Buy me things

Buy me things.

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not a chance, THOT

she is a disgusting pig ugly cunt

her husband is now in jail.

yes my dear


got arrested for trying to sell 300 lbs of weed in Arizona

lol no way what did he do

Caught with 293 pounds of marijuana .

She looks attainable.

I want to impregnate her and have ugly children

So that's how he made his money

She will be regularly vlogging now. Please watch her 1st video update on her and Jorge.

he always "made money" he just didn't make enough that satisfied his gold digging whore wife.

...el monstruo americano

/90df/ thread?

San Miguel Arcángel protégenos de la Goblina

La atrocidad...

What a mutt.

Isn't she Russian or Ukrainian?

she's Russian

Pretty sure she was a slav. It was married in 90 days. The guy was an autistic burger probably a biztard.

why does Yurop keep going on about this being America's future?

Because it's their present.

obsessed because inferiority complex

Y-you t-too

For what? Beating her with an ugly stick?

I work at the production company AMA

I want to put penis in her mouth and then in her butt.

where are these coming from originally? funny af

what's your mom's name?

I find her weirdly attractive for some reason, I don't know why but I have a thing for ugly/weird looking bitches like this, it has to be a really specific kinda ugly though
but yeah i'd hate fuck her

Alla Cocksure

shes slav retards

Tahts called dating user. women lke material things and men like pussy

She's had work done on her face since, nice body too

What exact date does the next season start and please tell me Loren and Alexei aren't in it


is that the same woman? makeup should be banned honestly

what a fucking ugly cunt

Why are slav women so materialistic?

No, different girl. Evelyn is pure, Anfisa is a whore

they are raised that way. slav women are never encouraged to become more than fuckholes.

what happened??

"Saving nine fives, once at a time".
Nigga what?

Uhh, are you fucking around or just blind as fuck


i have a retort for this image


I'd say either banned or mandatory.

i don't think anfisa is that ugly desu