So this is real. This absolutely happened.
My family wanted to go see Black Panther, and despite liking to go see movies by myself (honestly, get past the social stigma, it's genuinely worth the price of admission), I said alright I'd go.
First off, the fool that I am, let my mother pick the screening, and of course she chose the 3D version. I tried to keep my grumbling to myself but this was only the start of our troubles.
Now, this is a small, local theater, and in the 10 or so years that I've been going to it, I have NEVER seen it so busy as today, and for the sake of getting this story out there, I'll mention that it was entirely black people besides my family and I.
I could care less, honestly. But as we waited for the last showing to clear out, a staff member of the theater comes running through screaming for everyone to get out of her way.
She goes into the theater where we're waiting to go in, and just a few seconds afterward, people start funneling out in droves.
Several black women kept loudly stating (despite no one asking them) "I DIDN'T SEE NOTHIN, I DON'T KNOW NOTHIN"
And it turns out there was some kind of massive brawl that broke out during their screening of the Black Panther, police were called in, all this shit.
So my paper-white family and I are standing among an entirely black crowd as the tension grows and I finally lean over to my mom and let her know that this probably will end badly, whether there is another fight during our screening, or there is just too much talking over the movie.
So we got a refund and left.
This is the first time I've ever left a movie before it even started, it was so chaotic, so tense, all for a fucking Disney/Marvel movie.
Moral of the story?
Get out of watching a 3D movie any way you can, lads.