>It's a David dindu nuffin while Steve continues livin' the cuck lyfe episode
>it keeps happening
Why do I even continue with this garbage? At least Taylor Kitsch does a decent job portraying Koresh.
>inb4 "that one liberal who hates christianity starts accusing anyone who doesn't hate Koresh and christians of being a pedophile"
i think its great
can't wait to see how it ends. will they show how zog gassed them and then burned them?
>Turbocuck Steve is the voice of reason and actually makes progress towards a peaceful solution
>Smoothbrain David acts like a total dickhead to the negotiator and HRT manlet just says fuck it because he's too ADHD to wait for the negotiator
>SoyTibs and his qt waifu are still irrelevant
I just want maximum suffering for the whole cast at this point
Because Superslut is in it.
>Implying there isn't concrete evidence of the Davidians trying to start a fire in the compound
correct. they've shown the gook delta sniper a few times but haven't said he wasn't fbi or atf. curious indeed.
i didn't know much about waco til watching this. I gotta say, US govt is fucked up, and now I understand why so many hate them over there.. still the "literal interpretation of the bible" freaks are all fuckt as well.
mazel tov, you still know nothing.
Cults fascinate me. Helter Skelter. Jonestown. Etc.
I always wonder who could fall for these false profits. Then I read the comments in this forum.
There are so many blind, ignorant, anti government, cuckolds that I think it'd be easy to start a cult.
I'll call it "Liberalism".
will this open the way for Jonestown kino?
this is a thread about the branch dividians in waco texas, not cults.
Pretty sure it will.
And Sup Forums will defend him too.
Seriously, when did cults killing children become okay?
>cult fodder
weak minds = best soldiers
This series doesn't even touch on the pedophilia and child abuse allegations from multiple sources that were one of the main reasons why the government started investigating them in the first place
maybe they'll touch on things that never happened in season two, kike.
Hi David!
Why did David Koresh have such absolute shit taste? Anybody who thinks Lawnmower Man is anything other than total shit, let alone the kino masterpiece Koresh evidently thought it was, deserves what the BDs got.
Yeah... but people still swear that "E.T." is Kino.
Movies shouldn't indicate how fucked up people are. But grown adults fucking kids?
Only pedo-posters here think that's cool.
>pedophilia and child abuse allegations
>things that never happened
Nice reading comprehension. Doesn't matter if the allegations themselves were true or not but the fact that they were a major factor contributing to the incident turning into a massive shitshow.
how did children not getting raped contribute to the atf assaulting their compound, gassing them with cyanide, and burning their compound to the ground over alleged weapons violations?
they mentioned that shit for sure b