Submachine uzi gun or sniper rifle?
Pic related. Machinegun and sniper rifle.
Submachine uzi gun or sniper rifle?
Pic related. Machinegun and sniper rifle.
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Håll käften bajskorv!
>machine gun
>sniper rifle
Literally kys sven
full auto bolt action sniper
.22 cal boomerang
Kill yourself with the AK sweden is already fucked beyond our wildest dreams
I personally think the Sten mk. 2 is the best gun ever
I used a sawed off ar15 that fucker kicks hard!
>you will never mow down waves of shitskins with this
You are lying. Its illegal to Saw it of.
>not using the incredible exploding butter knife
whats with that big ass iron sight what are you shooting down aircaft with that motherfucker
Given that I do target shooting a proper rifle!
PS: that AK is NOT a sniper rifle.
I can't tell if I'm in a troll thread or surrounded by nogunz.
i cant tell if you're low spectrum or high spectrum autist
So. You didnt serve. What a "man"
Here, have a keksis
Which ever non-bolt action non-shotgun gun is the most accurate (think barrel length) with the cheapest ammo. Rate of fire won't matter.
I want a .50acp sniper shotgun with a laser scope.
>getting annoyed over people lying
>Sniper Rifle
There is no such thing as a "sniper rifle" in terms of hardware. A sniper rifle is a weapon a designated sniper uses. What it has on it is irrelevant.
>Barrel length
M4's are accurate within 300-500 meters easy. They're short barreled weapons.
If you want to defend your homeland, be prepared with a lightweight intermediate cartridge weapon. AR15, FAL(Not intermediate, but a hell of a weapon), SCAR.
If you are in europe, you're fucked. Get a nugget or something.
Idiot leaf you can't own one of those in Canada!
You can if the clip is small enough.
I live on 5+ acres of land so I have used my AK to check out my property at night. I own 25 guns and not a single AR15, so I'm building one right now to replace my WASR. In my house i just use a 9mm baby desert eagle clone.
If thats all you have you should use the Uzi since you dont want to penetrate every wall in your house
Get back Sup Forums faggot
I like the AK platform, rugged and reliable. The Uzi is nice for close combat work.
I use a bluntspoon 7.62 x 54r
UK? You mean you use a cricket bat.
Don't be a loon. Bin that spoon!
When defending the Homeland, use ALL of your guns!
Sako TRG
Yeah, like this one.
AR 15
>not posting the classic
Don't tell me how to bait son
Imma dropshot so many scrubs lol
Ya. I Was thinking uzi combined with an age or bajonett for closecombat suicide missions and ak's and grenades for straight up longdistance executions.
Fugg yeah, we can share clips
pic related btw
Ak* not age. Im on a stolen iPhone. Cant text properly
Fuck you
This gun. Oh I miss it, used to fix em during conscription. Its no gun, its an instrument.
It Was axe. Nubcake.
Dem PKMs wreck havoc. Do want.
Imagine the pleasure of putting down a raging towelhead from a 900 meters distance
Closest I've got.
i like the SPAZ 12 personally. it kills everyone in a 10 m circle and has a large capacity magazine. can also shoot two shotgun bullets at once if you flick the switch. wouldt reccomend though cause it can break your sholdier
>stolen iPhone
Hello Ahmed.
Scoped k98, time to fight from the woods
you filthy brown thief, fucking kill yourself you disgusting subhuman trash
>Sub Human
>Sub Machine gun
Seriously, what's the point of these things nowadays when you have compact assault rifles?
John Moses Browning frowns upon your shenanigans.
>Using .30-06 inside your house
I hope you enjoy having no walls or family members left alive after too.
You're doing it wrong.
OP said homeland not home.
Find out what the most common rifle round is in your country.
Do you all use 5.56 in the military?
That is not a sniper rifle btw
>semi-auto magazine-fed 30.06 rifle
pretty cool, but pointless if you plan to engage anything besides IIIA-armored shooters and enormous animals
It's just a modern BAR. Browning makes killing devices and the HCAR is a wonderful killing device.
>not getting a 3 round burst mussleloader
Fucking plebs on this board I swear...
only correct answer
>autism in a gun
>that barrel length
why even use 30-06 if you aim to reduce its power and velocity so much?
modern 308 scar outperforms it and being lighter
Pic related
that's an m60 under all that filthy degenerate bullshit, not an m240
whoever made that needs to be hung
Wew, i got that uzi
was never sure. looking at it now it's the buttstock that can give it away
machinegun for that swank DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA and for downing jamal and muhammad.
Make it an AR or AK -- oh wait, you're Swedish. Sorry, maybe you should start stretching your anus out ahead of time?
>machine gun
Well the akm has a bigger clip
also bigger clip = bigger shells, which gives you more stopping power. Only drawback is the bigger the shell the slower they fly so the intruder could theoretically dodge them, although it's pretty exausting in my experience.
>whoever made that needs to be hung
oh im sure he was
This is either shitty bait, or you, literally, have no idea what you're talking about.
Sawed off mosin nugget full auto
AR-15 if it's an internal attack. AK-47 if the Russians attack.
>implying americans can get out of their seats and walk
>China RPK
M48 Zastava, M70 and M76 Zastava and Grandpas Tommy Gun.
Gonna be good.
>Grandpas Tommy Gun
Was your grandfather a singer by any chance?
Nope, dad almost was but gramps stashed all the good stuff.
not bait, i'm a gun club memeber
Whatever's the rifle of your homeland
Then if you would, kindly, explain how it is possible for a SPAS-12 to fire two rounds at the same time, considering it only has one barrel. Also, what mythical shotgun shell is capable of a 10m guaranteed kill spread?
>sawed off ar15
What kind of fucking idiot saws the barrel off of an assault rifle?
Thats the spaZ not the spaS check his post, it's when you spaz out while using the rifle and do shit usually not doable.
Jamals BBC with H-Pos attachment
You could shoulder carry it into battle
Where do you find funs like those?
>a fucking Tommy
My envy is indescribable
I thought it was a full semi auto bolt action tactical AR15 military sniper rifle with high capacity high velocity armor piercing hollowpoint clips?
Only correct answer
how close are 9mm and 7.62x39 in weight?
use the lighter one, in American testing the AKM was considered essentially a submachinegun in practice.
you can see the double shot in action when you blast some zombies in half life. dual barrels bro, never fails ya when you gotta get some of that extra killing power
mmm perfect. no dirty sand jews to ruin it either.
that one guy was right about shooting down aircraft though
I want to buy one but there are none in Maine.
How's being 15 going?