Return to the Catholic Church, do it now.
Return to the Catholic Church, do it now
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Already go to church weekly. Unfortunately, the majority of pastors and clergy are exactly what Pope Saint Pius is describing in his quote.
You return to the True Church first.
When the Catholic Church returns to Christ
Yes goyim, worship the dead kike and read my scriptures. Poison your society with Semitic desert garbage.
More like give up your Pope fetish and other heresies and come back to the Orthodox Way, brother.
I'd rather be a Jew.
Not before the Patriarch of Rome repents for his sin of pride.
I refuse to worship a statue, I refuse to pray to angels, Mary was just a woman.
christianity is dead. it has been a rotting corpse since the 30 year war and we should finally muster enough courage and decency to bury it.
what will replace it? dunno, most likely a religion that discourages kissing nigger feet.
Something even more cancerous if recent Christian reformations are anything to go by.
>Good thing I left my pope fetish behind me
>Hello bearded pope
This. Fucking cucks, all of 'em. Rome has fallen once more boys. The soviet atheists have accomplished their goals. Protiecucks are cucks and retards. We must look to the East this time brothers. Deus Vult. The East must take back Rome and return the favor. Atheism, like Islam, intends to conquer, only more subtly.
The one TRUE God.
The catholic church should go back to the service of the true ancient European Gods, lead by Jupiter the King of them all, and the cult of Saturn.
>All evils in the world are due to catholics
> poison
Old testamente Israel and today are some of the most badasses countries in the world. The problem is that jews give us the goyim version and not the jewish one.
> do not mix with foreign cultures
> remove foreign influences
> make a strong orderly society with nationalism and a national culture
> strong military to protect the national interests
> unity, help your brothers
> negotiate with other nations, but be ready for fight for your interests
Old testament Israel only got fucked when they stop standing for those values.
Catholics are cucked
What do you guys make of this?
I swear you Catholics and protestants are complete retards arguing over the same shit.
Inb4 fedora or some other crap.
Fuck off
>Lithuania is colored
Why? They got less than 5% Orthodox in their country.
Fuck off kike-worshipper.
Vatican II Catholics are pretty disgusting. Orthox is the only way to go.
You can be Catholic and still follow the Byzantine rite, you know.
You know nothing, go educate yourself
If you are a Democrat that is true. Orthocucks are even more liberal than cathocucks lmao
Thats why I'm a baptist
Fuck off
Ethno-Phyletist Orthodoxy is infinitely better than the African church aka Catholic church.
Are you an ex Catholic too?
I dont see them on there so you will forgive me if I dont take you at your word.
Racists and anyone with pride cannot be saved. Be humble, as Christ commanded
I think I'll stick with the old gods thanks.
I've returned to reality - I'm an atheist now.
OK Habibi.
>Catholic Church
>Accumulates & hordes massive wealth
>Protects pedophiles
>Hides access to knowledge
Yeah enjoy your shitty heretical (((church)))
Catholics in the US are overwhelmingly Latino. So if anything its surprising that they aren't voting more Democrat.
OMG is he ok??
Catholicism is the aesthetic winner by a mile.
I can't get behind Orthodoxy because all its art and churches are too uggo.
is over there, retard. This bullshit belongs there.
wtf i love jehovah's witnesses now
wish these christcucks would just leave already. now your latest fad is the orthodox church because of the kremlin brainwashing that's going on here. keep worshiping a kike on a stick then i guess
All are equal in Christ. If your daughter is raped by a Muslim she should turn the other buttcheek and present the other hole. Amen.
Genuinely kill yourself.
The church itself has to first
Why are you proud of ignorance?
Your false kike plant prophet and dying religion had their 2000 year shot and resulted in the destruction of the white race. It's time to move on.
your own religion literally calls its adherents sheep
baaaaah, faggot, bah
One African Christian has more value than all white pagan or atheist
African "Christians" in all likelihood have syncretized their savage folk religions with Jaysus immediately after the missionaries left. They still eat babies to appease the volcano god, except the Virgin Mary lives in the volcano now.
I'd consider it if they returned to Orthodox theology
fuck off
Historical Jesus is interesting - a man - poor, pious, illiterate, uneducated Jewish peasant , from the backwards of Galilee who despite all that, trough the power of his teachings, trough the power of his charisma was able to start a movement on the behalf of the poor, the weak, the dispossessed, the marginalized and especially about women – a movement that was seen such a a threat by the most powerful empire of the world ever known that he was hunted down like a criminal, like a bandit arrested, tortured and executed for the crime of sedition.
Of course Christ - the magical God thing is different and Christians were horrible people, their early leaders and their leaders today just look after greed - and Jesus idea about everyone being a family and acting so got lost in all Christian denominations today.
Also Christians brainwashed the public into believing that Mary of Magdala was a prostitute - although no where is mentioned in the gospels that she was a prostitute - we actually know much more about her than Jesus: she was the most important female disciple of Jesus a leader and an important figure - that's why they made her lower than the lowest making people believe she was the whore.
nah it's gay
Same as everyone else then?
Can I ask Catholics a question?
What changed in terms of salvation since Christ?
Because in Protestant interpretation salvation went from works based to faith based.
How do Catholics interpret it?
Fuckin papist
Or you could stop being heretics and worshipping the words of a lineage of blasphemers. God was and is not an Israelite, and his Words are not channeled through Rome.
>implying I ever left
>God was and is not an Israelite
Wait, then what was he? Or are you saying Jesus wasn't god?
>The creator of the universe being a mere citizen of a nation
My biggest issue with Catholicism and Orthodox right now? Resurrection of the body.
I don't believe that we'll be "coming back" to Earth or have a physical body in the resurrection, or whatever. Or am I misunderstanding the teachings?
Suggestions, books (preferably free online), websites, lectures, whatever welcome.
>psuedo-atheist thread
Don't forget the message of Fatima