I am a big fan of battlefield series and I want to buy battlefield 1. But I am really concerned about the crazy amoun tof dindunuffins and I also don't want to sponsor the leftist propaganda. On other hand, I really want to play it because I like the gameplay etc. (I played the beta). What do you think should I do?
The Battlefield 1 dilemma
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Don't buy it.
desu it just makes it that much sweeter to kill any dindu you see.
Never ever
Don't buy it.
Buy Cod Advanced Warfare if you want a shooter instead.
Or just buy any other game. There are literally fucking thousands of games out there, hundreds of which are amazing, and there is no way you have played them all. Pick up some games you haven't played yet.
Don't, for the love of God, give money to these Swedish, cock-sucking arseholes.
Don't buy it. It's not even a real battlefield game, the series is dead.
Gameplay wise its good.
boycott or you will get much more of the same
Pirate it or stop being a faggot
I actually saw the commercial for it, doesn't even show one black guy.
But in principle, you shouldn't.
Doesn't it already have record sales, it's pretty much too late to boycott
Don't do it.
Just buy Red Orchestra 2, Rising Storm, Rising Storm 2 and Verdun.
Bought it and there seem to be less negros then in the Beta.
You don't notice it too much online, unless you're sniping (majority of skins for the scout class are blacks) - in which case, you deserve that for being a bitch who camps on the side of a hill and barely helps out the team.
The worst part is scouts almost always seem to be black.
Because it's not like a requirement for being a sniper is patience and a cool head or anything, two things niggers are notorious for lacking.
The developers have no respect for the horrors of that war and don't even include the French and Russians- yet there's more black people than in an Oxfam advert.
Stop allowing yourself to be plundered.
I can understand black french or even american soldiers
but germans/austrians? come the fuck on sweden
Yea but anyone who buys that is no better than rest of the people who support we wuz kangs games.
This game is shit and unrealistic...
They made just a shooting simulator with some WWI equipment and nothing else.
A real WWI with BF graphics would be nice with all the fight in the air,water, and land.
This game don't even have a map in the nordsea.
They even said realism is not relevant..... FUN is the main part of this game....
I have seen about 30 minutes of diferent streams and i saw 0 dindus in those games.
Am i getting jewed or memed?
I still can't belive they haven't added Canada.
i'm all for hating agendas but holy shit you guys are cucked beyond belief
please just get over the autism and play the fucking game if you like it
i mean do you listen to yourselves? not playing a game or hating the game because of a dindu in the game? absolutely showing your true cuck colors.
>die as the main character
>you win
think its customize able trough battlefield companion
I'd pick up books and study instead.
We are probby around the same age.
Used to love PVP games now I can barely play for an hour without being bored. That's just me tho.
I'd pick up a library card and self study topics you find interesting. A lot more constructive than smacking fat kids at FPS
you guys were still practically a penal colony and insignificant as fuck
Yeah FUCK FUN!!!
I have already played all of them
I play it, there's hardly any black people besides playing in two campaigns out of 5 or so as black dude. Britain and USA of course were all niggers I guess. Playing online, haven't seen a black person. Mostly the marketing was black because black people are a growing and significant video game demo, hint hint stop consuming media and get family get money white nigger.
Play Classic Doom instead.
I have played the gamescom and open beta and both were full with subhumans....
The last two games were betas upon release. They don't deserve any money just for that alone.
>what is the battle of Vimy Ridge?
>what is the battle of the Somme?
Gameplay wise, it's the same as every other battlefield game on the market.
you just merely prevented other allied soldiers from getting purple hearts and the ability to gloriously die in battle
who wants to "die for canada"
i would want to die if i was in canada however so maybe i understand why they went and """fought"""
You forgot Passchendaele son.
>war, guns, combat
Pick One
>I want to indulge myself in childish games
>but I disagree with the message they send!
>What am I to do?!
Grow up.
> gee wiz guys, what would happen if we made a game using the battlefield formula, but you couldn't see 15 feet in front of you, the vehicles were all clumsy and slow, and the comeback mechanic was to give the losing team an invincible doomsday device that rained death on any team that made mistake of ever taking the lead?
