>Hates SJW
>No Niggers
>Mudslims kept in check
When are you guys moving to Russia?
>Hates SJW
>No Niggers
>Mudslims kept in check
When are you guys moving to Russia?
I'm Half-Nigger french and i already have 2 shit holes to fix apart.
>poor as shit
>literally the definition of corruption
>country has basically no future
We have our own version of niggers - muslim shitskins from central asia and caucasus. And there is more - Putin and his government loves there niggers, ensures more of them enter the country, gives them rich dotations from country budget to ensure they breed well, and even putting them above the law, allowing them to commit any crimes against Russian people and get away with it. All this while not giving a shit about Slavic population. We are plagued by same problem you have.
>shitty infrastructure
>constant power shifts that end in corruption
>no desire to improve quality of life
>rampant alcoholism and drug abuse
>crime is sky high
>dying economy
Memes aside, I wouldn't mind moving to the Siberia in a very remote place that has a small town near by. I would grow my basic foods, maybe rely on the town for meats, but live a relatively independent life similar to Varg.
They hate you too.
Stopped reading there.
>Mudslims kept in check
Oh, yet another proxy bot, hello there!
see pic related
>>Hates SJW
video related youtube.com
>>No Niggers
video related youtube.com
>>Mudslims kept in check
video related youtube.com
pick one
The more east you go the shittier it gets, im not gonna cross that gate to eternal shit
Once I learn the language.
If you move to a country and don't speak their language then you are scum.
Also did you ask if russians want westerners in their cunt?
>third world country
>banana state
>the biggest muslims population in Europe
>full of filthy slavs
>degenerate af
Yes, really made me think
I'm sure that isn't true, гoпник.
пýтин is a great leader and cares deeply for the Russian collective.
Delusional cuck must visit Moscow I guess. Пиздишь кaк тpoцкий.
Remember when you had a culture? Back in the days when you were not sucking american cock and swallowing the nigger meme ?
Now go back to listen to Black M you muslim convert
>We have our own version of niggers
T. Virgin who has never visited Russia
Of course it isn't true, let me learn from you about what happening in my country, o man who lives on the other side of the planet.
This is how muslim animals allowed to behave and police is not allowed to show them their place.
You're from Moscow aren't you?
Although its clearly drunk Russians themselves.
>clearly drunk Russians themselves
who make more shit than any Muslim.
Sorry, haven't finished sentence properly.
>third world country
Look up wjat third world mean you dumb cuck.
>the biggest muslims population in Europe
You cant compare native muslims to Syrian refugee subhumans. Also still only 5% of the population is MUslim. And those are muslims who went through Soviet homogenation.
>filthy slavs
Says the subhuman from a country whose sole function for the past 600 years was as a corridor for invasion, rape and plunder.
sure thing Mohammed
Skazhi "Chechnya kruto", shabbos goy.
>Highest murder rate in europe
>Highest AIDS rate in europe
>Highest suicide rate in europe
>Most corrupt country in europe
>One of only two european dictatorships
>Active islamist sepratist insurgency
>Heaviest smokers and drinkers in europe
>Communism is a legitimate political force
I can go on and on. Why do western europeans on this board feel the need to suck slav cock at every opportunity?
Chechnya kruto!
Russia isn't a part of Europe you imbecile.
Lol what a delusional fag.
Why are you talking about a country in which you have never been?
Most of it's population lives in the European part
I was surprised to learn that I'd be considered a wealthy man in Russia with my 1500 euro per month. Bad economy.
Major cities are filled with illegal mudniggers from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and other shitholes.
Smaller cities are filled with rednecks and illegal mudniggers.
Rare nigger can be encountered in Moscow/Saint Petersburg.
Feminism is present here, it's rather rare and mostly contained in the internet, but if you encounter it IRL - boy you are in for a time of your life.
Muslims are in check in Dagestan/Chechnya, but it's a hellhole of it's own sort.
I'd rather go to fucking Australia and wrestle emus than live here.
I saw 3 guys 1 hammer.
>When are you guys moving to Russia?
I'm alright here in Brazil.
I like russians though.
As soon as i finish my Russian language courses. If I'm going to live there, I want to have a chance to fit in.
>there's an oblast specifically made for jews with the LGBT flag
If Putin didn't like kikes I'd move in an instant.
Except that black people, including born here, are not rare in MSK, I see them often in metro.
And you can see them on TV or hear on radio.
Don't watch TV or radio, I remember a black singer from 2000's, the "Шoкoлaдный зaяц" ("Chocolate Bunny" for our non-russian speaking friends), or whatever.
I use subway quite often, but rarely see blacks, maybe 2 or 3 per week. I know they have a nest at Лyлyмбapий, but I rarely hang around that area.
>When are you guys moving to Russia?
I wish all skinheads and stormfags a pleasant one way ticket to russia.
He is still here and fucking Russian girls all right video related youtube.com
Why Finland so cool?
Is CTR false flagging this to paint us as Russian supporters by killary? Quit responding to these developmentally disabled children.
internet really hit you hard on the head
central asian immigrants, muslim or not, have been an issue in Russia's most develloped parts for at least two decades
you sound like all western commies during the cold war
fuck hillary clinton
they are Slavs
how come you fucking westerners always call us subhuman but when it suits you then our countries are a paragon of whiteness? Kill yourselves.
>he thinks his country won't be a Russian territory soon
the most populated part is in Europe, most of Russia's huge territory is in Asia
It's been how many years and his pronouncation is still god awful.
>anything but a linguistic group
try again. most of you guys are white though 2bh