C.K. Fucking dissapeared! Is he ever going to be back? How do guys think his comeback will be?
C.K. Fucking dissapeared! Is he ever going to be back? How do guys think his comeback will be?
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He is talented and talent makes money. He is going to be back soon enough.
hopefully not, society has had its final say and decided this sexist trash has no place in this new world.
Good riddance, he belongs in the gutter along with the rest of the MEN damaging our society.
idk who cares, he was getting to be past his prime anyways, if I were him Id just take all my money and fuck off to some private island with a bunch of island girls who cant use sexual assault claims to gain fame.
I think he'll wait a year or two for people to forget about this shit and then show up as a writer/director on some project like a tv show.
I don't think his comeback will be another standup special, there would be too much pressure for him to address the accusations and such
He peaked with the beacon theater performance. The tv show went downhill.
I Love You Daddy was the best movie of 2017 and soon-to-be cult classic.
>Had to buy back the rights to his own movie.
>Movie gets leaked just a few weeks later.
He'll be eternally cucked.
Who's going to hire him and risk backlash? The moment the press discovers he's involved in a project he'll be lambasted. I don't think anyone's going to want to risk hiring him.
Kevin Brennan said Louis CK had a superbowl party at his house and very few people showed up. Some other comedian said recently that he ran into Louis somewhere and he "doesn't look like he's ready to come back any time soon."
People don't hire him. He's been putting his own projects together for years.
Oh. Still, he'll have a difficult time finding actors who would want to be associated with his work. I think he's pretty screwed
He really fucked up. We are used to cheating, Chris Rock and Kevin Hart can make it back from that. But jerking off, is not only creepy it is also pathetic.
Source? I dont trust his lies
People are fine working with child rapists buddy. Besides he has his comic friends in his projects all the time
He is one of the few people that I would actually like to see killing themselves
Why didn't he just hire hookers and jerk off on them? I do that every once in a while....
Stop posting this thread nigger. He was never funny
Most other comics in the industry seem confident he will be back.
Sounds like it was a weird fetish he exploited when he started finding success. Probably never foresaw the Internet and social media bringing these allegations out. It sounds like he stopped around 2004/2005 and tried apologizing to the girls a couple years back.
They are fine working with not publicly acknowledged or only suspected as child rapists. Louie mantained the status as a gossip, once the veil went up, he went down.
Who of his friends would work with him though? Anthony? Norton? Kelly?
I think he's going to get some really funny material from it. Maybe he's waiting for the statute of limitations to run out so he can go on stage and talk about it without fear of legal repercussions
From where did you get that he stopped doing that around 2004 or 2005?
The last allegation on record was 2005
How is he sexist? He jerked off in front of women who gave permission, but then claimed harassment when they felt they could gain something.
Thank God someone said it. Fuck MEN
This. Joe Rogan suggested some of the female accusers openly joked about the incident and claimed it didn’t bother them, only to turn it into drama once the Weinstein shit happened
What will his comeback be?
Same as any other fucking comedians come back. Look at the new Dave Chappelle or even Chris Rocks special. It's anti comedy. Just fucking boring ass political facts. CK come back will be in Black and White then very serious with maybe one joke if that.
This kills the cuck
I'm suprised he even got it as bad as he did. The fact that he's often lumped up with weinstein at all is fucking awful. Some beta cuck sheepishly asking women if they will let him masturbate in front of them is hardly at all comparable to some one running a fucking casting couch empire that affected potentially hundreds of people directly and indirectly.
There wont be a great comeback, he'll be replaced.
Comedy is pretty cutthroat even without the controversies. Behind every bigshot funny guy there are countless others trying to take their place. Louie is done for, he reached his height so he's lucky to have seen the top before he fell off
alright reddit let's bury this ginger jew forever. everyone take one episode and mark down whenever he's says something offense then we'll compile it
I haven't seen anyone lump him in with the bigboy accused sex offender suspects at all.
I don't feel bad for him. He's part of the reason why peoples' lives can be ruined for exactly this shit. Several of the women he "did this to" are known to have found it funny and were not at all offended or traumatized by it when it happened. It wasn't until it became trendy and possible to gain something that they suddenly, years later, decided that he literally raped them - retroactively.
That's a fucking great impression.
