Is this movie underrated or overrated?

Is this movie underrated or overrated?

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I knew there was something about that guy!

It's rated about right. It's an excellent movie

Why didn't Rambo just say to the cop that he was in town because of his Vietnam pal? Could have saved him alot of trouble.

Its great

There wouldn't be any good movies if characters acted reasonably

Probably underrated in comparison to how the sequels made the character into an iconic, but cartoonish, action hero.

OP, it's underrated because after part 2, Rambo became a right wing symbol while those morons conveniently forget that the first movie was about a damaged Vietnam vet who struck back against redneck shitkickers, the type who voted for Reagan. It's a weird disconnect but, yeah, First Blood is a really great movie!!!FACT!!!

wouldn't be much of a movie though huh?

The first movie was only his redemtion arc. Rambo always hated commies with a passion and wanted to unleash a genocide upon them.

Love this film

>hates republicans
>loves islamic terrorists

Under it's old as shit but i put it on the other day and didn't touch my phone or thinkpad for the entire runtime

They buried it when we switched sides after Rambo III. Great stuff, but this generation of soy boys can’t relate.

A mother personally challenges the local authorities to solve her daughter's murder when they fail to catch the culprit.

>he didn't watch it on his thinkpad

Thanks for namefagging so I can add it to the filter.

Everyone voted for Reagan. EVERYONE. It was like top ten landslides in US history. His opponent only won one state and I think it was his home state.

Why do you fags have to politicize everything?
None of the movies were released into this kind of climate.

An author can never write a character that is smarter than himself.

Are you saying the writer should have spent more time setting up the escalation?
Because people were paying to see an action movie

because this is murika

It's infinitely re-watchable.

Your characters wouldn't be very smart.

Nobody really gave a shit about Rambo's politics, the franchise went downhill because they let hacks direct the sequels and they turned into video games so nobody remembers the first was a legitimately well-made film.

And your movie would suck balls

so is hiking illegal in america or what

You don't want to accept that you are a dealing with an expert in shitposting. A man who is the best with tripfagging, with nameposting. A man who has practiced posting things that would make a normal person puke. On Sup Forums, he was trained to annoy the fuck out of everyone, to derail threads, period. Well CreepyThinMan was the best.

The town had a no singles policy

The premise was too retarded for me

>that part at the end where he breaks down remembering his friend dying

i cried desu

a lot of people make fun of stallone's acting in this scene but i'd be a liar if i said it didn't make me tear up a bit

>Rated R

I think it’s a good rating. I mean nowadays it’s pretty pussy and probably be a PG-13 tops but the 70’s were different.

Cause it’s none of his fucking business

I probably would've let it go.

But he wasn't. His friend died and now he's wandering

fuck off commie

>people that voted for Reagan were the people that span on nam vets

same thing happened to rocky