/Brit/pol- 16th Irish Division Edition

PMQ's Jeremy Corbyn vs Theresa May (26th October 2016)

>Nigel Farage getting in trouble at the EU Parliament again

>Britain to send hundreds more troops close to Russia border in largest deployment since Cold War

>"Incandescent with rage" British UN official attacks selfish, inhuman Russia

>Michael Gove and other senior Leave campaigners elected to sit on powerful new Brexit committee

>UK 'well placed' says Hammond as economy grows 0.5pc

>Brits care more about controlling immigration than staying in the single market

>New Heathrow runway may be built above the M25

>Calais Jungle: Overnight fires raze parts of migrant camp

>Former minister Nick Boles: 'Doctors have found cancerous tumour in my head'

>Exclusive: what Theresa May really thinks about Brexit shown in leaked recording

>Labour fined over 'Ed Stone' general election costs

>Zac Goldsmith quits as MP over Heathrow decision

Other urls found in this thread:



The Irish are scum.

Fuck Ireland and fuck Irish people

I don't have a strong opinion towards them either way

Better than the English though


Afternoon lads


Fuck of paddy


>Still no new links about today's news

First for Haggis!

Economic banter thread.

There is no news today

Today is just for being comfy


If you have to shill for your thread, it's a shit thread.

Remember when people actually took these nerds seriously?

I refuse to believe anyone on pol is actually religious. Everyone is irreligious.

Will they ever recover?


Anyone converted to Catholic here?

Worth it?

I wrote a poem lads, what do you think?

is a land
that is grand
if you go there
you won't get tanned

Nope. Doubt it. """Economic Experts""" have damaged their image permanently.
They've also irrepairably damaged their image considerign the west hasn't seen any significant economic growth for 40 years anyway.

Sup Forums is a Christian board.

Christianity is a meme. Nobody outside of places like Norn Iron or under the age of 60 is religious.


Fuck up doon coon

Nice pepe.

It's shit you fat fuck

Come back with something worth sharing


The laddy reckons himself a Poet.

I was born and raised a catholic. Its the true faith.

>the world's biggest religion is a meme

>UKIP backing Zac Goldsmith in by-election

Some user is great at making them

Catholicism is heresy


Have you found a wife?

there's not even any such thing as an 'economic expert' really
it's all opinion and speculation, economics is for the most part too complex a beast to predict

Have you licked some niggers toenails yet?


wut? didn't he resign? how can he stand?

How long would it have been before the (((SNP))) had come up with a different contrived reason for independence if we had voted remain?

Who's the absolute madman who did this?

Some retard.
Nige would never want to be associated with Mosley.

Ah shoodn't have bloody laughed at ramzpaul's joke

it was just dizgusting

You, quite obviously. Weirdo.

Why do they care he's still going to be de facto tory anyway

Only 19 so not yet. I will try to create a stable environment first and then replenish the earth.

>tfw your ASMRfu releases a new video

Think he is standing as an independent
Tories, if they contest it, might split his vote and give the seat to the Libdems. If they don't contest it, Goldsmith stands good chance at victory.

I've got a feeling you're the Scottish guy shilling your own videos.

No one watches them, get over it lad. We know you have a sour face and you look like you're about to kill yourself, I can't help you with that? Maybe you should get some surgery or some botox or something.


I refuse to believe anyone here is a militant atheist.

He resigned and is standing as an independent candidate

Before 2020, she needs time for things to get worse so she has an excuse to ask for another ref.

ah doont want to make light of hwhite working class guh-ruls in rothrum

being reeped

by these fucking mooslims


Mosley was a cunt.

>wanting to change the union jack

Get the fuck out.

Tim Farron is being an autist and is trying to make the by election into some sort of EU referendum rerun so UKIP is probably trying to make sure that the Lib Dems don't win.

Your national church needs Crusaders to drive out the muslim hordes.

Why is this always shoved in front of atheist?

I tried ASMR a while ago. Huge meme.

>not Church of England

based zac

Nige was a fascist in school desu lad

Athism is a meme, at least be agnostic.


It's a party flag, retard

Church of England?

Might as well bend over

asmr is just esoteric wank material right? I can't make sense of it at all otherwise

>The spokesman said the Lib Dems were committed to overturning the EU referendum result





Why does Farron still try?

Thanks Guardi- I mean Telegraph...

Ireland is shit
if you live there you're a twit
with the brainpower of a nit
you'd move if you had a wit

Why are the yanks so shit at spending?

I forget we can actually own Lee Enfields in this country, some times.

To defend our homes? No, illegal you bigot. But it can be easy to get one as saying you want to "sport-shoot."

Defend the head of your national church, the Defender of the Faith.


If you cared less you would be less vocal.

>female clergy

Heresy m8


ASMR is a de novo form of white culture.

Nth for the Royal Navy.

yeah he's fucked, no one votes for independents unless they're celebrities and he ain't really that known.

can see it now, all over the headlines

I think for a lot of people it is

Agnosticism is too soggy

Just a reminder that the Guardian actually ran this picture, not as a joke.

>'Incandescent with rage' British UN official attacks 'selfish, inhuman' Russia in fiery Security Council meeting
Why do they keep doing this? Don't care about Russia ffs.


Ur poems r noice but here is tru britbing peom:

Ur stuck between nandos and spoons
With ur merry band of goons
Gazza the dick and mark the prick
And cheeky ole uncle den

Its friday night and ur hungry
And need to make a choice soon
U pick nandos to sit down an ave a chat
But the banter is better in wetherspoon

Real English experience upvote if happen to you

Well it'll be interesting if the Tories don't contest it, whether he can beat the Libdem.

Is Thursday night curry club at spoons the most redpilled way to eat spicy meat in sauce? They are pro Brexit in all the mags too.
Acceptable? Y/n

It's the best way to redpill normies

I am generally relaxed. I only bother to talk about religion when others bring it up and try to force it on others.

nth for current royal navy

yeah, nah he wouldn't stand a chance.

Neither the Tories nor UKIP are running and he was their MP, I reckon he'll win with the Eurosceptic/Tory votes.

>yeah, nah he wouldn't stand a chance.
Well we'll see.

Drumming up support for Syria intervention and keeping the population distracted. The same thing every government has done for centuries.