If Donald wins its been rumored that Justin Trudeau will billed a wall. Do you guys really want to be segregated from your northern neighbors
If Donald wins its been rumored that Justin Trudeau will billed a wall...
Quit using a leaf proxy and fuck off you inbred scum. Stop shitting up leafs.
Kill your self.
Oh god yes
We hate you
we're going to build a wall and canada will be billed for it.
Yes, fuck off maple niggers. Maple niggers infest my State in the winter so fuck off.
>Do you guys really want to be segregated from your northern neighbors
Yes. I wish you shitposting faggots couldn't even access Sup Forums.
Obvs proxy, Canadians can spell.
>Having a wall between us and poutine guzzling moose fuckers
Yes please!
Fuck off retard.
>justin treadau
>cunt who gets knocked out during a spa
>impying who's going too be leader come next election
I know you Canadians aren't that cucked.
Nuke Toronto ffs!
The SJWs won't let you build that wall. Can't even build a fucking pipeline let alone a wall.
>If Donald wins its been rumored that Justin Trudeau will billed a wall. Do you guys really want to be segregated from your northern neighbors
Yes. Canadians are far too gay these days and pro-PC totalitarianism. They are cuck'd to high heaven and are going to be replaced by brown people and Asians anyways.
Leaf education, everyone.
But the funny part is it just proves how viable building a wall actually is. Good job leftie, you just blew yourself the fuck out.
Enjoy not being able to cross the border for cheaper groceries.
>billed a wall
That leaf education we hear so much abooot..
I live in Toronto thought
Doubt it
Not an argument
Im canadian
You guys are fat and always shooting guns
Not an argument
Literally what is that flag
What if they do?
I though you already had a wall???
After Trump builds the wall, we should have a secured corridor of safe passage so that Mexicans can come to Canada freely. Lets find out just how much Trudeau really wants Mexicans to flood his country.
>This is supposed to be a threat
Is it really cheaper though. You guys can get brugers for a 1$ yet your minimum wage is like $4. In Canada our minimum wage js like $12. It all gets evened out when you really think about it
That sounds great, keep Trudeaus faggotry away from the promised land
Ur stupid
we need them more than they need us
we're gonna build a firewall to deal with you fuckheads
He means that Canada will be billed for a wall after Trump rangebans Canada
>I live in Toronto thought
Of course you do, Toronto is filled with idiots
>You guys are fat and always shooting guns
So are we, fuckstick. Our per capita rate of firearms ownership is roughly on par with the US.
Canadians aren't real people and Montreal doesn't exist
>implying Canada didn't assrape U.S in 1812
This would be the best move justin truFaggot has ever made
You're a fucking leaf!
literally the empire of tower hamlets
you say this like it would be a bad thing.
does this mean you would keep your FOB chinese and pakies on a leash and keep them out of our stores and stop them from buying all of our milk and gasoline?
Ive never seen a gun in my life. Kys ya laying sack of shit
And ur an a AMERIFAT
it really wouldnt hurt to put a wall between canada and US.
Canada has a lot of muslim filth and degeneracy.
You don't get a say in the matter.
If Canada continues or accelerates the amount of refugees and migrants into their country I believe their values will be diluted and drift further away from ours. I'm fine with a wall between the U.S. and Canada.
I hope he don't billed with the bill leaf!
If Sup Forums has taught me anything, it's that Canadians are leftist cancer.
Turdeau ain't a "billeder" and twelve year old slack jawed idiots should refrain from shit posting.
>accept refugees with open arms
>not you whitey go back
The wall just got 10 feet higher
> I live in Toronto
Into the trash anything relevant you have to say you trans curry nigger. There's a reason Toronto sucks so much cock and everywhere in Ontario laughs at you
plz no ;-;
We reject that bill
you dont have the resources or the manpower to build a wall
Trump can then say he managed to get two walls built with other nations paying for it.
I don't know. Living in Northern MN we do get some revenue from Canadian interlopers. At the same time maybe I won't have to honk at Canadians for driving like assholes.
>tfw applied at a Canadian business in MN many years ago and they scheduled my interview for July 4th
>Ive never seen a gun in my life. Kys ya laying sack of shit
Estimates for amount of guns in Canada range between 10 and 20 million, depending on which organization you ask.
If you ever left Toronto, you would find many of the people you meet own at least 1 firearm
I own 12, its a mix of rifles, pistols and a shotgun
>Is it really cheaper though. You guys can get brugers for a 1$ yet your minimum wage is like $4. In Canada our minimum wage js like $12. It all gets evened out when you really think about it
Especially in the Southern states, the cost of living is way, way less in the USA. Canada is racing to becoming like Europe economically.
You can raise the minimum wage all day long, your rents, taxes and groceries means you will still have a reduced standard of living compared to what the average American enjoys so long as he has work, which is why Trump is so right and so important.
