10 seconds to come up with an insult better than China man or I shoot

10 seconds to come up with an insult better than China man or I shoot


ping pong

lick slit

filthy chink

ching chong ding dong

She’s so fucking gross

Crater face

Budget China thing from Star Wars


Chinks are worse than niggers.

thats not really true I just think its a good insult to tell someone they are lower than niggers.

Abysmal cunt.

I'd prefer Charlene over the one that was actually in StarWars

Did he nut?

Really glad Cera has taken the red pill, I heard that's why he hasn't been cashed in much post sausage party. Apparently he makes fun of kikes.

click clack, ding dong, and charlie chan

You can call her all the names in the world but her people BTFO Americans so hard that protestors got the war called off to save the US further embarrassment.


>The Chinese are the Jews of Asia.
Old Hawaiian proverb. They'll take your money.


I knew when I saw that nigga sitting in the crowd during one of Norm MacDonalds podcast that he was /ourguy/


Dog Eater
Escalator Fodder

I'm not going to insult you because I literally have no idea who you are. Are you supposed to be famous or something?

China woman

is this real?

The Oriental Depressed.


yes. go for a black woman instead

Well she already blocked me on twitter after I called her a compulsive liar and talentless goon so I already did my part.

pan-faced gook

a hundred eyes

what am i looking at?

rice calculator

Cera is not jewish?

Unique looking, non-insect person

bow wow yum yum

>JarJar Chinks
>Gook Skywalker
>Count Gooku
Ho Chi Minh Kenobi

Nigger women look like men.

Boy body


Why does she always look like she's covered in dirt?

are you?