Another franchise demolished by electronic arts.
Battlefiel BC 1+2/ 3+4 were just fantasy and this was cool but taking an actual world war and write your own history in the name of fun is disgusting and nothing else.
Why not make it like it was ?
You literally start the game playing as a black soldier
Then he dies and you respawn as a few different soldiers (mostly white I think but there might be another one or two black ones, can't remember) in succession, after you get killed as each one
Take a look on youtube, just search for niggerfield 1 campaign intro
> flag
> does not check out
FFS you're in glorious slavland. This is at close as we'll ever be to an internet wild west. Just pirate it.
Play r6 siege instead user. Much better game.
There is no "leftist propaganda" here. They simply added a black dude because:
a) Lots of black dudes will want to play the game and they like to see a brutha involved in a topic which is otherwise completely unrelated to africans
b) The white demographic doesn't really care except for a small minority
They are not trying to brainwash you into letting jamal pimp out your wife to his pals. They have no agenda beyond maximizing profits. They accomplish that by accommodating to the current climate. If the current climate were "hitler did nothing wrong", EA would be the first in line releasing titles like Battlefield Europe: Deus Vult and Holocaust Tycoon.
You may find this particular bastardization of history insulting, but keep in mind that the Battlefield series never aimed for realism. I wouldn't buy this game first and foremost because it's likely another repetitive turd like all Battlefield titles. You'd probably have more fun playing something like ARMA 3's KOTH or Wasteland mods if Bohemia were capable of developing a modern engine that doesn't crawl on NASA hardware.
If you're still tempted, then boycott it because EA doesn't give a fuck about you or it's employees or anything except for cash. Do you want to support another DLC platform developed by starving kids duped into the game development meme?
I have already played it, good game though
>the vehicles were all clumsy and slow
It's almost as if they tried to base the game off a certain military conflict, hmmm
Only brits and americans have black/brown models, they changed the german one.
Gameplay is still shit though.
You literally play as a black for 45 seconds and get wasted, the other characters are white
t. A slavnigger
I love battlefield, but am skipping this title just for that reason. Stick with BF4 like me. It's a better game anyways imo, just worse graphics
They added black dudes because of the SJW mainstream idea and yeah, because they want cash. I find it absolutely disgusting and it's basically history blackwashing. Imagine a kid playing bf1. After playing it he will think that dindunuffins contributed much in the ww1. But as I said, I really want to play it because I really like the bf series and the ww1 aesthetics
The game is ruined. The progressives fuck everything up. Don't buy it. Find another game to play.
They're trying to hide the dindus, so you'd be baited into buying.
Don't buy in the first place.
Speaking of streamers not playing dindus, maybe they should be "encouraged" to play them.
>shame them into it
Once more people see dindus, they'd be less likely to buy revisionist BS. And as a bonus, you fuck over Svencucks AND the streamers.
Buy it, but only play multiplayer. Story mode is fucking abysmal to say the least. Not accurate and the story is about ULTRA SOLDIERS and shit. Also, everyone who thinks that pigeon scene was good or even not bad has to be gassed.
Then go play Verdun if you want some realism faggot but when the fuck was battlefield ever realistic?
>Not playing Project Reality
Literally free to download, but don't bother if you dont use a mic and communicate
>They simply added a black dude because black dudes want to play the game
Thats the very definition of marketing propaganda.
It's pretty disgusting, but no more or less than EA's usual modus operandi.
Point is though, EA is hardly the root or cause of the brainwashing problem. And if one wants to avoid brainwashing, better avoid video games altogether. They hardly stimulate independent thought or initiative. They teach you to conform to a system of rules.
I like video games and in particular PVP shooters (I was heavily into Quake), but it's not something kids should be obsessed with. Don't buy into any of the "video game are good for you" memes.
I paid 80 shekels for early enlister edition
what threw me off was black german soldiers...