Everywhere the LGBTQ infestation goes, quality of life collapses and costs of living goes up. Degeneracy and leftist bullshit isn't cheap and it is massively demoralizing on the population.
You end up with a tired, haggard population that would gladly give up having to work hard for a living (because of diminishing returns and benefits) for a fucking guaranteed mere stipend from the government.
And face it. Canada doesn't even have an economy anymore. I mean, do they even bother giving you the GDP growth statistics anymore? What's left of it is servicing the American economy with natural resources.
If American goes left-wing retard, Canada will be finished economically.
>implying Canada wont be turned into a country sized cuckshead for all leftists and celebrities if trump wins
>Canada will be billed for it
Why? Just let fag boy Trudeau build his wall instead. Him trying to get America to pay for his shit will be hilarious
>instead of trying to build walls
poor canadia
>If you ever left Toronto.
Toronto people can't last outside of the GTA. The moment you hit Orangeville to the north and Peterborough to the east youre in redneck turf where everyone owns a gun
We would build a wall for our safety. U.S is to dangerous and has mass shootings every day.
Fuck yes.
>all the degenerate leftist media says they're moving to Canada if Trump is elected
>the worst of the black community says the same
>they move to Canada so we don't have to get rid of them
>Trudeau builds a wall so we don't have to
Jesus Christ. Trump wasn't kidding when he said under budget and ahead of schedule. The mere existence of the man gets shit done.
>Muslims are the greatest victims of Islam in the world.
Trudeau finally said something not entirely retarded.
Trudeau better tread lightly. God Emperor Trump will not tolerate impotence.
Even as a maplefag I'm secretly hoping he annexs Toronto. That place needs a clean up
It's ok though. Trudeau will only give women and since they biologically can't work together it'll never get finished.
we're building a wall around vancounver and toronto
Hire women* not give
As much as I hate to admit this, I can understand why people in Toronto dont own guns because nobody wants to pay the Silverdale jew
You're no leaf you proxyfag
Strong fences make for good friends. Also the Canacucks won't be so great if they continue the leftie road so it would be even better
>Women working on a construction site
Could you imagine? I work in IT and a department of all women spent a week deciding on a location of a printer and what personnel should be able to use it.
>Implying that was Canada
Underrated mate.
Lived on a city close to the border and had truckloads of Canadian shopping tourists come down each weekend. Can confirm, they are some of the worst people ive ever encounteted. Loud, rude, and most were extremelly obese. Would trash kmarts and targets and leave trash everywhere.
No America builds it. More jobs for our people.
Fucking please do, and let all the crying millennials SJWs and shitskins go over first
nice catch, missed that part
welp user a broken clock is right at least twice a day
meant for
He's going to have to "bill" mexico for that one as well.
Trump is going to bill Trudeau for the wall?
why are you guys replying to this bait thread
Ten meters higher
>Do you guys really want to be segregated from your northern neighbors
To keep you closet commies from infecting us? Yes.
We should've done it sooner, so Canuck shitters like Seth Rogen would've been forever trapped in your frozen tundra.
He's welcome to start building it now desu.
>Jesus Christ. Trump wasn't kidding when he said under budget and ahead of schedule. The mere existence of the man gets shit done.
Truth. He's rightly pointed out that his campaign has already caused some people to get their shit together in various facets of the national life.
The media is still holding out against common sense change and self-reform but they are next.
The man really does embody the backlash against the PC totalitarian disease we've been seeing all over the world, especially the Western world. They know the super majority of the population hates it deeply and are afraid he will imbue confidence into the masses to say enough is enough and defy the illegitimate regimes ruling over them and dictating their every word and action.
His absolute refusal to let the media shame him into submission is an example that is going to inspire a lot of fucking resistance. All that is lacking is resources to organize.
Trudeau for president of America
he won't be. the righteous anger from our scottish forefathers and our political balking inherited from the french will see another reactionary vote in 2019.
anyone who denies this is a strong possibility is not from canada, does not understand canada, or is a torontonian (same thing as the first two)
>You guys are fat and always shooting guns
>canada has 10-15 million guns
>10-11 mil for sure
>thought to be 2-5 mil legacy guns or guns "lost in boating accidents" over the century
>I'm literally going shooting tomorrow at a range
Toronto literally is non-Canada. It knows nothing of this country and isn't a part of actual Canadiana.
>there are literally gun ranges in toronto
but I see what you mean.
Once you hit cobourg/port perry, you're officially in 80/20 redneck land.
I'm out in loyalist, where the city folk aren't even cucked. The country boys are fucked but damn are they fun to hang out with.
>everyone north of the 401 between belleville and cornwall has an assortment of guns
If you build the wall, we will gladly pay for it. Only condition is you have to take all the dudeweed degenerates off our hands.
>he still believes trump will win
>Trudeau for president of America
yea, no
too much of a suck-ass for islam senpai
>another career leftie politician is what MURRICA needs
yea, no
kys my man