>already making excuses because he knows he's about to lose Texas
top kek
>already making excuses because he knows he's about to lose Texas
top kek
not an excuse if true.
Please win
Propping up the morale for the coming civil war/coup de tat
Lol i live in texas. Would bet several thousands of dollars that texas will never be blue for the next 100 years. Simply not possible with the type of people here. This doesn't include Dallas, as that is the main exception, but everywhere else in TC, people would vote for a sack of potatoes before they vote democrat
Have you read a newspaper lately, lad? This is a huge story, with even elected officials noticing their own votes being miscounted. They are in panic mode, switching over to paper ballots.
But there are actual reports of this happening leaf
That cognitive dissonance must give you trumptards a headache
>cognitive dissonance
what, did ctr teach you another phrase to use today? congrats on your promotion shillnugget
All true, I work all around tx, I haven't seen a single Hilary sign, if they are out there it's in the backyards
>A few machines are miscalibrated and where it tricks your finger is an inch below
>This works on all the buttons, no matter the order. It doesn't 'automatically pick Democrats' like people were asserting. It picks the candidate one slot below
>This pretty much happens as an isolated incident in every election since we started using these machines, but suddenly its a massive deal because of Trump and corruption mongering and social media
This time is LITERALLY IS FUCKING NOTHING and I swear this is coming from someone who voted Trump.
>cognitive dissonance
nigga plz
Shkreli is so cute
I hope he buys Sup Forums
My voting experience in Texas was just fine though.
Most republican states are very strict with their voting procedures, it's why we're still red actually.
You dont even know what cognitive dissonance is.
It's a widely used, watered down term used by sjw peons that took introduction to psychology.
>damage control.
lmao you're either a shill or so naive its impossible
Soros has direct ideological and corporate ties to the guy who owns the company that fucking makes the voting machines
are you stupid? This isnt even a conspiracy theory, it's open, objective information
The USA is banana republic tier fucked, all your elections are rigged
how about Hillary talking about how you shouldn't listen to the polls in Florida, they need a big turnout to show Trumpers a lesson?
Oh, right, she's fucked in Florida.
so you speak on behalf of all technicians and engineers that validated the polling machines are properly calibrated? Wonderful
>haha look at me, i use words that i don't know but i look so smart haha
>Murifags can't even organize elections correctly
What a surprise
Drumpf Absolutely BTFO
This. Memes aside I really want that new Wu-Tang album
What did kek mean by this?
cuz u be keepin the black man down
Mohammad, please.
pretty basic phrase if you're not retarded (i.e. not one of the "high school at best" "educated" people voting for drumpf)
Here's an example.
The polls show Clinton winning! The polls are rigged!
The same polls now show Trump winning by 2%! Trump landslide incoming! Clinton BTFO!!!
Admit it, you guys are fucking retarded.
mah nigga
Is that why people have been reporting if you click a democratic name, it'll pick a republican right under them on those same machines?
But voting machines being "miscalibrated" has nothing to do with polls. There's no cognitive dissonance in seeing whats happening and thinking there might be more to it then innocent mistakes.
Only faggot attention whores have signs since they always have to tell everyone their gay opinion. I see more Bernie signs than Trump and Clinton combined, I guess Bernie is gonna win.
I used to be a shill like you but, I have to admit it's really fun watching Trump run away with the presidency.
Even tanks have bbc
I don't believe you. Provide a source
inb4 hurr Im texan yarr de harr muh anecdote
>assuming I am a Trump supporter
Pretty obvious that everyone here should understand the meaning and the context to which cognitive dissonance should be used. You used it in an autistic way to slander trump supporters.
Now you're calling people responding to your autism as retards. Look in the mirror, fgt.
>unheard beatles
yeah right pal
Because Trump voters are overwhelmingly paranoid, elderly, and uneducated?
It takes a truly stupid person to misclick on a voting machine, then press "confirm" then cry that their vote got stolen, but considering they were dumb enough to want to vote for Drumpf in the first place, I guess it's not really all that surprising.
