This is what our license fee pays for

>this is what our license fee pays for


Other urls found in this thread:

>British """""comedy"""""

Bump desu lads

this is shite, looks nothing like him either

Weird. Why would you pay a TV license? Can't you just stream everything now?


It's almost how impressive how detached from reality they are that they thought anyone would enjoy this crap.

>this is what our license fee pays for
It also pays for cuck porn

I hope he's vindicated in his lifetime. Absolutely terrible what the media has done to him.

>Implying I even pay my license fee.

This fucking German humor tier


what happens if you don't?

If you're caught you get a fine but I don't even own a TV.

They send you sternly worded letters once a month or so saying you really should pay your license fee.

That's literally it.

BBC has always aired weird shit


They sniff your traffic to find out if you're streaming it. If you are they put you under an Anti-Social Order which means you can't walk in 90% of your town, if you're seen they'll throw you in jail. But it's just until pending trial at which point they'll fine you 2000 bongbits or throw you in jail if you can't pay anyway.

>state funded pro establishment comedy

What the hell is this? The Soviet Union?

>Paying for a fucking television license.

Get in here! #NoEqualityNoVote!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, it's great being black in a white neighborhood

>White boys wont DARE start a fight with you

"intimidates whites guy*

>You get to fuck EVERY white girl whitin a one mile radius with your beautiful black...

*cuts to interracial sex scene*

I feel like the kikes that made Goodfellas actually might have grounds to sue

It's exactly examples like this that demonstrate that a tax revolt would literally solve all our problems

lol, you actually pay it?

This is bottom feeder humor making fun of somebodys pattern of speech.
Political satire would go after David Cameron because he has more responsibillity for Brexit than anybody on the planet. Beating on the sole underdog who represented the majority opinion afterall is a poor choice of target.
Is it just me or are they trying to jump on the US drumpf immitation bandwagon?

Things could be worse. This is what Finnish license fee got us.