes gonna get a real fucking wake up call in a few years when the equality and welfare state goes holocaust.
Will probably masturbate when I hear their death cries.
>shit version of habbohotelling
faggots can't even >into swastigate
It's what happens when women aren't controlled by men. You can hear their insane shrieking in the video too. They're all over emotional children.
Only 25 year old landowners should be able to vote.
Seeing all those fat ungrateful spic goblins makes me weep for this country,
i want to be part of it. where can i enlist?
>highquality roofnazi for hire!
Why are all of the white students such fucking cucks.
I would have either fought my way through or ended up in the back of an ambulance, but there is no fucking way that I would let a bunch of beaners and niggers force me to go around.
I agree, voting age should be 25+ and only for white landowning men as the founding father's intended.
isnt berkley bleeding students to a degree where they cant afford to continue much longer because this sort of shit happens weekly?
You can't make the voting age 25 when conscription is 18.
I hate these people so much.
They are literally the embodying the epitome of racism but they have convinced themselves (or have been convinced by their equally deluded "professors") that they can not be racist to white people.
And they're arguing for segregation? I wish I could curb stomp these people.
There they are shouting "our university!"
No it isn't.
You could with a constitutional amendment.
Holy fuck, that makes me so fucking angry.
How do they not see the hypocrisy, and how they're being EXTREMELY racist towards white people?
>You can't make the voting age 25 when conscription is 18.
Why not? The drinking age is 21.
saw this yesterday and they are doing a better job red pilling the community than we are.
>form road block that filters people based on ethnicity
>chant incoherent nonsense
>refuse to comment on what protest is actually about
>disrupt students trying to study
>manage to be a nuisance in every sense of the word
let them go on, let the college choke on what it has wrought on itself.
What I'd give to go full DRIVE on that line.
The nu-hippie movement has really taken a toll on the attractiveness of women here...
organise yourselves white man
>those chubby mexicans acting like they aint pussyos
No, I mean that it is unjust to tell an 18 year old that he has to go to some third world shithole and possibly die in battle and then tell him that he has no say in choosing the political leadership that makes the decisions about going to war.
It's amazing that the Free Speech movement in the 60s started in Berkeley, and 50 years later they want the complete opposite.
That's true. Perhaps there should be an exception for active duty service members and veterans under 25. But allowing college kids to vote is retarded. Or, maybe just make the law that anyone who is claimed as a dependent on their parents taxes can't vote.
So glad I go to a "shitty" university
I've never seen anything like this
Who's paying them to protest?
Protests like this are always paid.
Only one man can save us
I used to think the term "race traitor" was fucking cringy, something thrown around by stormfags to describe someone who held the door for an old black lady at the grocery store.
But this shit right here... this is what "racial treason" looks like.
Omg that pic. Also can't wait for europeans to organize and eject all immigrants out of europe.
Oh you weren't born here?
Your parents didn't come here legally?
You're not here legally?
Rounded up and put into camps and given two choices, express trip back to the country they came from or firing squad.
Any who hop the borders during this are immediately executed as it has become an act of war to cross the border illegally and invasion to do so.
God that would be beautiful.
Fuck your feelings desu senpai.
>you will never be in an aesthetic fascist squad with Mosley
Why live?
I'm bisexual and even I'm calling these people fucking faggots. They need to get a clue, a wakeup call, and an ass beating.
>or that brain transplants become a thing.
No need, just change the cancerous culture and things are fixed once again.
Thats so retard.
Why are they wasting time and money shouting in the streets instead of studying?
>spend all day in the street "ITS OURS ITS OURS ITS OURS!"
>accomplish fuck all academically
Evil whites and asians indeed.
How dare they keep their priorities straight.
Women cannot get conscripted but they still vote. Your argument is invalid
why dont we just get together and throw rocks at them like the muslims and jews do?
Reminder, this is the type of person co playing they can't get a job straight out of school.
Honestly I hope they keep doing stuff like this, it shows their true colors. It's not about equality for them, it's about discrimination against white because of "muh privilege." Stunts like this are a huge turn off to most people, it only hurts their image.
This has been tried and tested since ancient times. Why don't the bros organise, get the women in behind them and move on the line? You would barely have to break walking pace with the momentum of the crowd.
>just change the cancerous culture
It's easier to go with brain transplants.
The only thing that could make that situation better was if a muslim blew himself up in the crowd.
Kill them all. I'm completely done with this identity politics garbage, and I'm done with the "anti-racist" politicians who let this shit happen just so long as it's white people who get the shit end of the stick.
We had this happen here, too. And the politicians basically gave them the university. Kill the "activists" and kill the politicians.
Maybe I'm just out of touch but I feel like if somebody tried this while I was growing up a group would have got together with some baseball bats and taught them some respect. I just don't understand why it doesn't happen. Where the hell is the fight? I sure as hell wouldn't tolerate being treated that way by a bunch of future yuppies.
How about the cutie with the big mic at 0:30"?
Would waifu and snu-snu.
Kek, but they would still figure out a way to blame white people, because they wouldn't want to be "islamaphobic"
liberalism is a disease
It looks like one of those Crossed comics
*hol up* where da aryan blood at?
>Same pooing
poo in the loo
Because the fucking cops would immediately start doing their jobs in the same way they don't when it's leftist garbage acting like this.
What we need are targetted attacks. Go after the ringleaders and beat them senseless when they think they're safe.
Does being blind and deaf seem that bad anymore, anons.
where indeed...
what movie are the clips from?
I miss the days where police would launch a few tear gas canisters to disperse a ruckus like that.
This shit always happens in Commiefornia.
You reap what you sow faggots
>white people btfo
>90% of people walking through the creek are asian
Where are the skinheads when you need them? Imagine 30 useful idiots vs. weak girls
It'd be a slaughter senpai
Also desu senpai I hope Islam does take the West so all these idiots will hang
They choose to protest instead of study because they hate work. They expect to be handed a degree simply for spending X years at the university. If they don't get their degree when they want it, they will incite another protest until the get what they want. It's classic liberal tantrum-tactics, screaming and shouting until they get their way.
Quite frankly, these people deserve nothing less than to be severely beaten into submission, and I don't just mean that metaphorically. They are essentially children, they have no sense of responsibility and no consideration for the people around them. They will hurt anyone and everyone without hesitation or remorse if it means being handed an easy life. They cringe at the prospect of honest work and hardship because they have never experienced it, therefore, they lack the strength to face even the most basic of challenges. They are pathetic, deluded savages, and should not be treated with the respect they so desperately demand.
lel, i saw that protest, was going to class etc.
told one of the policemen that this is public nuisance. he didn't' say anything and just continued watching from the distance.
They're all gender studies kids, they write an essay about the patriarchy and pass.
This is how you deal with student protests