"Donald Trump's election will be the biggest fuck you in human history"
Will this speech be the rallying cry for Trump supporters?
"Donald Trump's election will be the biggest fuck you in human history"
Will this speech be the rallying cry for Trump supporters?
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fuck you to the establishment
Spamming these top-tier Trump videos which were made before the election so that it will be safe for YOU to share with normies. This is a reaction to the pussyleaks video and aren't meant to be a redpill as much as a way for YOU to soften Trump's image to women and introduce the real Trump. SHARE THIS AND MAGA!
>(1m) Trump signs sign for fan
>(2m) Trump refuses to lower flag
>(2m) Trump fixes Wollman's Ice Rink
>(2m) Actress in Trump pussy video talks about the Don
>(2m) Trump flies ill child in his jet
>(3m) Trump sends money to hero bus driver
>(3m) Dying Ms. Wisconsin thanks Trump
>(3m) Mini Trump
>(3m) Trump cameos
>(3m) J. Jackson Praising Trump
>(4m) Trump interview on Sept 11
>(5m) Trump helps disabled girl
>(9m) Never Give Up
>(9m) Donald Trump LOVES Americans
>(10m) The real Donald Trump
>(14m) Rebuild Twin Towers II
>(1m) Girl cries over Trump
>(3/5/1m) Fallon interview
>(3m) the video that sold me on Trump
>(4m) Deplorables Unite
>(4m) The biggest recorded fuck you
>(5m) Trump the Establishment
>(5m) Donald Trump's Christmas Book
>(8m) Black Pigeon Speaks
> TRUMP 2016!!!
i still don't understand what the fuck Michael Moore is doing but having seen Roger&Me it seems so obvious to me that Moore and Trump should be on the same side... but I don't know what kind of indoctrination Moore has gotten in his decades in Hollywood since then.
he made an anti-trump film before realizing he actually agrees with trump
Money's moneys, guess he finally sees
Hilarious. Micheal moore sets up the context into why people will vote for trump. Then switches gears into why its a mistake and vote for hillary.
Trump cuts the speech into something that liberals will listen to and feel good about voting trump.
Micheal moore will complain that this is distorted and highly edited just like his fucking documentaries. Karma is a bitch.
He's trying desperately to stay relevant in a nation increasingly plagued by more and more obese white apologists every year.
Hey CTR, guess what? your paycheck drys up in two weeks faggots.
See? Told you Moore was /ourguy/.
Kek moore wont get invited to anymore liberal all you can eat parties, weightloss imminent.
Even if Moore isnt really on Trump train they're pissed he was excessively honest
I know people in Bangladesh aren't too bright, but you're seriously sucking Michael Moore's cock while calling other people CTR?
He's concern trolling for Trump but putting in a caveat at the end to keep the $ from the jewish mafia rolling in
It's funny how when it's just a thumbnail, Moore looks like he's wearing a MAGA hat at a glance.
Trump is protrolling michael and using him like a bitch
>make entire documentary to shill for hill
>a 4 min clip shilling for trump goes viral instead
Hah., check out his twitter.
He's so buttmad people edited his speech to make it pro-Trump when in reality it was an anti-Trump event.
How is it edited?
lol Moore fucked up big time
His working-class roots compelled him to explain why people in the rust belt were voting for a billionaire, he did so but it's such an accurate and powerful synopsis that it's overshadowing his other points.
This is like Upton Sinclair writing about classism and exploitation but instead everyone paid attention to the graphic description of meat packing.
After the end where it says it will feel good he says it will only feel good for a few days or a week or maybe a month.
What are his arguments against Trump? I skimmed his Twitter I only saw >muh gender gap
What bullcrap made up nonsense-issue.
Took the only pro trump statement out of the 73 min doco and people have been splicing it with pro-Trump imagery and epic music on other videos.
This is master level trolling by the alt-right,
Man I really hope he wins, the amount of libtard tears created worldwide will keep me laughing for weeks
Kek, was delivering the Patton's Speech to the 3rd Army of this election completely unintentional, or is he deep behind enemy lines playing a game of 6d backgammon in service of the God Emperor?
