Sup Forums are pure blooded Egyptians white?
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Sup Forums are pure blooded Egyptians white?
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They are semites. Semites aren't white, even if they have light skin.
Another Egyptian woman
who gives a fuck about whiteness? Fuck white people. be proud of who you are and fuck all these stormqueers
They look like southern europeans, so no they arent white
>be proud of who you are
Non-whites can openly lynch us in the street for that. Check your priviledges, shitlord
Kill yourself redneck
no, cuz they wuz kings and shiiet
eye for an eye white boy. Dont forget non whites have always feared for their lives because of white people
mediterian-white, or south-italian-white
And they should.
she looks like a sex doll
Not an argument
So would I be a race traitor if I married a blue eyed orthodox Christian woman?
like-wise. get a taste of your own medicine
Orthodox Christian Egyptian woman*
Yes. Thats why the WE WUZ KANGZ N" SHIET meme is false.
Kill yourself spic
You can try.
would fugg/10
Post more so I can be completely sure
as can you. you arrogant white pricks think everyone will just roll over and let you kill them when shit hits the fan. good luck
you're welcome for the civilization homie
So far we haven't had a problem. Don't you worry one bit, pal. Keep pushing, you just might get what you ask for. Never forget we have been at war with each other for less than what you non-white faggots are doing.
you're a mutt to begin with
>whites were the only ones who ever accomplished anythings.
this is what im talking about. your arrogance will be your downfall
stay angry little white boy bitch
Not just Egyptians but many middle easterners (persians) are basically white
Why do white people trigger you so much?
Not necessarily. Don't be a dick my polish friend.
You are the one who is mad. You will be exterminated for good. Enjoy life while you can.
Not your friend you mutt.
>ywn be Alexander the great, going around fucking middle eastern qts
He wishes he was white.
Is that so? Then please kindly end yourself you fucking kike
He was a faggot though
I know, it was a rhetorical question
They are not whites, but they are still far better than niggers. It wouldn't be a crime against humanity for a white man to breed with the woman in your picture.
It's really easy to understand. The darker the skin, the less they are human. It's called aposematism.
>if you don't like amerisharts you're a kike
btw are you 1/77 Cherokee or Apache?
Maybe not skin color, so much as ape-like features, which obviously also means niggers.
You probably are a like, and no.
Egyptian christians aren't orthodox you retard, they're Coptic.
Possibly. I don't know. The only way to judge for yourself is to visit the area if you want a general answer or to observe any given individual if you just want to put a pharaoh in her tomb, so to speak.
"Pure" Egyptian is kind of a silly thing at this point. Ancient Egyptians aren't the same as even Coptic Christians, let alone Muslims or Sudanese types.
At some point all this question over the "borders" of "whiteness" thing boils down to what kind of aesthetic one wants to preserve.
That's why the most retarded "Meds/Slavs aren't white" types are also the biggest porn-addled degenerates/queers. Anyone who doesn't look Icelandic is "degenerate" from the "pure master race", an extra-logical mythos for retards and lunatics.
Objectively, "whiteness" is only politically relevant as a replacement for the Islam/Christianity divide, the cases like the remnant Christians in the Middle East show.
Other than that, there's evidently a "Semitic/Aryan" divide within the Caucasian population, but trying to nail down "x country is (biologically) y" is a thing of general trends, taking it as gospel leads to autism.
Don't be so sure. There's going to be a war in Europe this century. If Europe wins, won't revenge be the plan?
And what makes you think I'm jewish?
The coptic church is orthodox you serbnigger
he's a retarded hick faggot living in a trailer park
Kike confirmed.
A trailer park probably has less crime than the hood
>A trailer park probably has less crime than the hood
dont doubt it. i dont live in the hood either
Right. You live in a box poornigger
Because u wuz the 6 million n sheet
>t.Russian and German rapetoy
If I were a goyim even just for a day
Only north europeans are white.
I could live my life the free and easy way
I'm an Egyptian Copt (pure blooded Egyptian).
We're not white, no.
Oriental orthodox, amerifat, not eastern orthodox.
I never said we are white but you just contradicted yourself if I'm a german rape baby that would make me half white you daft faggot.
Irrelevant faggot. You went full retard and got btfo.
One drop rule bitch
I would take from uncle sam and let the huwhite man pay
They're Mediterraneans so maybe?
I don't care though cause they were kings and shit.
What's irrelevant?
Coptics have no relations to the Orthodox church, they have their own Pope retard.
Fucking americlaps and their education.
