So was #freebleeding completely invented by Sup Forums or was it some fringe shit that Sup Forums tried blowing up as a...

So was #freebleeding completely invented by Sup Forums or was it some fringe shit that Sup Forums tried blowing up as a troll? Unsure of the timeline, but I'm guessing the latter. Just saw a loopy article on Vice Sports that reminded me of the whole affair.

This image disturbs me deeply.

I need more.

Yep, that was us. Also convincing feminists to piss their pants for solidarity with rape victims.

as a marathon runner I have never had my nips bleed from shirt chafing. I find it really hard to believe, like anime boys having nosebleeds.

I think it might have been a VERY small thing. Like maybe a woman did it once somewhere to prove a point. But yes, that was Sup Forums

Also, jenkem, that drug where you shit and piss into a bottle and huff the fermented fumes, that was Sup Forums as well, to try to trick people into huffing shit and piss.

Im sure there are other things too

HAHAH oh yeah, I was in that thread on Sup Forums. Forgot about that one

You have the nips of a God then bro.

It was usually cold weather and ling distance that made them raw. Then i bought a pair of pasties and worked like magic

>I was in that thread on Sup Forums
Me too. It was pretty great. It didn't really catch on, but we did get one girl to piss herself on camera.

Just put Bodyglide on parts that will chafe. I think your faggot ass just wanted to wear pasties.

Yeah, its still fun though.

Like the Cut for Bieber one, where we got teenage girls to cut themselves for some stupid shit that justin bieber did.

I'm a bit of a newfag and didn't get to participate in that. How far did it actually get? How many girls actually cut themselves for that shit?

Because i hate gel oil or anything petrol based products on my body and rather have a neutral cloth adhesive that can come off with no mess makes me gay.
>faggot in closet detected

It happens in long-distance running such as half-marathon and full marathon. I made a mistake for not rubbing my nipples with vaseline for my first half-marathon as my girlfriend suggested me and ended like that. Patches don't work since they easily come off due to sweat, it really has to be vaseline oil, no matter how gay it sounds.

It does happen though, it's not a lie or a troll. My father-in-law's nipples used to bleed from chaffing when he ran long distance marathons. Some people have more sensitive nipples than others. The fabric also affects it as well as dryness of the body and of in the climate.

It's hard to say. At least a dozen.

There were way more people that cut themselves. But im sure a lot of it was Sup Forumstards acting like girls to encourage other girls to cut themselves

I have to say that those subversion shenanigans are probably the best and most redeeming part of Sup Forums.

That was definitely old Sup Forums. I feel like a lot of those people moved over to this board. Old Sup Forums was fucking great

Putting moot at the top of times 100 people list, and also making it spell out "marblecake"

Trying to name Mt. Dews new flavor "Hitler did nothing wrong"

Sending Justin Bieber to North Korea for his new tour

Naming a baby dolphin in germany "north korea"

Sending Pit Bull to Alaska to go to a walmart

Pushing absurd search trends to the top of google

It was great, but now its nothing but tranny porn and pure shit

Good times. Now it's basically the same stupid """porn""" threads that really belong in the

it has no edge any more, partly because the kind of "content" that was most popular is now instantly bannable (jailbait). people just got fed up and left. also the place got flooded with MLP horseshit and furry porn.

It happened to me on my first marathon. Since then I put bandages overy nipples before the race.

a swedish semen demon? here? whats this ball drainers name?

It was a few staged art pictures. Sup Forums then took those and pretended it was a real feminist movement.

how should I know, these pics are ancient

whats you shirt made off? Sand paper?

Served him right for running dresses like fucking Peter Pan.
