So this is real. This absolutely happened

So this is real. This absolutely happened.

My family wanted to go see Black Panther, and despite liking to go see movies by myself (honestly, get past the social stigma, it's genuinely worth the price of admission), I said alright I'd go.

First off, the fool that I am, let my mother pick the screening, and of course she chose the 3D version. I tried to keep my grumbling to myself but this was only the start of our troubles.

Now, this is a small, local theater, and in the 10 or so years that I've been going to it, I have NEVER seen it so busy as today, and for the sake of getting this story out there, I'll mention that it was entirely black people besides my family and I.

I could care less, honestly. But as we waited for the last showing to clear out, a staff member of the theater comes running through screaming for everyone to get out of her way.

She goes into the theater where we're waiting to go in, and just a few seconds afterward, people start funneling out in droves.

Several black women kept loudly stating (despite no one asking them) "I DIDN'T SEE NOTHIN, I DON'T KNOW NOTHIN"

And it turns out there was some kind of massive brawl that broke out during their screening of the Black Panther, police were called in, all this shit.

So my paper-white family and I are standing among an entirely black crowd as the tension grows and I finally lean over to my mom and let her know that this probably will end badly, whether there is another fight during our screening, or there is just too much talking over the movie.

So we got a refund and left.

This is the first time I've ever left a movie before it even started, it was so chaotic, so tense, all for a fucking Disney/Marvel movie.

Moral of the story?

Get out of watching a 3D movie any way you can, lads.

Other urls found in this thread:



Reminder that "Black Panther" is just "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" with black people as the apes.


>this is real. This absolutely happened.

>I could care less, honestly
So he did actually care?

Stopped reading there

helps me keep up with the narrative, whatever

sure, it was a bit cliched, but the last thing I wanted to do was fuel the weirdly white supremacist fires that heats the walls of Sup Forums.

I've always had trouble with this expression. I was trying to say that I don't feel uncomfortable around people of another race

Good story

Unfortunately idiots speak the loudest and nobody contacts you when you're doing well.

Nothing at all happened' the thread

wrong its lion king 2...with apes

>So this is real. This absolutely happened.

Is your family completely oblivious to how niggers act?

Imagine getting angry at two sentences

>no link to a local paper with the police report

Now while I fully believe this is real because I've been around blacks, you can't post stories with zero evidence.

"could" or "couldn't" means the same thing here. Originally it was "could" but used in a sarcastic way, like
>Listen up, this is the sound of me giving a shit.
Then people changed it so it made sense outside of the sarcastic context.

thats not really newsworthy desu

Fights at a movie theater, which required police assistance to break up, would absolutely be reported in the local paper.

do you think that pepe signifies anger?

>Get out of watching a 3D movie any way you can, lads.

Stopped reading there

thanks for the story, user

where was the theater?

>So this is real. This absolutely happened.a

'i'm fucking crying
what is wrong with white people

if it was blacks beating up whites during a screening of the movie, it would be national news.
it was probably just two or more black dudes fighting. Nigs niggin out

well according to OP it was nigs fighting nigs in a movie theater which again sounds pretty normal

>if it was blacks beating up whites during a screening of the movie, it would be national news.
No it wouldn't. There would be dead fucking silence at the national level, and the local news would mention that certain riotous 'youths' had gotten into a fight at the theater while carefully avoiding the race of either the perps, the victims, or the surrounding crowd.

Remember user, the major red flag for autism is trouble reading facial expressions

there's literally a gorilla tribe

>Racist white man attacks african american youth at Black Panther(tm) screening


All these stories acting like black people watching Marvel movies is the worst thing to ever happen in a theater. But they seem to forget about white people who watch Batman movies.

there isn't any because this didn't happen

remember the review that killed black panther

>no videos in over 2 years
>obviously shilling your own videos
>disgusting saggy tits and cake face
your videos are bad and you should feel bad Ashley

surprise surprise

is she wrong tho

Then you need to go back to school. Not every sentence is it's own paragraph.

The silver lining in this movie is young niggers will believe bullets will bounce off them harmlessly like cornflakes.

Her past videos show her talking about DC and Snyder and cosplaying as DC characters. Yes, she was in the wrong.