Watched this because you fucks said it was good

Watched this because you fucks said it was good

It's just another Coen Brothers movie where nothing happens and has no ending

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it's not for brainlets or plebs, sorry

most jewy movie i ever seen. made me sick. what a horrible race of people. just awful.

This. Stick to capeshit, OP.

I don't wanna come off as a dick but your probably are too stupid to enjoy this movie, opee.

>calm physics professor who doesnt do any harm in any way shape or form


its a jew movie, goyim wouldn't understand


>nothing happens
How can you even pretend to think that?

Please, accept the mystery

Explain in twenty words or less why you liked it

I like other Coen brothers movies but I fucking hated A Serious Man. Probably the most painful/infuriating movie I've sat through in recent memory. I don't understand why anyone would like it.

It's funny

>a series of bad things happen to a man
It's the film version of cringe-comedy sitcoms. The "kino" of capeshit consumers.

kike crap

>the jews fear the samurai
>excuse me...
>I don't like you kikes much but I hate those fucking japs more, is this man bothering you?

What point were the Coen brothers making in this scene?

really enjoyed it. shows a different lens of the stereotypically decadent 60s. seeing larry's life crumble around him while he barely gets by in life is nerve-wracking. the dentist montage was kino too. my only gripe is that larry is a little too spineless/powerless.
if all you come away from it is "dude we just dont know look at the parking lot lmao", then you are indeed a brainlet.

Black comedy works well when it's intelligent and/or edgy. This one is decidedly neither so they decided to compensate by turning edge up to 11 in one scene.

>nothing happens
i didn't particularly like the movie but this is the most pleb criticism in existence

>not liking infuriating movies
top pleb m8

>if you don't desperately try to compensate lack of actual taste by finding something to praise in any piece of mediocre meandering trivia crap then you're a brainlet
I bet you think anime is a "soupirior form of art" too.

Sy was a great villian.


> I like watching paint dry. The way the rivulets of acrylic slowly harden is kino. If all you come away from it is “dude time passed lmao”, then you are indeed a brainlet

Why, thank you, user.

You dipshit, regardless of why I may or may not have liked it, to say "nothing happens" is patently false.

Same. I wanted to slap Heebie Kikeberg almost as bad as I wanted to fuck that neighbor.


>someone actually wasted time fucking with the HTML

Just look at that parking lot, user.

>wasted time
Yeah, these 10 seconds spent pressing Inspect Element and copypasting 5 words were really an enormous waste. Dumb faggot.

It's about Rabbi's controlling their simple jewish underlings. Leading them to nowhere. Kikes are evil and rabbis are fucking rot infested whore cunts


for (you) op


Your actions have consequences. So does inaction.

Who would win in a fight, a serious man or a single man?

How did this "literally nothing happens at the ending that means it's deep" meme start?

The theme of the movie is pretty much straight forward: Life, the universe or God doesn't owe you nothing if you are what you think is being a good guy, or not, and in fact life, the universe and God are indifferent. The theme of the movie is linked to your own frustration as a viewer, even if there is a plot, and ever if there are happening a lot of things, the Coens never deliver, they doesn't owe you anything for being a good viewer.

>tldr: the Coens rused you and that's a good thing

where's his eyepatch?

>has no ending

engaging, well-developed characters well-written into a well-executed biblical allegory
also jews

ILD did it better.

But a whole lot of things happen in the ending, did you even watch it? Larry might have something wrong with his health and his son might get caught in a tornado. If anything the movie ends on a cliffhanger.

Most Coen films are variations on the same theme of characters who are powerless in their arcs. Look at BL. Nothing anyone does makes a single but of difference in the story. Sound and fury signifying nothing.