>To all americans- I see & hear you
wtf is donald trump santa???
This is the most hilarious justice I've ever seen
Michael Moore makes an anti-trump movie, and the one clip where he talks positive about Trump, gets turned into a meme that wins Trump the presidency
Thanks Michael Moore, we love ya
But the most popular video of it is just the audio.
He's a fucking shill, he uses the same argument as every other libtard. Which is to just throw ad-hominems at him and project
>Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, ... ALL THE BLOWS!!
>4D chess user
You see the thing about Moore is that he's a drone but down-to-earth one.
He doesn't think Trump will lose because his suburban liberal circle of friends(lol implying the fat fuck has any friends) doesn't like him, he thinks he will win because there's an awful lot of people who don't vote at all who will vote for him for "saying how it is".
The Ford thing is the perfect example of this and he said long ago that these are the things that will win elections for Trump.
I think there is his blog post from early 2016 saying that Trump will win, it is likely that he already started making that documentary back then and understood what kind of support Trump has.
tl dr he simply doesn't have his head up his ass
Michael Moore accurately conveys the sense of disillusionment and disenfranchisement the white, working-class, mid-west voters feel. There are 4 states that will help decide the election in the mid-west, and MM accurately described and sympathised with their plight.
Even hill-shills agree with that.
Where we disagree is the caveat at the end; Trump won't be able to fix things for them, at least will hill-dog we stand a chance.
Except people in the mid-west and other americans don't believe that last part. They know that even if trump fails at everything, at least he'll TRY to "get their country back", whereas they know with hillary they'll get more of the same status-quo-toting bullshit.
So he accurately describes the problem and the reasoning but does an awful job at countering the end-result as to why mid-western voters should vote for hillary.
I hope the media covers this tweet negatively.
The problem with Hillary is she's a sociopath. She does not give a fuck about anyone, there is no way in hell she's going to do anything unless it benefits her personally.
Don't you see the poetry, shill?
>Make an anti-trump documentary that nobody watches
>Include a long-winded (((satire))) speech that makes him sound great
>someone cuts out the clip and uploads it as pro-trump
>goes viral and gets him elected
I just realized, I called you ctr here because I thought you were bad mouthing trump and not realizing you were actually talking about fat michael moore. sorry about that.
Could that have been intentional?
He must have listened to it and known it could be a knockout punch for Trump, but then added the bit at the end to cover his ass.
I really wonder. The video being watched right now doesn't have his ending for Hillary, just the great stuff about Trump. I've never seen the video with the Hillary ending.
He's not a dumb guy. I think he knew what he was doing.
i think he was too big of a pussy to endorse him directly, so he made the most convincing argument for trump, which he later takes down, weakly, so he can pretend like he is still for hillary.
that or its a tactic for hillary to endorse a stronger middle class pro-manufacturing agenda, but she is too much of a globalist puppet, too crooked and too criminal to do that.
>post a thread
>discuss a video
Gotta hand it to you, this method of trolling is finally wearing me down and starting to actually bother me.
>tfw I've been saying this to people questioning my vote for trump for months
God Emperor. Thy will be done.
So this whole clip is just cut and edited ? Moore really supports Hillary?
Minus the swears it's a nice speech and it's about a lib actually attempts to understand the opposing side for once
He's not supporting trump he just understands why he has so many fans
Though he does try to paint them as losers I suppose
get fucked faggot
>Implying Trump can win with all the electoral votes that will ignore him entirely
>Pretending the popular vote matters
>Acting like this isn't just a show to convince the foolish populace that there isn't a reign of tyranny
>Pretending Hillary Cuntface isn't already bought and paid for.
>Pretending the American government isn't currently the most corrupt shitshow on planet earth.
Many people are VERY fed up.
Revolution is coming. America wrote the book on it, and we still have some chapters to add.
>Pretending the electoral college is not conservative
Did you just start politics this year, honey?
