Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
Receiving state services without paying for them wouldn't be theft of service on your part?
never asked to receive state services
>Okay, would you mind giving back?
This is how stupid you sound
So would you like to be thrown at a jungle after birth, until you come of age and can decide whether you want those services or not?
A. Fucking. Toothpaste. Also, not an argument.
Receiving any state services is like receiving stolen goods. They would be returned to the owner if it were possible.
But you're still going to use them.
Schooling from elementary through highschool.
Emergency response personal such as firefighters and cops.
The only way NOT to use them would be to not be born in the country at all for you to actually not use these services which would in fact make you not a citizen.
Government should give us nothing. It shouldn't even exist. Try using less strawmen.
who says?
Some taxation is required for core societal services that everyone can agree on.
>fire departments
>police departments
>city manatment
Beyond that, there's a many things that we're taxed for that are unnecessary.
So if a mobsters comes to your business and asks you for protection money because you enjoy his protection anyway, would that be fair?
the problem is the gov. had no right to my property in the first place
>1 word that will dismantle any libertarians argument
these things I agree on but they keep adding bullshit to raise my taxes and spend didly shit on the things we need, Michigans roads are fuarked and the only time there isn't construction is when it's too snowy to work.
Unequivocally yes. Absolutely. I would also like the option to leave right now (but it doesn't exist).
>implying the government will let me build a house anywhere else.
>implying I need or want your indoctrination programmes. I will be homeschooling my children.
>Emergency response personal such as firefighters and cops.
No, I'd rather be able to buy a gun than have "cops" who can only be there after I've been stabbed to death.
>The only way NOT to use them would be to not be born in the country at all for you to actually not use these services which would in fact make you not a citizen.
Exactly. It's a trap, a trap they made impossible to escape. Wake up.
Fixed :^)
Abshir the refugee, move back to Somalia already
go check out some defunct states like somalia and let me know what "muh no gubmint" is like
hard truth: you share the planet with other humans, some require assistance from society because society has allowed nepotism and inequality to exist. not saying they're necessarily bad, but you can't have inequality (necessary for capitalism) and then refuse to help those that inadvertently suffer. it'd turn the west into the same living conditions as developing countries.
Which is why you need to reduce whatever it is that they're allowed to do and given money to do to the point that they can only focus on making sure your roads are nice and your cities well cared for.
My state by comparison spent a few million putting a fucking indian statue on their capital dome.
Parents are a state service now?
No, Confucius is turning is his grave now.
Parents > State.
>had no right to my property in the first place
>my property
You can not enforce this claim realistically without working in liason with a higher power, and your only justification would be "I claim I defend" thus a whose stronger is the justification, and we all know you are not stronger than us.
>Which is why you need to reduce whatever it is that they're allowed to do and given money to do to the point that they can only focus on making sure your roads are nice
what does this mean and how do I do this.
I expect from the government to defend my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I expect a national force that protects from foreign invaders. I have very little issue with taxation if it provides for an armed service that will defend me.
There is little wrong with giving back to someone who provides a good/service to you. There is however, something wrong with someone either forcibly giving you something, or giving something to someone else instead, and still demanding that you pay for it.
I think OP wants An-Cap memes.
>Find a flaw.
The robber takes the money for himself. That was easy.
answer the question rofl, the point is that society says that the government has an obligation to protect you (and usually fulfills it considering there are millions of babies birthed from taxpayer dollars) from the moment you pop out of the womb
If a mobster tries to blackmail me like that I just call the police (funded by the taxes I pay) for them to deal with it.
To which property are you even talking about?
There is some spending of taxes that are unnecessary, that I agree, but to say that it is wasteful to pull money together to fund some basic services such as education and emergency response personal is ridiculous.
Your parents have an obligation to protect you from the majority of threats.
The government has an obligation to protect you from national threats.
I agree with state emergency services, schools and healthcare. That's pretty much it.
If you just want everything privatised, you're probably a little greedy, want people in need to die and are definitely not a nationalist who wants your countries people's (the determined ones) quality of life to increase.
Meanwhile, whilst everything is privatised, Jamal can just go around looting whatever he wants thanks to a smaller amount of police.
Lolbertarians = Enjoy your cultural enrichment (the social left will still manipulate your system)
CnCap = Literally autism
NatSooc = Loves totalitarian/Statist cock
National Conservative = A rational way to run an actual free and patriotic society.
As for Commies, Liberal Marxists, Social Democrats and '''''Anarcho'''''-communists. Literally kill yourselves right now.
> It shouldn't even exist.
Literally impossible. There will always be a leadership role that needs to be filled and make decisions for the whole; either by one person or a group.
Its not theft its extortion, theres a diffrence
>implying america has "a people" to be proud of and wish success for
the only reason I even consider having a yellow wife is because I'm already a mutt with some white nigger irish and italian in me.
Without the social contract that is citizenship there is no such thing as 'yours'.
