Oh, it's great being black in a white neighborhood

Oh, it's great being black in a white neighborhood

>White boys wont DARE start a fight with you

"intimidates whites guy*

>You get to fuck EVERY white girl whitin a one mile radius with your beautiful black...

*cuts to interracial sex scene*


This is now being advertised on the most popular "urban" Youtube channel ready for release on British TV. You know what to do, lads.

thanks jews


Quit giving this shit views

This is now being advertised on the most popular urban youtube channel in UK. It's going to get views...a lot of them. Go in there and drop a comment and give it a thumbs down

>White boys wont DARE start a fight with you
When will this meme die? I started tons of shit with nigs while in school. The only reason I stopped is I found easier and legal ways to fuck with them.

My mission in life is to make it as unpleasant as possible for everyone else, niggers very much included.

Fucking ridiculous. Atrocious acting, too.

And am I the only one noticing that it's a "typically male" perspective on sex that Tumblr would lose their heads over if it weren't a fucking nigger doing it? No woman wants to just be pounded in the cervix for 6 hours straight by a nog doing an unironic Bateman impression.

Let's make a series about being the only white guy on the plantation, see how well that goes over.

I'm black. It's like a candy store here.


Das rite

Stupid white bois

You may think what you like. I really don't give a shit.

>Comments: 15
fuckin jewtube

Pay the TV tax, doh.

>In 4chins
>getting laid

You know that you can choose only one... and you have chosen.

This is now a canuck thread


Did you reupload that video and post it here to whore views or something?

Pol is not a secret club for virgins. Its very popular. I take it that you are a young guy finding it difficult to get laid?

So are your tax dollars paying for this one, or is it private?

You can start a fight with another race without it being a hate crime

Why can't black men appreciate black women?

Why are they copying the scene with Christian Bale in American Psycho?