Are you physically incapable of understanding the concept of a bias? Let me explain this to you. The polls are all slanted to the left in perpetuity. If the leftist candidate is ahead, then it's business as usual. It's a race. If a right-wing candidate is ahead, then that means the media was completely unable to spin a leftist lead, hence, the right-wing candidate is even further ahead than he looks. I don't even think Trump is going to win, but if you're honestly too stupid to figure out the very simple idea of media bias, you have no business calling anyone's education into question.
Ohh no
>that sucks
non of that yet reported, but I will assume somebody is going down for those rigged voting machines
heavy fines, jail time, the whole bit
If they were rigging the polls, why would they apply D+15 instead of just presenting whatever numbers they wanted?
You are jumping through illogical hoops in order to confirm your own manufactured paranoia. Sad!
Yeah - what an ass he is bitching about PROVEN VOTER FRAUD THAT THEY TOOK CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR that "coincidentally" only benefited Hillary
That surely must just be a coincidence
>Would bet several thousands of dollars that texas will never be blue for the next 100 years.
Unless Trump wins this, then long before 100 years, people with the values you think of as texan will be a tiny minority.
>Simply not possible with the type of people here.
Simply not possible with wetbacks voting and rigged machines?
Anyway I'm going to go out on a limb here, and guess that the obvious Texas vote rigging is a red herring to distract people from the better-hidden rigging in other states.
This, someone said that they were driving from another state (different car plate) and collecting signatures from random people.
you have to look at party affiliation of people samples. all the polls have more democrats than republicans sampled. so the must be going into minority communities more than white suburbs. polls are crooked as shillery.
>I will assume somebody is going down for those rigged voting machines
Not under Obama, and not if Hillary wins.
>believing the rigged meme
What else do you believe in? The tooth fairy and aliens in Area 51?
you would know
>Drumpflets can't even use grade-school "NO U" comebacks without having to create straw men
Sad! They take after their orange, small-handed leader, though.
Why does he always talk like a retard on twitter?
why do I see this mantra repeated everyday on Sup Forums. is "don't look at it and don't think about it" really the best way to live your individual life or to progress as a whole?
If it quacks like a duck...
If you enjoy sifting through the 25x daily "IT'S HAPPENING" non-happening threads on Sup Forums, then knock yourself out, nobody's stopping you
But the democrats have said both those phrases in the last few months
>I'm not a shill
>I'm hate trump because he's politically incorrect but I enjoy posting on a politically incorrect board
>If they were rigging the polls, why would they apply D+15 instead of just presenting whatever numbers they wanted?
To make it seem plausible that they're just polling "likely voters".
Look, you want to minimize the number of people in any conspiracy. For polls to be credible, their methodology has to be fairly open, and have various reputable people involved in checking that it's being followed.
Skewing the sample takes the smallest number of people.
all major cities in texas are blue though, which includes austin and houston and el paso and san antonio, AND dallas.
>he doesn't realize you can be politically incorrect without being a sackriding Trump shill
>their methodology has to be fairly open
So how are they applying a D+15 if the methodology is transparent? Could it be that they're fucking with the raw data? In which case... oh shit! You can use whatever "raw data" you pulled out of your ass and nobody would ever be any wiser because none of it is ever verifiable in the first place!
Goddamn CTR is scared. At this point they've been told they will not get paid unless Hillary wins, which is remote. So they might as well quit while they are ahead. Either way, they won't have a job no matter the outcome.
they're already m aking excuses for Clintons failed presidency.
Globalist are 20 years ahead of you, son
yet every single time any women makes a claim WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE that she was sexually assaulted/harrassed/raped were supposed to listen to it intently and believe her and saying
is suddenly sexist.
nice cognitive dissonance or double standard or whatever smart words you want to use.
dream on cock breath
In a state where illigals (or sorry, "undocumented citizens" are taking over and can easily vote.... The legal americans will be outvoted soon, if they arent already
We don't know the evidence, because those accusations haven't made their way through the justice system yet. Drumpf already had a LOT of lawsuits against him, so I assume it will take quite some time.
