Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel / Palestine situation?
With the mudshites or with the kikes?
Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel / Palestine situation?
With the mudshites or with the kikes?
Destory them both.
Nazi state of Jerusalem.
Same way I feel between wasps and bees.
the kikes, and everyone on Sup Forums should agree
Always against jews.
Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Fuck Muslims. I'll take Jews over muslims any day of the week.
I much prefer Jews to mudslimes
I hate them both, but will root for both sides to kill eachother.
Remove the jews and Western influence and the muslims in the whole region will start drifting back towards stable states and secularism.
How is this even a question?
Any israeli who does not stand with his country is a traitor and should be deported to live with his beloved sandpeople. Even mudslimes know that a turncoat is dangerous to both sides.
lol, I'm sure there's historical precedent that validates your assumption rather than shatters it...
>muslims in the whole region will start drifting back towards stable states
Are you really this delusional ?
Secularism is a myth, Turkey is proving its impossible
Good Zionist.
>loyalty to your country is a bad thing
Not a surprise, coming from a nigger.
>Implying I don't support nationalism
The only time it's bad is when Jews do it. Everyone else is fine, but Jews have too much influence.
If you don't support jews, you support muslims. Muslims are fucking animals that should be exterminated.
Get out of the middle east fuck the kikes. Let the mudslimes have their own way of life, ban them from entering our country unless extensively vetted as proposed by donald trump. Anyone found guilty of radical Islam or Judaism in America should be dipped in hydrochloric acid and scrubbed with a wire brush by a flock of niggers paid with governmant gibs me dats.
"Kill em all and let God sort them out".
Saying "Israel has no right to exist" makes me sound like a sandnigger lover.
Saying "sandniggers are all raping pillaging savages who don't deserve that land" makes me sound like a good goy.
So my stance on it is officially "Kill all kikes, kill all muslims, that land is rightful, Christian clay"
I hope all this surprise for Israel is just ironic shitposting. Israel is an ethnostate construct that exists almost entirely due to guilt over 'muh holocaust.' US Christian Zionists and international bankers and other AIPAC forces all conspire together in order to manipulate our cultural feeling to be pro-Israel, and since we are then directly contributing to Palestinian genocide, we sustain terrorist sentiment against us, which increases military spending, which justifies the existing of the Federal Reserve, which destroys the economy, etc.
End the Fed?
End Israel.
support for Israel*
What do you mean "your country"? Israel is not even a real country, if anything it's the Palestinians who are fighting for theirs.
>Implying I support either
>Insert vladtheimpliermeme.jpeg
C'mom now. They're both equally scum. I just like to root for both sides and watch them destroy eachother. Kinda like when a hornet invades a bee nest.
>Palestinian genocide
Nice meme, their birth rates are considerably higher than israeli birth rates
Dontlike either of them israel is bigger threat to ametica therefore pale
Actually Zionism and the state of Israel were formed towards the end of WWI via the Balfour Declaration where Britain basically promised Israel to the Jews in exchange they requested that America join WWI (because even back then we were controlled by the Jews) to defeat the Central Powers. Most Americans wished to remain neutral. Fuck the Jews.
>packing up materials
>preparing for transport
>be careful, it's fragile!
>setting up for countdown
>greeeen is goooooood
>brace yourselves, morning glory
>this day shall be remembered
It belongs to the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
You are only considering recent events, look a little further.
The history of the Middle East has had several secular governments. Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq...off the top of my head but there are more. Look a little closer why those regimes were toppled and how the Wahabbists came to power.
Islam hasn't always been the fucked up medieval religion it is today, it was made so by outside influence.
Fuck it let the kikes have their greater Israel. They can turn that shithole into a breadbasket, and will likely slaughter the arabs without much notice from the west because muh 6 gorillion
Basically fuck the US/Israel and fuck the GLA
ask somebody who spend a month in palestine, and a few days in israel either side anything
unbiased answers
>Afghanistan, Iran
The Islamic revolution ruined those countries.
But of course, Islamic revolutions have nothing to do with islam, right?
If the Palestinians wanted a state, they shouldn't have fought in and lost 4 wars against the Israelis. Sucks to suck, goat fuckers. They were offered a state in 1948 but were greedy sand-niggers and lost that war. They're lucky Israel lets them exist.
Israel, I'm also technically a kike (mother's mother's etc. mother) by their own definition, and I dont want to get bombed by hamas.
>it was made so by outside influence.
It's called Saudi Arabia m8
With Palestine
Hey at least GLA have Angry Mob.
You don't have to tel me about lord Balfour and his declaration. I know all this. It's on the back of my hand.