Buy it used if you have to, otherwise you're giving the people who shat on your history money.
im in the same boat as you
i decided to wait a year until its cheap, then buy it
Hmm, I also like the arma series, maybe I'll try Project Reality, thanks for the idea
They removed the black germans from the game.
don't play the campaign?
don't be a sniper?
kek, this is stupid
the game is fun as hell and beautiful on 3440X1440
too much chaos to really check vidya faces to make sure i'm not underrepresented as a white guy, if i actually worried about it much
if you let stupid shit like this fuck you up, you're gonna' miss the best BF since the original bf1942/desert combat
don't be a tard
get it and enjoy, user
All the picture of nigger teams are from the BETA, everyone complained and DICE actually reduced the amount of black.
Game is alright btw, I've been playing BF since 1942, and while DICE have successfully eliminated most teamplay elements (like they've always wanted), it's a fun as fuck, mindless, run and gun game now. good for a break from all the recent happenings.
Side note: I'm too old to bother playing games competitively now and just play them for lolz, but I don't see BF1 making it anywhere in the competitive leagues, BF is pretty much the new COD.
>updated engine
>worse graphics
What did he mean by this?
It's fun.
Sorry, I'm an idiot who can't into reading comprehension.
Everyone gets distracted by Race Maymay whilst EA gets free marketing(see this thread and Sup Forums). EA gets away with this mediocre half coded piece of shit they shat out in a month. Compare BF1942 and this Cuntstain to each other and you realize EA lost the plot ages ago.
>Bf 1942 had full scale historic replicas with all the planes and tanks you can dream off with massive scale even battleships and subs on some stages with full 64 player support. Made in fucking 2002.
>14 years later they release a Starwars Battlefront world war 1 mod as a game and slaps the battlefield sticker on there. This game has added nothing new other than the race card to force sales. Do not promote or talk about this mod. Call them out like you did to those poor indy developer kids who made No Mans Sky.
>killing thousands of non-whites
>not the most redpilled game ever.
you dun memed yourself, pol.
Fuck never thought of it that way.
are you sure cause i swore i saw one yesterday. also black Italian soldiers lol
What the fuck
Do not be weak Ivan.
Do not buy it.
Buy Red Orchestra and stop being stoopid.
Forget about politics, you shouldn't buy it because it probably sucks right now. Wait 1 year and buy the complete edition with all the dlc and bugs fixed. Don't give the developers your money until they offer the full product.
RO2 and RS 2 are good games, but they're getting outdated.. and imo Verdun sucks.. Well made for an independent company, but that doesn't make it "good"
Almost makes me believe the Jews are behind it.
Don't buy it you cuck it's like every other fucking call of duty, battlefield first person shooter game. Brings nothing new to the table
Titanfall 2?
This, in the campaign you play as
>white brit
>white american
>white* Italian
>white Aussie
>allahu woman alongside Lawrence of Arabia
dem Italian models are pretty dope.
too late, i am already boycotting this game and so are all my friends
But in the game which you haven't played stop lying you retard there are only 1 black guy per class, all the rest of the classes are white.
Download it from torrent as usual.
>snipers are front line soldiers
>crazy amoun tof dindunuffins
its not too bad, campaign is bad but its battlefield
multiplayer is pretty fun tbqh, ill be sticking with it for a while
just watch some jewtube gameplay videos
Good. That shit was pissing me off. Especially when I was forced to be the black german or italian soldier.
Do not buy and also do not buy the awful Watch Dogs 2.
I couldn't even run it that well anyway, but when I found out France was dlc and skins couldn't change. I cancelled it. Both my great grandfather's died in the great war, and I'll be damned if swedecucks try to tell the world the Somme was half niggers and pajeets.
The brits still have a black sniper and a indian medic and the american sniper is black too but that's it I believe, also there's some black guy in the campaign.
Battlefield games have been shit since Bad Company 2 so there's more reason not to buy them.
Racially Charged marketing is the new frontier gents! If you don't buy games with black protagonists you are racist if you buy games with black protagonists your are ok guy. Checkmate consumers!