Ownership is something that needs to be agreed on, to allow us to agree that you can own something requires a cohesive social network. That social network currently includes citizenship and all of it's rights and responsibilities. Yes fucker, with your rights you have responsibilities. Paying your share of taxes is one of your responsibilities.
No choice but to build next to roads. The government mandates that there must be access.
>fire departments
What is a fire extinguisher. What is maintaining your property. What is not being retarded.
>police departments
Let's break down a few scenarios in which you might need police:
Usually they police will just tell you to fuck off because it's not "worth their time". Very rarely is anything recovered. Usually insurance pays for this if you care for that sort of thing.
Too bad, I'm already fucking dead. Give me a gun instead.
Too bad, I'm already raped. Maybe you could catch the guy but many serial rapists operate for decades without capture. Again, give me a gun.
>city "manatment"
Not even going to answer that one. See >roads.
>Using the threat of force to unlawfully deprive someone of their property.
That's robbery not theft. Checkmate fellow bong.
taxation is required for a functioning military so we don't get raped by chinks
Why aren't all anarcho capitalists already living in Somalia? By all measurements that should be a paradise for them.
Oh, they want to retain all privileges of living under social contract in a state society AND want to keep all their shit? That makes them, well, you know, a bunch of fucking thieves.
>le Somalia is anarchy meme
>what are Africans
>being this fucking bluepilled
Every country in Africa is a shithole, regardless of ideology
There are certain states that need to just get themselves independence right now. Because as a whole nation atm, it's an absolutely culturally enriched country that already has whites as minorities within the next gen.
This is why I'm not so interested in this years US.election.
watch your back
truth in simple terms like this
could cost democrats a lot of votes
of course taxation is theft
the lame saying oh well peolpe voted for it
no they didnt
there a re shti ton fo freedom thing that if put to a vote peolpe would immediatly vote for
demorats wont let these things be voted on
for example
let the entire usa vote on gay marriage
it would be no vote 95%
only tiny minority fo gay jew academics wan it
same for war in iraq
let entire popualtion vote and 80% say no
so next time a stupid family member or other commy says oh well we voted on it say no we didnt dunce! shut your mongoloid trap!
how can kindys afford heroine?
I believe that taxes shouldn't exist for food, clothes and school supplies for kids. Otherwise it's fine by me.
Theft is a private good while taxation is used to fund public goods.
Then the one reason to have a government is for protection from foreign threats.
Yes, you might dismantle YOUR government but that doesn't mean Russia, China or any others will.
Have fun being buttfucked to death by the big boys while you clutch to your ar-15.
People always try to argue against the system, but to some extent it is needed as a form of leadership.
People forget that government is an extension of the people. It is people choosing people they trust to lead them.
Just move to Somalia.
If you hold no alliance to any country then any part of the world will suffice for you.
>You can not enforce this claim realistically without working in liason with a higher power
Ding ding ding. Let me rephrase: You cannot enforce property rights without force. A person can enforce their own property rights, it's called a gun. Neighbours can also work together in mutual benefit for the security of the area.
See pic related. YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENTS. The only people against ancap/libertarian politics are people too intellectually inferior to seriously consider a position other than their own.
I get something out of the second one.
So? Strong, independent anarcho-capitalist who don't need no statists should move there and have no problem to function there. You have all the oportunities to test all your waffling about private security forces, completely free trade without regulation etc.
Oh, you want to tell me your bullshit fairy tale ideology is only possible to estabilish in statists societies of european variety, with values that were implemented under those societies?
my bad, meant to link to dif thread
Was about to say what you meant by that.
Because that is the closest example there is for anarchism in the world.
The need for leadership replaced the government with the biggest boys around there (pirates, terrorist, warlords and drug dealers)
See, Rights don't exist, only superior force. If one had superior force to the state (Another state for example), "property rights" wouldn't exist, they would take what they want. Therefore, the state "owns" your property because it possesses superior force. I argue that the state isn't for our interests and we shouldn't pretend that it is.
>You have no arguments
>Fails to argue how the scenarios would be impossible in an Anarchy
Like pottery.
If I would steal 20% of your money, keep most of it for myself, and then go and buy a cake for you. Would you accept it or beat the shit out of me ?
>you should move to a country with 99% genetically lesser barbarians, with a shitty climate that your body is not naturally selected for
No, I should live in Europe, the land of my fathers, without the fucking kike government.
Your forefathers made the government dumb ass.
>Neighbours can also work together in mutual benefit for the security of the area.
And in case of a large scale invading army, What happens?
You pay for the land you're living on. I know, it sounds ridiculously hilarious.
What happened to half the tribes that fought the Romans.
Now we know you are trolling. With no law enforcement crime would be chaotic. You might not get taxed but with no law you probably won't have income and if you do Jerome and tyrone will be taking 100% of it.
