People love Killmonger more than T'Challa

>People love Killmonger more than T'Challa

I'm white and loved him more

fuck you guys, thanks to the shilling perhaps I will going to see it

Micheal Based Jordan came in with the clutch memorable villain play.

He's more charismatic and better looking

You really need to fucking see it. I think it's the first time where I believe the villain was much more better than the hero.

I to help him commit white genocide and for him to slide into my bussy tbqff

t. Marvel/Disney

Klaw >>> all other characters

Looks amazing
His motivations are completely legitimate and justified
A credible threat to the heroes
Even in defeat he effects the change he sought

Checks out

Well, duh, killmonger had a personality and a goal.
Tchalla was an empty shell, a worthless character devoid of any meaning.

Loved him desu

Killmonger was basically Hitler if he was Black.

This was fucking good

Killmonger was Hitler/Huey P. Newton/Malcolm X (before leaving the nation)


I agree. Heath Ledger's Joker checked all these boxes too.

>dur hur magneto was right
giant cucks

>His motivations are completely legitimate and justified


Was he giga?

is this the law of making a good villain?

>Tchalla was an empty shell, a worthless character devoid of any meaning.

I was wondering why I so uninvested in the character. The screen lit up every time Serkis and Jordan came on the screen.

Why does it seem like the villains are almost always more relatable?

I'd love to see a alternate universe film where he gets to carry out his plan.

Am I the only one disturbed by the sheer amount of people who think a genocidal black supremacist is a sympathetic villain?

He is better looking than the lead. Why does Marvel do this? This is a running theme with them.




Hitler is a sympathetic villain, this guy is basically a Black Hitler

chill out nigga, it's just a movie

I bet Killmongerfags also loved Magneto despite them wanting to wipe (you) off the planet

We thought the same about Loki. This is nothing new.

meant for

>Michael B. Jordan
this alone, makes it worth

T'Challa was boring. Literally every other character in the movie was more likable than him.

How the fuck does T'Challa get back as King after he was clearly defeated by Killmonger. He lost fair and square, fuck that shit

Killmonger is KING

Shut the fuck up cracker, the black man will take what he's owed. Black dicks are evolved to be more sexually powerful than anything on earth, either give us what we want or we'll TAKE what we want whiteboi. The black man is back on top and will reign as he did once before.

THIS is why I wasn't interested in this movie. Maybe that's why Disney started pushing the other characters.

wait who is t challah, black panther?

What are you talking about? Most Marvel villains aren't better looking than the lead.


you probably are, nothing wrong with creating a Wakandan empire

I found the movie sort of boring. Am I alone with this thought?

No, there are plenty of stupid people with shit taste on this board.

The action set pieces and storyline were pretty meh even for Marvel standards, but the villains were decent enough just for it be just above mediocre

>he will never take his hatred for white people out on you by violently pounding your white boipussy

Go to bed Optimus Prime you're drunk

>Am I the only one disturbed by the sheer amount of people who think a genocidal black supremacist is a sympathetic villain?

Yes, because you're mistaking "I agree with his grievances" with "I agree with his methods and solution"

T'Challa literally takes up his cause at the end of the movie, except without the mass murder and world destabilization

you aren't white, you're a cuck

Death or conceding

T'Challa did neither

I wonder if this guy is in the queue.

Because people are naturally selfish, heros are usually portrayed as selfless. Easier to relate to the villian cause most people are villians

>a genocidal black supremacist is a sympathetic villain?
I remain replace black with white and you get Hitler

Shows that blacks support segregation.

He died like a boss.

Name one good thing T'challa did in this movie. Name one of his victories. Name one reason he is deserving of the crown.

Overthrowing a duly chosen monarch doesn't count.

>go to kinoplex to see Black Panther
>theaters are full until 10pm
>decide to go eat instead
>see tons of hot teens hanging out enjoying their youth
>petite, flat stomach, most look like little models

I wasted my life not having female friends in primary school...

Because he never died


T'challah = Black Panther
Killmonger = /ourguy/

The Americans, Waco, or both?

Loki is not really genocidal.

The film gave him sympathetic background and a good reason to be a nigger, so as to portray both sides of the black american struggle by pitting a nigger against an enlightened black man.

Hilariously, all the white guys like the murderous nigger with a huge black chip on his shoulder better than the decent guy trying to understand his privilege and effect change in society

He outchads Chadwick?

Killmonger is the Black Panther. T'challa is an usurper.

The make fuckin ape noises in this movie.

What the fuck is this shit

#Jötunn lives matter

I loved the fact that I'm never going to see this movie, ever.

I know, it's fucking hilarious.
The M/Baku guy was equal second to Serkis in terms of lighting up the screen.

>Klaw + M'Baku
>Love Interest Chick
>Angry General Woman + Shuri
>Idiot Best Friend
>CGI Rhinos

in that order

so killmonger is MalcomX v.2 ? /based/

capeshit #47 > capeshit #33

prove me wrong, i will wait right here for the next 3 hours

>Shuri not first

Fail list.

Madam Slay when?

His name is Erik Stevens, "Killmonger" is a nickname he got because he killed a whole lot of people during his time as a US special forces operative.

Their duel never reached a proper conclusion, though. T'challa didn't die, and he didn't forfeit.
Killmonger just assumed he won and illegitimately took over the throne.

Overacting and annoying meme character

He was base as fuck in his Netflix movie

He was the most cringe worthy and badly acted villain performance in the MCU, period. I don't understand how a set of abs can blind faggots so much.

The Chad Killmonger
The virgin Panther

u scared whiteboi?

because he's hot

I sure hope T'Chala executed his entire council for high treason.

>"Killmonger" is a nickname he got because he killed a whole lot of people during his time as a US special forces operative.

Because all the other Special Forces guys were afraid of killing and shit...



Is it possible that Marvel was so afraid of backlash that they actually made this movie good


>People love Killmonger more than T'Challa

>Plan 9 From Outer Space sucks
>I'll root for the zombies!

Really? Chadwick was great in the Jackie Robinson and James Brown biopics.

the actor isn't the problem here
black panther is boring

It's not a bad acting thing or anything, it's that T'Challa is mostly a stoic and pensive character, while surrounded by a whole bunch of characters with really outgoing and engaging personalities

T'Challa wasn't boring in Civil War. He was missing the fire he had in that movie in BP.

One was black, the other one was a Jew. Hard choice.

Jordan fucking phoned it in, at no point did I think his character actually gave a fuck about his convictions. The little kid him in the ancestral plane was a better performance.

He killed himself for a fucking idea. He was like a brainwashed American.
>dying for a fucking ideology

Burgers like him because they were trained well to kiss the flag.

only took 18 movies.

i agree, he was a genocidal supremacist but that doesn't mean can't sympathize with him, he was another.

He killed hundreds

just wan't to point out that the white dude saved the day.

to kill billions.


You are just as funny as Manly Tears.
