ITT strong female characters who earned their position. Rei can fuck off

ITT strong female characters who earned their position. Rei can fuck off.



Literal heart reacts only

pic related as well

None of these characters would be tolerated today here


>Rei can fuck off

kys my $gender

all great choices. who else?

Yeah Sup Forums hates modern films with strong female protagonists

pic related, though only a main character in one of the three arcs


Sorry, I don't speak tumblr. What the fuck are you on about?


Rei did more but asked less than your American strong independent females

Asukafags can fuck right off this planet.

Mary Sue's blown the fuck out

Typo. I meant Rey from TLJ of course. But weeabos gonna weeb.

what's this from?

>he doesn't know what gender is
I think or is for your kind user, there you can tranny it up


Thanks for this thread OP. Sometimes I feel bad hating on a show or movie for having a mary sue protagonist because I feel like I'm being sexist, but then something like this thread reminds me that there have been great female protagonists in film for decades that are strong and independent naturally. It reminds me that I don't hate female protagonists, I hate writers who aren't skilled enough to write a strong protagonist so they just make them a woman and try to guilt you into liking them.

Obviously, only things from muh childhood are BASED and KINO

yass queen



I was obviously asking about the dollar sign...I mean are you really that stupid?


How to write a great female hero

>vulnerable yet tenacious
>impulsive yet passionate
>strong maternal instincts
>above average attractiveness with one outstanding physical feature

There, i just saved your 5 million dollar artflick and your 200 mill blockbuster.

>multipass cocksheath for korben dallas
>hypocritical twat with vast inheritance

I knew what you meant. I was just being an asshole.

the dollar sign represents a variable in shell/scripting languages used in light, brainlet programming. It's a general symbol used to show that I know TV is mostly women I didn't want to have to follow up my comments with reasons why I said "my man" instead of "my $gender"

guess it didn't help because of autists like you

>beautiful yet reclusive hacker

They need to one-up a man physically and mentally at least once.

Fuck you for ruining my time to shine.





Re-read your post my dude.

Fucking hypocrites

Why is Ripley so based?

>bitchslaps the omega slut
>sweaty when she needs to be
>saves the cat
>undresses infront of alien to taunt it

What a woman!

Don't forget her hairy muff.


>>multipass cocksheath for korben dallas
delet this

Also hairy pits!


>14 year old archloonix "enthusiast" churning out /r/iamverysmart tier material
>""autists like you""

All men written with a vagina. All of them lack female characteristics. THATS what makes a good female character compelling. Let her be a woman, maybe naive, maybe weak, but ALL woman.

moshi moshi joshi desu

you guys are weird

Oh that's interesting. Are you a man? Please explain to me exactly how a woman SHOULD act?

>*poot poot*

>summer camp on Sup Forums


Nah. I'm watching Battlestar Galactica, which is a show from 2004 and I find the females to be capable and impressive without being mary sues. They're flawed, which is what humans are, male or female. Maybe you should stop viewing Sup Forums as a single entity, and examine your own biases, perhaps?

Go back to wearing your princess dress faggot.

>yas queen
You've never spent over a day with any woman, have you?

>maybe naive, maybe weak
Are you saying these are female traits? Wow. Fuck you.

This film had no right to be the super flop that it was.

You're wrong about Red Sonja

Generally more illogical and emotional. But also more graceful. She shows her strength in uncontrollable bursts. She also more likely uses her male counterparts as leverage.

Hello roastie.

>weeaboos gonna weeb

I cringed.



>biggest thot of the 90s
>obviously sleeps with the beta male of the movie



But user wonder woman was the first and only positive representation of women in Hollywood history. The news on tv and online told me so and they wouldn't lie to me.

Also Ghostbusters has the first female comediennes ever!!

bow down brainlets

'Stronk' women in modern cinema are not allowed to show vulnerability. They are also not allowed to use their feminine whiles or sexuality to progress the story. Instead they are equal to men or in some cases like TLJ better than men. If anything women are written more like a man with a vagene than older movies. So what said is fucking stupid.


>"No dont make the women smart, heroic and have flaws make her dumb and prone to emotional outbursts"

And you wonder why women are laughed at so much

Damn that 12 yr old boy is PISSED

>strong women
>all 'chick with shotgun' from capeshit and garbage fiction
>not a single portrayal of actual strong person overcoming real life troubles and woes
Wow, this board is more Sup Forumsirginal and underage than /r9k/.

>literally how women are

This threads stinks of female posters. Hilarious.




Men and women exist on a spectrum of masculinity to femininity. Action heroes tend to have more masculine traits. Is it surprising that good action movie female protagonists are more masculine than the average woman?


Except the BEST one are not. Thats why they are so compelling. They all struggle and show strong maternal instincts. They aint sluts, they are mothers first.

Now try to guess who im referring to...

Mary Magdalene?

This movie made me realize that even royalty were filthy, sweaty fucks.

Every single mothers delusional diary?



Do you ever wonder why people find you disgusting?


You are absolutely right, but then again the OP has shown Ripley and talked about Rey, so one could think about action heroines.
You are still right.

I am a fucking girl, you utter plebs. No go back to your anime show and fingering your buttholes, you pathetic omegacucks.

there isn't a single one because "strong female" means a woman who acts like a fucking man and succeeds.

that shit never happens in real life, I could kill 99% of women with a single punch and you expect me to take this dumb fetish shit seriously? "strong" women are good mothers and wives to their husbands.

calm down roastie

born into royal family is about as far as it goes from "earning" a position
otherwise, I liked the movie

historical slaughtering of Hugenots on screen with realistic brutality, then again reality was even moral brutal.

>I am a fucking girl
Is this supposed to make you less disgusting?
Did I say "lmao are you a virgin, boy"
You obtuse little bitch, people posted mostly action heroines, for what they have to do they are fine. Even action heroes are unrealistic as men.
Brought different examples.
Be the change you want to happen.

you're not wrong but why are you posting here? All of the "men" on here are probably more feminine than you are.


I'm laughing

i like her when she is angry desu