>rape is okay if you give someone 50 bucks
Most people wouldn't have a problem if taxes were reasonable and say that it helped maintain roads, schools, libraries, pay for public servants, help the needy, so on. Money that is being spent responsibly and with no malicious play, but we all know the government isn't capable of handling the taxes it receives responsibly and taxes at to damn high of a rate.
Taxes is just one of those necessary evils of society. If we didn't have taxes, where else would we pull the money from to operate a society?
You can say no to taxes, but you also have to give up all the benefits of the government, like the right to live.
The thief doesn't spend the money on you
Wrong. The state artificially generates multiculturalism. In chaos, people will align with their own. Foreigners would be expelled or eliminated exceedingly fast.
>Give a clear rebuttal to each of your points
>Now we know you are trolling
Go fuck yourself you retarded piece of shit.
Who the fuck do you think made this land with 99% less barbarians? Anarchists?
>shitty climate
European climate is more likely to kill you than African one.
So superior force.
So we remove the government,a system that does not work in our favor.
What then?
What happens when another system with a superior force than yours comes and claims what's "yours"?
I'm not even arguing to leave the government intact because of this reason but it essentially leaves you in the same place.
It leaves you at the mercy of the superior force, whether it's the government, a war faction, a drug cartel, etc.
The difference between those is that the government that we have are representatives chosen by us, funded by is to represent us.
Yes, maybe the government has gotten a bit too big and wasteful in some areas as of late, but to completely discarded and be left to grace of those other guys I don't think so.
>keep most of it for myself
So your problem is with corruption, not government itself. Governments (at least functional ones) don't keep the money for themselves, they are supposed to use it for the benefit of the country.
Kek what? European climate is pretty nice compared to shit like the Congo or Mali.
>rape is okay if you give someone 50 bucks
>le necessary evils meme
You realise this is just an excuse to allow contradictory positions in your ideology, making it actually illogical.
>operate a society
What exactly are they "operating"? I see the free market operating society, and government leeching off its productivity, manipulating how people "feel" to assert it's power. It provides of itself, nothing. The government is "Jewish" in nature.
You have used the legal capital of the state to acquire your wealth. The state has promised to protect your business from thieves and other outside forces which may transgress against you. The fact that you have money from your business to tax is proof that they have upheld their end of the arrangement. It is fundamentally no different than your boss taking most of the money you make for his business. If the libertarians are right and taxation is theft, then the communists are right and profit is theft.
Hahaha PERFECT. :)
>European climate is more likely to kill you than African one.
>t. mongrel
Real Europeans are adapted to this climate and wouldn't wish it to change. Also, the cold keeps disease and stupid people away.
The government derives power by pretending to be the will of the people. If a superior force takes over, too bad but at the least, it is correctly recognised as the enemy. People think the government is their friend or a "necessary evil", so they allow it to take advantage. A tyrant who doesn't have the endorsement of the people, can only tread so far before they chop his fucking head off.
You non-libertarians forgot about one thing.
Everything bad that could possibly happen cannot happen in a libertarian society because
(repeat after me)
It would violate the NAP!
(come on fellas)
It would violate the NAP!
A climate that forces you to gather or plant enough resources to survive five months of very cold weather is nicer than climate with plenty of food and game all year.
See? This is why ancaps are dumbasses. Never think about the smaller details.
The guy on top uses your money to buy coke. The guy on bottom gives your money to Israel so they can buy coke. Know the difference.
>Protecting your life from outside forces and your goods, your house and so on and so forth as well as securing the logistics required for the things it uses to protect and protects is the same as fucking someone without their consent and paying them later
An-Caps are quite retarded.
How do you enforce the NAP without a governament?
The theory on taxation is okay but if anyone is defending modern taxation is just a complete idiot.
I will gadly stop paying taxes to a corrupted gov who does nothing and give 0 services.
Schools? Roads? Hospìtals? Security? Nope, they rather use my taxes to expand their personal wealth.
But okay, go be a "redpilled" paying happily taxes to Obama and the Clintons.
Enforcing the states right to tax =/= violating another's property rights.
Your life is a fucking state service.
Without the state building and funding hospitals you would probably have died before you crawled out of your mom's vagina.
>girl on left
Never asked for taxes.
>If I tell a warlord he is violating the NAP, he will not order me executed by firing squad and will instead cease all aggressive behaviour
I fucking hate Ancaps.
Transaction taxes are voluntary
Taxing your labor is theft.
That analogy doesn't make any sense unless you are talking about a prostitute
fixed it
ITT: statist cucks
ITT: Cuck who doesn't support the only REAL political solution for Greece.
The top one isn't going to decrease crime rate and lock up predators, not sexual and violent.
I don't boot lick but you should respect law and order. They're the white blood cells of the county.
Fuck the greasy cops who give actual cops a bad name.
>golden dawn
>political solution for Greece
They're a bunch of retards and thugs