Protip: you can't
Find a flaw
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Its shit, dont come here, go sweden or something
Discount Finland
Russian minority that is still allowed to exist.
The flaw can be easily fixed.
>1. Change the following stripes: blue and white
>2. Change the following stripes: blue and black
>3. Paint the black stripe red
The nation doesn't live up to its awesome flag.
Doesn't include Ingermanland
Fuck off, we're full.
>implying venemaa would make anything better
Everyone is atheist
There's nothing wrong with being an atheist.
They're pretending their name isn't Finland
To small
No mountains
>To small
I am in a fog. Do you mean "towards small"? What is small?
Esti is nazi!
How can a federal subject have its own political alignment?
All of the eesti memeing and shitposting has filled me with the unstoppable urge to impregnate an eesti woman whenever I see this flag
wat do
>25% untermenschen
>too much brushing
you're really pushing it now are you :D
err... theres a big hole in it right on the black/white border...
Look at a mat showing rates of HIV.
Estonia is like Russia. Africa tier.
>Find a flaw
>the most butthurt country of butthurt belt
They roleplay real country. Our msm humors them and tells russians Estonia has a mind of its own and is literally Hitler.
Pushing what?
Fuck the haters, I love You
t. the country wich made their butt hurt
> Why do you have so fast internet in Estonia? >Is it because of higher bandwith?
>Nooo, because secconts are lonkker...
Arrogance kills it for me, unfounded arrogance, all talk no substance, bitch boys is what I get from estonia
You were the Romanian fucker who get beat up in Riga for a good reason?
Estonians on the road rightful Finnish clay.
I'm sorry.
It sucks being better, than other ex-commies, at everything.
See what I mean, they assume shit as if they were born all knowing, how can anyone like these animals, I'd rather argue 2 hours with a russian than be friends with baseless bitch boys like you
Fuck you. You are not welcome here.
If there is some real Pekka around, please kick the teeth of this Finnish(?) cunt in.
But then they're swedish clay, by extension
Learn English before insulting my countrymen, living in Viro Oblast is harsh, I know, but try to refrain yourself.
>all these unimportant countries arguing over their unimportance
can i join you guys
So it were you.
Your countryman deserved it.
Lovely country. Too many Russiansand Finnish white trash buying alcohol, though.
Inability to drink properly, as with all Finnish people.
Also mild autism.
He seem to enjoy banter, unlike you.
>this is a 10/10 in estonia
Hahahaha, no.
You're the niggers of finnoscandia. The Russian rape of finnougoric people produced you, you are a genetic mistake. Gass the Estonians, the pseudo Russians
goat flag
Achmed, you do not belong here.
Even a random estonia gif takes more care of it's teeth than the average anglo.
Your genetics must have a lot of mistakes from all the inbreeding.
>implying I'm Swedish
You don't belong in Europe, you Russian rape baby
>tfw your thread turns into a slavic shitflinging fest
Thanks guys, this is what keeps me posting here
It superior estonian sperm impregnateing a russian girl
At least I don't have ryssä filth in my blood.
Pic related, typical Estonian
This is what she looks like now.
Feel old yet?
It breeds degenerate culture and hedonism.
No country grows in power as its atheist population grows.
i found the flaw u have a russian girl in estonia u cant deny this
Bible belt?
More anti intellectual. I've been their a few times and the degenerate stuff is massively overstated. Inner cities with the godless college grads and nigs are much more hedonistic and degenerate.
atheism killed any culture or respect my country had left, listen to
There is nothing wrong with atheism.
Stupidity kills.
your retardness
>Brown hair
>Blue eyes
Guess I'm going to be seducing an Estonian if this is the average. Thats a damn good comba, I assumed they would be blonde.
Fuck estonia, they're not sending their best to suomi.
Is no longer a crusader state
Are they anorexic or just little boys pretending to be women?
>Middle has a hairline back further than me
Hay color is the most common trait in baltics
And the eyes should be gray.
those girls are as thin as a condom wtf sport do they compete in?
>tfw no dark haired, green eyed gf
Probably long distance running. Sprinters are muscular, but marathon runners are thin and unaesthetic.
Long distance running.
>those are considered 10/10 in estonia
>10/10 estonian girls aren't even in estonia
I'm not doing another fucking version. You can have the blue eyes and be happy.
this is somehow bad ??
Degeneracy has nothing to do with religion.
Islamic imams are degenerate, fiddling boys and organizing poppy farms in afghanistan and pakistan.
Victorian England was degenerate.
French nobility was degenerate.
Brazil has a giant statue of Jesus overlooking one of the most degenerate cities in the world.
More religion has never equaled less degeneracy.
I know, they're ugly mongols just like finns.
Both are inbred
Hey Estonians. I am White, Afrikaas and from South Africa. Can I immigrate to your lovely country? Will I feel welcomed?
Sick cunts.
Fuck you I love Estonia. Also I love you.
wait wrong person, this was for
Eesti on varsti venelaste võimu all. Ma tõmbasin nahui ennem kui need valged neegrid uuesti sisse tungivad.
You can now, I left the country.
Predominantly Atheist
How is it to live in those Estonian Islands?
It looks comfy af.
Mõne aasta pärast tuled tagasi ja oled pasapäine välis-eestlane kes pole selle maa eestlastele hoidmiseks mitte midagi teinud.
Äkki hakkad veel häbenema kah eestlasi nagu Ilves, vana munn.
Why cant you fags just get along
Nii kaua kuni Eesti ei suuda inimesi austada ja ei tõsta nende palka. Nii kaua pole mõtet selles hurtsikus elada.
Ainuke hea asi Eestis on see, et seal pole nii palju tahmanägusi.
Ilves on eraldi teema, ta pole eestlane. Mingi Rootsi munn kes ronis Eestis troonile.
Ennast peab ikka ise austama ja oma maad.
Palka peab oskama küsida ning selle küsimise jaoks ka mingi tase olema.
Tavaline majanduspõgenik oled.
Läikivate klaashelmeste jahil pärismaalane.
Needs bigger military.
Also their forest camo sucks compared to their desert camo.
Mul on tase olemas, kuid kui palga vahe on üle tuhande euro siis ma ei näe põhjust miks ma peaks Eestit austama.
Ja ma olen piisavalt näinud oma erialal olevaid inimesi kes tõmbavad ja petavad lihtsalt selle jaoks, et natuke rohkem raha välja pressida.
Ma oleks pidanud muidugi sama jätkama jah?
We're full.
I heard Australia has free space though.