ITT: Legitimate 10/10s
ITT: Legitimate 10/10s
the remake is better
What remake?
Resident Evil
they replaced the xenos with zombies but other than that it's pretty much identical
Aliens is mediocre within the Alien franchise, nevermind as a movie in general.
As perfect as they come.
The set design and practical effects are amazing though. A movie is more than its writing.
Now is not the time for kino, that comes later.
Jesus Christ I bet this isn't even posted here unironically. That's how much faith I have in this site's taste in anything.
*isn't posted here ironically
not enough capes and explosions huh?
The first one is better, so can't be a 10/10
Lol no
>There can only be one 10/10 movie
I see you found my trophy room, Dalton. The only thing your ASS.
Only the 1st one is a 10/10.
Also, the first of the following:
Back to the Future
Indiana Jones
Star Wars
The first one is better by miles. I don't think there can only be one 10/10 movie but Aliens is definitely not one of them.
i didn't know this was a "sequel better than the original thread"
Philosophy. Man's search for faith. That sort of shit.
did anyone else just read "you don't get to bring firends" from the thumbnail?
Best one in the trilogy
10/10 waifu amirite