3d chess
despite being buttmad about the edit, you can tell he's nervous
>notorious complainer/fat shit michael moore on the trump train
i sure as sunshine didn't get THIS memo
he isnt, it was edited by some based madman to cut out before the diss.
Trump is still in the game, it's a long-shot but he not out yet.
I did not see the whole show, so I could be very, very wrong, but in that segment Moore seemed to be extremely passionate. At one time his voice choked. Maybe he is a really good actor and can fake it very well.
Here is where I might be crazy or completely off base, but what if this was the only way that Moore could safely express his support for Trump?
If he came out and endorsed Trump, it would be the end of his film making career. The regressive left is his entire retinue. He would lose everybody and his career would be finished.
Could it be that Moore was dog whistling his support for Trump or am I just looking for something that isn't there?
When he came on British TV in the run up to Brexit he said he thought Trump would win
why isn't grace in the pic
>or am I just looking for something that isn't there?
Yes you are. Look, he still tries to make something like a documentary (even if he spins it one way or another), and for this he needs to listen to the people. That's what he did.
>At one time his voice choked.
Where he says that they have last all, and have nothing left but their vote. And yes, that was genuine. But you need to understand that it wasn't him that was talking, it was all those people that actually have lost everything. He gives them his voice. That's how he interprets his job.
>commit a crime
>brag about it on shitter
they are not even ironically supporting Hillary
it all makes sense now
I think Ms.Moore got the message of the "Trump Curse" & what happens to all who go against him
Why are they so fat
He has empathy and sympathy for the men and women who will vote for Trump. He's a fat socialist fuck, but he seems to genuinely care about the people.
Moore, like a lot of labor leftists, is experiencing cognitive dissonance. He knows damn well Trump is the right choice, which is why he was able to so perfectly make that little speech he did. People who are truly baffled by Trump's popularity wouldn't know enough to make that speech, because they truly don't understand Trump and why anybody likes him. Moore does, because Trump is what Moore always wanted.
Except for muh racism. And that is where the left is today. Everything -- all of it -- revolves around the left's deep seated hatred of white people. Egalitarianism, as they define it, is their nucleus. Everything else, trade, labor, foreign policy, all of it is subordinated to their quest to take down the "white patriarchy" and replace it with an "empowered" multi-racial, multi-cultural order.
And so, Moore, despite his instincts, is not permitted to support Trump. It would be career ruining, and it would bring about an identity crisis. So he will continue living in cognitive dissonance.
Don't take my word for it. Just ask him. He's said as much. Ask Bernieouts supporting Hillary why they're doing it. They will all say racist/sexist/Islamaphobe.
He's not on the trump train but he got BTFO by getting forced into the train when his video clip was cut before he started talking shit and left only the accurate analysis of what's happening and how a large part of America feels.
It's doctored clip
Do you think his central thesis is right tho, that Trump can win thanks to a groundswell of support in "Brexit" states? The fucked over working stiffs he writes about?
Yeah documentaries shouldn't be edited. Literally just throw all of the footage into a 100hr film and let the audience make up their own minds.
Or you could try and be non-partisan and edit "documentaries" without a slant.
Or you can do your own research instead of getting it spoon fed to you. Documentaries are a scam to make people feel smart, without having to open a book.
Wtf I love Santa now
Books are a scam to make people feel smart, without having to conduct their own field research.
Not dries up.
They don't give a fuck about the people they use; people are like toilet paper to the left.
>Trump won't be able to fix things for them, at least will hill-dog we stand a chance.
>at least will hill-dog we stand a chance.
field researchs are scam to make people smart, without having a conversation with themself to realise the whole fucking thing doesnt make any sense and they dont have any purpose in this vast universe
Field research is heresy designed to make people bastardize the word of God, just to go through life without having faith.
haha what a fucking retard
He was saying that ironically
If anyone wants to watch that fucking cringefest of a movie
It's just a standup show full of "really makes you think jokes" and "white male" jokes and Trump is a racist that hates mexicans and muslims
Moore does not support Trump. He never has and never will. He is and will forever be a fucktard.