>I don't think his comeback will be another standup special
I do, it will show the general public don't really give a fuck and a lot of people will just go to troll the fuck out of the other side
No crime was committed. No felony, anyway. If so, he would have been charged by now. Some dumb broad claiming she didn't "feel like" she could leave doesn't mean he wouldn't have let them leave. The fact is that they sat there and watched, and probably laughed, and then left.
He's busy molesting his children, don't bother him about it.
It's Bill Burr's time now. He's at the top.
He really went down his last special. Hopefully he will do a great "I'm a dad now special". He is not a hack, he can make that great.
>Of course sexual miscounduct is bad, of course of course....
>MAYBE, if you're gonna jerk off in front of people, you should make sure it won't come back to bite you in the ass.
I don't understand how what he did was so fucked up beyond all redemption. Not trying to be edgy, I legit don't understand how he's being lumped right in with Harvey and shit.
These are the two comedians Louis stripped naked and jacked off in front of in Colorado. Honestly now, are these chicks worth all the trouble?
Forgot pic.
I understand this reference
He apologized. That was his only mistake.
Yes. I've always loved jerking off in front of a woman, but it's really only fun if they're into it.
Improved your image btw.
It's not Harvey level bad but when you are that well known and in the public eye you can't be doing shit like that. I could see from his perspective how he figured the women would just write it off as him being weird, notice they didn't give enough of a fuck to come forward until the metoo shit was going strong. It didn't bother them until it did.
Still overall, he probably shouldn't have done that, but I feel like it's nowhere near Weinstein level shit at all
I like cfnm too but if they are having no reaction besides legitimately being creeped out I'm not gonna get off.
Or maybe I am? I dunno, I haven't tried it. I wonder if CK came.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Honestly though, Bill doesn't have that I'll-do-anything/break out the kneepads type mentality.. so the chances are not that high
They said he stripped fully nude and came on the carpet.
this. If the jury of female public opinion says your career is over , its over.
on behalf of all white men i apologize
The problem is these kinds of roasties are exactly the kind of people he was pandering to the last few years. He's had some good jokes, but honestly he deserves what happened to him.
god bless the brave survivors. The image of fat balding CK humping his hand will haunt them for the rest of their days.
If he were an actual comedian he would do a stand-up show that consisted of nothing but jokes about the situation.
Yeah his last special was bad, but he's still amazing in interviews and on podcasts. I'm not sure what he needs to adjust to bring his talent from those interviews/podcasts to stand up like he used to, but i hope he figures it out. I would love a new dad special type show too.
Has he given any interviews or appeared on any podcasts in the last few months? I love his commentary from the old O&A clips
He vanished after "apologizing"
He did literally nothing wrong.
>pandered to reddit and tumblr
>has a beta fetish like jerking off infront of people
he did some wrong m8
He's fucking himself over. If he waits any longer, the next interview he has will be promoted out the ass and gain a lot of unwanted attention. He won't be able to escape this hell he's in
The real irony of all this is that the episodes of Better Things that he wrote last year were the best pieces of feminist discourse on television, and he's been actively championing social justice causes for a long time. His fat girl speech in louie, the mental illness and trans discussions in Horace & Pete, giving Tig a hand up, exploring single motherhood with a family of girls in Better Things.
It's not just that his work is progressive, but its incredibly good, better for what it is than anything else on television. Louie not working is an enormous blow to progressiveness. I believe a large part of the reason he was so totally vilified for this is that he made a lot of powerful enemies in the industry by promoting self-distribution. I also think if the public criticising him had seen last season of Better Things that he wrote, he would not have been treated nearly as harshly.
He could easily hide out on the writing staff for some shit for a while. These accusations have gotten to the point where they are burning themselves out like with the Aziz shit. He could make a comeback evenutally
Someone made sure to intentionally leave us with the ILYD screener... it has had very positive reviews from fans of his writing, and his most highly regarded work ie: Horace and Pete has never received much mainstream acknowledgement. I don't think he cares so much in the way that the scandal will affect his artistic output, however the chances for him to headline his own show on an outlet like FX such as Louie is going to be unlikely for quite a while. I only hope he doesn't lose a writing position on Pamela Adlon's "Better Things", for example (however that example in particular is unlikely considering how close the two are).