We do know what kind of person Drumpf is by his own words, though, so it gives a lot of credibility to the accusations.
"You don't even have to get consent, you can just grab women by the pussy"
"Trump grabbed my pussy without getting consent"
"These women are all lying, plus they're too unattractive for me to molest"
Yeah dude, that's LITERALLY cognitive dissonance. Drumpf supporters are the Kangz of it. BIGLY.
how hard is it for you to grasp that some one who frequents "politically incorrect" doesn't need to shill for trump--trump is catering to who I am. in a way hes shilling for me.
if you enjoy political incorrectness so much what do you have against trump?
>>A few machines are miscalibrated and where it tricks your finger is an inch below
>>This works on all the buttons, no matter the order. It doesn't 'automatically pick Democrats' like people were asserting. It picks the candidate one slot below
...and the candidate one slot below Trump is Hillary, at stations where nearly everybody would be voting Trump.
This is exactly what plausibly-deniable voting machine rigging looks like. You "accidentally miscalibrate" something which just happens to cause votes for your candidate's opponent to be recorded as votes for your candidate. There's a "program bug caused by hitting one wrong key". They "accidentally duplicated a set of votes from one machine over a set of votes from another".
Calibrating the touchscreen for a VOTING MACHINE is serious business. Do you really believe this is, "Oops, ha ha! It accidentally votes for the other person! We didn't see that before we started collecting real votes!"?
>Dallas more blue than Austin or Houston
Whatever you say
He's... retarded?
(See? I can use politically incorrect language!)
(Select all images with the handicapped parking sign)
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Why the fuck even display the vote then? Just change it after they click send. This rigging claim is the dumbest fucking thing I swear
This is probably the weakest attempt at excuses ive ever seen.
I can only imagine the "Trump generation", e.g. the kind of kids who will never understand what responsibility is, only ones that know how to blame other people for their failures. Sounds an awful lot like niggers to me!
How can trump lose Texas? Since when was it a blue state.
>"You don't even have to get consent, you can just grab women by the pussy"
Oh my god, you are such garbage.
That's not what he said, and it's not a reasonable paraphrasing. What he meant was "women let you".
Virtually no sexual contact involves express verbal consent. Men try things, and women let them or don't let them proceed. This is completely normal, and women typically reject men who won't try anything or ask for verbal consent, as unmanly and unexciting.
A normal sexual encounter is a man trying and getting away with things. A normal sexual rejection is a man trying things and not getting away with them.
Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching that cunt crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Hillary get the nuclear codes.
They should just put a mouse on these things with no touch screens. Or buttons on the side of the machine like old gas pumps and old atms.
>>This is exactly what plausibly-deniable voting machine rigging looks like. You "accidentally miscalibrate" something which just happens to cause votes for your candidate's opponent to be recorded as votes for your candidate.
>Why the fuck even display the vote then?
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not get this?
>whats going on
you are losing
> excuses?
if it were the gop rigging the election you would be screaming nazis in the street
t. rape apologist
Can't tell if CTR or troll.
you'd be in jail winning nevada fucking polls over in nh shills know they lost
But the reports are real. Are you implying that voter fraud isn't a serious issue?
Maybe in your country it is
It's historically always been Democratic. It being Republican is an 80's phenomena. Texas was blue for all but one president since 1848.
Youre a fucking retard in denial. Voter fraud in the is real and serious. You just know it's the only way hiltard can win.
Someone learned a new term from Dilbertman's most recent blog where he skull fucked you and your ilk!
>Voter fraud in the is real
prove it
>ITT newage "alt-right" fucktards who have no clue about Texas's political history
>If they were rigging the polls, why would they apply D+15 instead of just presenting whatever numbers they wanted?
is this shit a troll lmao
Trump is gonna lose so badly hahaha
You are all so delusional
prove it isnt.