The segment is pure gold for the Trump campaign, but that is because the person who uploaded it cut off the end of Moore's speech:
"Voting for Trump will feel good for a day. Maybe a week. Possibly a month. And then. Like the Brits, who wanted to send a message, so they voted to leave Europe only to find out that if you vote to leave Europe you, actually have to leave Europe.
And now they regret it. All the Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, Michiganders and Wisconsinites of Middle England, right, they all voted to leave and now they regret it.
And over 4 million of them signed a petition to have a do-over, they want another election, but It's not going to happen. Because you used the ballot as an anger management tool. And now you're fucked. And the rest of Europe. They're like, Bye Felicia.
So when the rightfully angry people of Ohio and Michigan and Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin find out after a few months in office that President Trump wasn't going to do a damn thing for them, it will be too late to do anything about it.
But I get it. You wanted to send a message. You had righteous anger. And justifiable anger. Well, message sent.
Goodnight America. You've just elected the last president of the United States."
If the vote isn't rigged and electors ignore the voters to vote for Hillary, they will be killed and there will be widespread violence. If they ignore a vote for Hillary and vote for Trump, nothing bad will happen because KEKS.
You couldn't be more wrong. If the only thing wrong with Trump was his "racism", that's not enough to dent the intrinsic appeal of economic nationalism and non-interventionist foreign policy. The real problem with Trump is that he is utterly incompetent. And he is a con-artist and snake oil salesman. No Trump project has ever come to fruition that benefited anyone other than Trump.
Top kek.
Moore BTFO by his own antics.
The fat cuck had it coming
Isn't this bad? I mean, Moore's speech has the objective of making dems (or whoever dislikes Trump really) go vote Hillary.
I know. Most people will never watch the real show and hear the rest of the speech; most people will only hear this segment because it is the one with the most youtube views...and it makes Trump sound fan-fucking-tastic, even though that was not Moore's intention.
Hoisted by his own petard.
...but they didn't elect Hillary?
He's a wise person, he can see that this election isn't gonna be a landslide for Clinton, unlike her supporters. That being said, he's definitely pro-Hillary.
Not wise enough to see that Hillary is a shitty candidate.
Moore's real objective is to push Hillary to the left on trade -- basically telling her "if you lose, it will be because you abandoned Labor". Trump is actually running to the left of Hillary on trade, hence his appeal in "Brexit states".
>they regret it
bullshit media narrative
>4 million of them signed a petition to have a do-over
that was the butthurt remainers who couldn't accept that they'd lost
>le didnt know what they were voting for meme
fuck off moore, I've heard enough of this cretinous bilge from our own media without johnny foreigner chipping in.
welcome to female profile pictures
grace is the abomination in the bottom
massively underrated
didn't who elect Hillary?
If you are referring to Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, Michiganders and Wisconsinites, that remains to be seen whom they vote for. Hillary has only ever won elected office in New York.
What is the logic behind Americans having both a popular vote and an electoral vote? Isn't that inherently anti-democratic, since the people's vote doesn't have the full power it should have?
This is what he says after that
>for a day
>maybe a week
>possibly a month
>and then like the brits
>who wanted to send a message
>so they voted to leave europe
>only to find out that if you vote to leave europe
>you actually have to leave europe (laughs)
>and now they regret it
>all the ohioans, pennsylvanians, michiganders and winsconsinites of middle england, right?
>the all voted to leave
>and now they regre it
>and over four million of them have signed a petition to have a do-over
>they want another election
>it aint gonna happen
>because you used the ballot as an anger management tool
>and now you're fucked
>and the rest of europe, the rest of europe, they're like "Bye Felicia"
>so when the rightful people of ohia, and michigan, and pennsylvania, and winsconsin find out after a few months in office
>that president trump wasn't going to do a damned thing for them
>it will be too late to do anything about it
>but i get it
>you wanted to send a message
>you had a righteous anger
>and justifiable anger
>well, message sent
>good night america
>you just elected the last president of the united states
Can't he be more of a sellout?
Even smart people have blind spots. You'll never find a flawlessly intellectual person.