He was out-progressing liberals with episodes of his show Louie like the season 4 episode "Model", in which his wishful girlfriend donned manly garb and expressed desire to get in the dirt with the men on things like construction... yet lamented her physical inability to do so. In the same episode Louie donned eyeliner and makeup, looking at himself in the mirror and thinking he was someone finally not disgusting, yet lamenting that this isn't society's path for him, nor a path that anyone in his personal life would tolerate.
I imagine he's very embarrassed to have what was once just a live stand up piece be made real, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. He's taking his time and working on his craft as always.
You get it
You're a drama whore
He deserves it. Getting eaten by his beloved lefties.
Name a single work by CK that you have engaged in. You sound like a parrot.
He actually does deserve it, some of it. He deserves to come forward, open up and apologise, which he did. I don't think he deserved to have his movie not released, his voice roles redubbed with new actors, his show cancelled, his stuff pulled from netflix, to be equated with literal rapists, to lose millions of dollars and to be publicly vilified to the extent that he was.
For the movement to be successful in fundamentally changing male behaviour, it needs to realise how endemic that behaviour is, and allow men an olive branch to change. I think it's been hijacked somewhat just as the last wave of feminism was, by the 'fuck all men' lesbian feminists, who do not at all represent a mainstream feminist agenda, and are culturally counter-constructive for most women.
The plus side to the whole Louie thing is, I think he's genuinely re-evaluating his life and his behaviour. Not many people have the capacity to do that, to hold themselves accountable, and to exhibit anything more than defence mechanisms when accused of wrongdoing. Maybe he's not, but if he is, I think that makes him a good person. I just hope that his goodness is allowed to manifest. Liberals often talk about reforming the justice system to focus on rehabilitation and not punishment, and I think a lot of this movement flies in the face of that. When Weinstein says he is going to rehab, well, that ruins it for everyone else, because he's using that liberal idea as a cynical shield for himself, but despite cunts like Weinstein I think it's still something we have to bear in mind.
Shut the fuck up and never post here again, soycuck
this tbqh
I'm a huge fan of CK's writing and ILYD was fucking dumb.
And it's not some conspiracy that "someone left us with the screener." Screeners get released every year.
Horace & Pete (arguably his masterpiece) didn't receive any mainstream acknowledgement because he released it on his personal website and charged money for each episode individually. I only heard about it at all when it started showing up on pirate sites.
You should know by now that the people that are the most outwardly and publicly progressive are the ones that have the most shit to hide.
You sound stupid.
whats wrong with soymilk? regular milk harms to agency of animals
the agency*
Has his ex-wife taken custody of their children yet? I want this guy to suffer so his comedy can become great again.
is this your safespace?
CK is over, he had his run, but he is too old for a comeback now.
>you masturbated in front of these women, boooo!
>yeah, so what?
It was this simple, you retarded cuck
He's in liberal jail! He's got about 6 months left on his sentence!
and Jim and Sam all agree hell be back
Saw him at the Cellar a few nights ago. He's far from disappeared
thats good to hear, did he talk about it?
what bits did he do?
No way. If he really performed, there would be a bunch of twitter faggots whining about it by now
Imagine how cool it would be to have developed your craft to this point, no matter how down you are, you can always just show up at any comedy club and do a cathartic set to work through some shit.
Louis "whip out your pud, get black-balled, bud" C.K.
I mean, I'd fuck the one on the right for sure. Tell me why I'm wrong.
>new season of Louie never ever
feels bad, man.
As a fellow man of white
I apologize.
ILYD was not dumb it was beautiful and poignant. The B&W had a real 8 1/2 feel, and pic related could have been shot in 1950.
Malkovich should have been nominated for best supporting actor.
He was just hanging out but he looked good. Word around the grapevine is that he's been doing low-key spots
The film was ugly and pretentious.
Had it received a proper release it would no doubt have failed.
This coming from a ck fan.
ILYD was trash and your mom is also trash.
You sound like a nuthugging normie "rebel". Fuck your dude bro shit
Live by the lefty mob, die by the lefty mob. This reminds me of the Stalin purges, it's basically the same shit
I sure hope so. How will I know what’s going down in the cuck community without his commentary?
He is that fucking big. He tainted his legacy with this allegations, but before he was easily the Carlin or Pryor of our era, at least popularity-wise.
How do you come back from a shotgun in the mouth?
Holy shit underrated post
Louie C.K.: useful ________
>absolutely subversive.png
Holy shit, they’re busted. The absolute state of Louis thirst