What I'm saying is that without American foreign aid and arms, given primarily after Israel's independence in 1947, the modern Israeli state would not exist. While Jews were shipped to Palestine after WW1 in large numbers, statehood wasn't achieved until down the road.
What I'm saying is that Israel's empowered existence today is primarily the fault of America
Without France the US wouldn't exist. What's your point? Wanna give back the US since it wasn't fair that they got help?
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Extremists were helped to power by the West.
It's that the US is STILL providing so much aid to Israel, our wars there are ALL for Israel's sake. The French didn't have to continue to support America after we beat Britain. That was it. It was over.
Not so with Israel. We've hand-held them every step of the way. We need to end it.
does pol respect the israeli army? esp 67'
fuck them both
The one side is imperialist kikes who the world would be better off without.
The other side is a justified resistance against imperialism. But they are also disgusting Muslim whom the world would be better without.
Just nuke the whole god damn shithole.
They helped the US multiple times afterwards, you dolt, both in trade and military support. And boo fucking hoo, the US helps its strategic ally in the region to further its own weapons research and influence!?!? What scandalous horror!
The only reason you're upset about it is because it's "Da JOOS."
I'm upset about it because it empowers our corrupt Federal government, fiat currency, and the destruction of our economy. It might seem small, but it's all connected. I'll outline it again.
1. Israelis are imperialists who want Arab land and will do literally anything to get it (cf Yinon Plan)
2. Americans support Israelis PRIMARILY due to 'muh Holocaust'
3. Israelis slaughter Arabs
4. BDS movement and other pro-Palestinian causes try to bring awareness to this but are ignored
5. Israel, Saudis, and other evil forces work together to destroy WTC and bring American military into the region directly
6. We obliterate Arabs left and right and totally destabilize the region
7. Real terrorism comes about in order to cleanse their lands of the foreign invader
8. We get sick of war and largely leave
9. Israel, Saudis, and other evil forces work together to create ISIS and bring American military into the region directly
10. We obliterate Arabs left and right and totally destabilize the region
11. Real terrorism continues in order to cleanse their lands of the foreign invader
12.a. Trump gets elected and institutes an expensive occupying force. (see 13)
12.b. Hillary gets elected and continues the cycle described above
13. Federal Reserve remains empowered because we need fiat money to fight foreign wars for Israel
14. Bankers reign supreme and control every aspect of our country
15. Continued slavery
What if you don't support either, and want them both genocided to extinction..
But yes, jews first..
1) So does every other middle eastern nation
2) No. It's because they're a strategic ally. Israel has been a primary zone of importance since the dawn of civilization.
3) Good. Fuck them
4) Because they're retarded for supporting mudslime
5) Take off the tinfoil
6) Good. Fuck 'em
7) And because of their magical sand-nigger God.
8) You can have this one
9) ISIS was made by mutliple factors, no duh Israel wants them to exist, it keeps the Syria war in the NE and not leaking their mudslime problems into their country.
10) They kill each other on their own. We just puppet it because it's cleaner than letting Iran duke it out with the Saudis since sand-niggers suck at war.
11) Nope. They're muslim. That's why.
12) Good. Keep them under thumb.
13) Strategic interests really aren't your strong point are they?
14) Oh wow, people who have money are influential in a capitalist system!?!?
15) Muh appeal to bullshit.
Israel. I have nothing against Jews who keep to Israel and butcher Muslims.
My trouble is with the Jews corrupting Western society from within. By the way, "western" jews also tend to be Anti-zionism/Israel
I don't understand you, what is it you want? What are you even arguing for?
Israel is a valuable ally for the US to have because it furthers it's interests and improves the US position as a whole, both strategically and technologically. Mudslimes are not.
t. Yitzhak Shekelstein
Do you recognize and accept the severe negative impacts it has to our economy and culture as I have outlined?
You mean the government installed by the invading communists, controlled by bolshevik jews?
You mean the shah installed by the US, controlled by capitalist jews?
Our economy is based on the MIC and technology. Both of which are furthered by research agreements with Israel. If you want to bring up the "muh foreign aid" meme, know it's not even .01% of our budget and the money is required to be spent on American goods and weaponry.
Durk Bak Allah.
Never ever I am going to stand with sand monkeys.
Kikes are the cancer of humanity
Palestinians have never done anything to hurt me or my country
On the aesthetic side
The last time Israel spazzed out and started slaughtering innocents we got some pretty comfy and fun threads out of it. So, for that reason, I'd like to see more heated conflict in the Levant.
Well ,there shall be a jewish state,expecialy when there are so many mudslims in region,let israel fight isis.
Link or it's fake.
Fuck you, we christians exist here too.
Always against Jews.
It's fake because it is a satirical image
>This one is real though