It's the south African niggers that say that. Egyptians actually wuz kangz n shiet
doesnt even look white
Holy shot serbnigger, the first Church EVER is the coptic orthodox church of Egypt fuck off
One thing is for sure, they aren't negroes.
We're an Oriental Orthodox Church from Eastern Christianity.
>Northern Africa
pure blooded gpytians was black you subhuman albinoid edomite saltine melanine depreived cracker honkey ass bitch. go back to your caves in europe. it been scientifically immpossible for yo light skinned ass mothefuckers to have bilt the pyrammids because yalls mothafucakers woulda got sunburnt from the 140 dgree heat.
No, they're not black either
For fucks sake you faggots are as bad as the KANGZ retards. What is so hard to understand about Egyptians being their own separate entity? Why do they need to be European or nignogs?
Fuck man.
Do you know what orthodoxy means and why it's so common in the names of churches?
When you say Orthodox, with the upper case, you refer to eastern european christians.
You fucker thought that Egyptians were Orthodox and now you're trying to blame me for your stupidity.
Yeah, Coptics, Assyrians, etc.
Nobody refers to you as Orthodox christians.
You would
>calling others mutts
The basic between the two is over the Christological definition accepted at the Council of Chalcedon in 451, where Christ was recognized as being worshiped both 'in' two natures that exist 'inconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably'. The Copts and other miaphysites believed that this definition was ambiguous and could be understood in a Nestorian manner. They preferred to speak of Christ being worshiped in one human-divine nature 'out of' two natures. Much of the difficulty here arises from the ambiguity of the term 'nature'-- is it a particular, in the manner the Nestorians used it (equivalent to hypostasis) or a universal (equivalent to 'ousia', essence)? If it is the former, then the story of the Incarnation is the story of the Word of God uniting to a particular human being named Jesus at the moment of his conception, which is in fact how Nestorius and his followers understood the incarnation. If 'nature' is a universal, however, then the Incarnation is the story of the Word of God uniting with human nature and becoming Jesus. That is, in this theology, the person of Jesus is identical to the person of the Word of God who has taken on humanity, not a person who is somehow united to the Word. In any case, the Second Council of Constantinople of 553 affirms the latter narrative as the understanding of the Incarnation accepted by the Greeks as well.
So, at this point, the differences between Coptic and Greek theology become a very subtle game of parsing technical language. However, the Copts do not officially accept any of the ecumenical councils accepted by the Greeks, from Chalcedon on. This leads to the often-overlooked theological difference of Copts speaking of one will in Christ while Greeks, following the Third Council of Council of Constantinople of 680-681, speak of two wills in Christ, human and divine in perfect harmony.
Copts are Egyptians mixed with Greek
literally WE WUZ the ethnicity
Yes but north African non-moor, extinct Egyptians were kangs. Anyone else was a tribal or part of some Caliphate.
Pick only one
Like didn't you know they like totally went to a new planet like they wuz astronauts n shiet check ur privilege you fucking bigot
white but not germanic or european
No. They are less White than Syrians, Turks and Tunisians.
Yes and that's why Chatolics and Orthodox are Chalcedons and the oriental christians are non-Chalcedons.
The faith differences between catholic and orthodox are more laughable, the rift was a power play.
But they are considered different when using their names.
Does it anywhere say the Coptics are refered to as Orthodox, like you did?
Or are they refered to as Coptics?
is that why they are dying to live in a white country rather then their parents old SHITHOLE
Egyptians were originally from Levant.
Basically light skinned semits. Far from white
Obviouslly yes.
Stick with your ethnicity. Anglo, german, dutch, whatever
They are still fucking orthodox man holy shit
depends on their personal Character
If they are loud, emotional, dramatic, sensitive and hot headed they are NOT white
If they are quiet, reserved, pragmatic, thoughtful and cold headed they probably would fit great into white society.
But German women are fucking bad news now
Dude just admit youre partially wrong, we know its not THE Orthodox church as in the general usage but its still AN Orthodox church
You sound like an insufferable cunt
>believing Hollywood
No, he wasn't. He was just sad that his comrade died and that made ancient writers compare it to Achilles and Patroclus, of whom Homer never said that they were gay; it was later writers that attributed that.
He might have been bi, but there is no evidence for it and it seems off. Homosexuals always have been wimps.
He was most likely bi. I'm not sure where this believing Hollywood thing came from though. Some sort of movie? Oh well. He still most likely fucked dudes which is gay.
Plus 1 for the good guys
This video shows the diversity of Egyptians:
Have you ever been to Greece or spain??? There are plenty of pure whites but there are also quite a few browns - from the many times Greece was raped and pillaged by shitskins
There are some native whites in north africa.