I being afraid of a war with Russia cuck?
I being afraid of a war with Russia cuck?
No, going to war with Russia because the (((MSM))) tell you to is cucked.
That's why Trump supporters are not real men
moisturize me beardo
moisturize me beardo
What's with the fearmongering? Why would Russia start a war? They are not 80's movies villains who want to conquer the word and build Soviet Union 2.0 with mecha Stalin leading them.
wow, a Pole that sees thru the bs, never thought I'd see that in my lifetime
moisturize me beardo
Moisturise me, beardo.
Who said this?
“You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.”
Russia wants to be left alone and NATO is infringing on their shit.
>Russia wants to be left alone as it's invading Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and NATO is infringing on their shit.
im not afraid of fighting a war with russia, well not overly afraid...no more than any normal man
but i don't want to fight russians, i have no problem with russians. Syria is closer to their turf than we are and i would rather fight the syrians WITH the russians if we americans simply must have another war in the middle east.
you get that isis and co aren't Syrians, right?
>implying the world would be any different if those countries were removed from the map
Please tell me what either country would gain from going to war. It's just fearmongering.
20 trln usd in debt gone
>trumps going to war he is bad
>trump is going to destroy the United states
>bunch of fucking fascists
>Fag why are you scared of war with Russia Hillary will save America
Holy fuck are people actually this retarded? Honestly someone. People cried Trump was going to war and we need to stop him and now we have these fans going on about having a world war WITH Russia. Has the rate of autism increased or something?
NATO puts up "Missile Defence System" which consists of ballistic nuclear missiles being placed right next to Russia.
Killary wants to impose a no fly zone over Syria and shoot down Russian jets / bomb russian anti air systems.
>thinks Russian troops are in these countries
It would be bloody, messy and half of Europe would be in panic mode and start mobilization. Even your home town of Bumfuck, Iowa would be affected by the inevitable financial collapse.
moisturize me beardo
yes i realize that they are mostly foreign fighters, and the fighting isn't just in syria. or even mostly syria. that's just the current "muh humanitarian crisis" excuse for the current political power regime to stick it's nose in where it doesn't belong.
> thinks those countries are safe after Russia invaded every smaller neighbor
Yes because the Soviet Union is occupying those countries right now
Is not wanting do die in a nuclear storm cuck?
Unlike Russia's other neighbors they were lucky to get into a protective alliance just in time.
But Trump and his shills are now undermining that alliance and others in the campaign, thus increasing the chance of war.
This is not difficult stuff.
moisturize me beardo
Is admitting to bullies that you're a cuck cuck?
Yes it is, cuck.
Moisturize me beardo
moisturize me beardo.
There will be no war.
Trying growing up during the USSR days.
moisturize me beardo
moisteruze me beardo.
moisturize me beardo
moisturize me beardo
moisturize me beardo.
Moisturize me beardo
moisturuze me beardo.
Moisturize me, beardo.
Avoiding a civilization-ending war is alpha. Protecting your homeland and family from devastation is alpha. Picking fights with a potential ally is cucked. Starting a suicidal war to appease oil barons is cucked.
We joke about Happenings but nobody really wants something of this magnitude except a tiny minority of people who have nothing invested and/or nothing to protect in this world.
never understood how that works, but true
moisturize me beardo.