>They're gonna hunt me for the rest of my life >No, you died here. You drowned.
Uh, what? What kind of contrived retardation is this? How are they going to believe that he somehow drowned, when there is no body, and the 2 people still in the wreck are fucking dead (one of which was shot from outside through the window)
You can't tell me that there was no tracking device built into a transportation vehicle that was transporting a most important prisoner. This honestly just feels like Denis went "well, fuck we gotta wrap this up quickly." and came up with the most retarded way to get rid of the pursuer problem that he could think of.
If his transport car was shot down and lost at sea along with all the bodies. He'd be presumed dead along with everyone else.
Juan Barnes
>impossible to be lost at sea after fighting on the sea wall You’re a moron.
Brody King
>K just up and dies on the steps of who everyone is looking for >after being there once already Yeah that's sure not going to make some people ask questions
Easton Lewis
You're fucking dumb. Who says the bodies from the car didn't drift out afterwards? Certainly possible.
Lincoln Lee
Benjamin Brown
Brainlet arguments
Grayson Murphy
>be OP >hehe if I can poke holes in this mostly agreed upon good movie and people agree with me imagine how little I'll want to kill myself >meticulously combs over the film looking for any nitpick possible >this is what OP decides on >makes a post >stares waiting for the sweet dopamine flow he can't get anywhere else because he's a talentless incel brainlet >tabs back and forth to reddit OP, you failed. Your career, whatever it is, will be a failure. You lack the comprehension or perception to both be aware that this is a stupid nitpick and that the answer is obvious why it is so stupid. Your antagonistic and contrarian attitude will win you only the lowest of quality people in your social circle if it wins you anyone at all. This is a dark day in your posting history and I'm sorry I had to be here to witness it.
Ryder Rogers
why is it hard to believe that a car and a few bodies would dissapear in the sea, especially considering how massive and wavy that sea is
Nathaniel Moore
Not an argument
Nathaniel Gray
Aiden Collins
Because there is no way there wouldn't be some sort of tracking device in a vehicle transporting one of the most important prisoners of the most powerful company in the galaxy
Jace Perry
This movie has loads of flaws and nonsensical story developments. Don't pretend that it doesn't, you fuck.
Alexander Flores
I am afraid he is not the one that lost it.
Luke Reed
>wew better call him a brainlet to save my shitty thread you're a filthy faggot, are you telling me all that kinetic energy of the huge sloshing waves is unable to drag a body down? getta fuck out of here
Jaxson Evans
>responding to 10 replies old posts when there has been another exchange already
Oliver Hill
Wow they should find that plane that went down already like must be easy
Joseph Torres
>Comparing the technology of BR2049 to present day technology
Kevin Miller
>still hasn't refuted anything well how about it loser?
Kayden Martinez
And not only that, the showdown literally happened at the fucking coast, not on open water in the middle of a gigantic ocean, you idiot.
Elijah Ward
>Transport car in a far future sci-fi movie with incredible technology gets lost on a shoreline
Ok so the car has a tracking device. Car gets bashed by waves. Water inside car starts to move, thereby moving the bodies. Once they drift out of the car, a body has drifted miles from the wreck, because of the violence of the current. I really don't understand your problem with this scene.
You're probaby just trolling
Brayden Barnes
The problem is that people wouldn't just assume that Deckard or anyone else is dead, they would simply be MIA, not KIA. It's retarded to assume that they'd just go "oh okay they drowned, case closed"
Isaac Rivera
In "far future" where a technological blackout happened and half of the technology is still analog, yes.
Jaxson Long
Mods should delete this retarded thread!
Jordan Cook
maybe there was a tracker. K doesnt know that. case closed.