>"People call each other by names their parents gave them but won't believe in God"
What did she mean by this?
"People call each other by names their parents gave them but won't believe in God"
It was her being dumb and trying to be pretentious. Fuck me I'm already drunk enough to respond to meme threads.
fedoras 0 skydaddy worshipers 1
>Fuck me I'm already drunk enough to respond to meme threads.
none will fuck you sweety
no one knows
>living by "god-given" names
>not believing in god
it's supposed to be contradictory, user
maybe try using both of your brain cells before posting again
>"god-given" names
But she didn't say god-given
God didn't give me my name. My fucking parents did and it's easy to believe my parents existed because I know them personally.
This. That quote is pretty stupid. Am I'm christian.
>Am I'm christian.
>imagine making shit up to make sense of a retarded quote which shouldn't be taken as true to begin with
not everything a white teenage girl says should be taken as gospel especially when it is proven again and again that she has some big flaws
You’re adopted
Got a problem with that?
ya can u snap out of it?
They don't seem very similar
Actually a pretty brave stance to take in 2017
What does it mean though?
just another typical tumble in logic
>>"People call each other by names their parents gave them but won't believe in God"
It's about taking things as a given and not deciding things for yourself. You're told your name and you accept it. You're told God is real and you don't accept it.
She's also re configuring her life to rebel against what is now the cultural norm for her, living as a liberal arts student in NYC. Paradoxically this involves adopting some of what was conventional in her prior life in Sacramento, but that is now alternative in her new world, going to church, discarding ladybird moniker, telling her mother she loves her, etc. Alternative is now a form of conformity and conformity is now alternative. She now appreciates and realises how fundamental many things she's hated are to her identity. The Nun comments on this when reading her college letter, saying it's clear she loves Sacramento, but she hadn't realised that.
>And I'm a christian
is what you should have said.
For good reason.
>that pic
come on, that isn't exclusive to women, everyone thinks they're special.
youre not supposed to actually answer the question, youre just supposed to bitch about feminism and how this film is tumblr for no reason, this guy gets it.
t. roastie
lol my bad
All atheists are fucking man-children. Absolutely no exceptions.
Thanks user.
>She's also re configuring her life to rebel against what is now the cultural norm for her, living as a liberal arts student in NYC.
That's sort of depressing, is there hope for her finding an identity not rooted in aimless contrarianism?
what's wrong with her legs?
>mommy took me to church and I didn't like it
Well yeah, it's normal for intelligent people that age and a sign of a critical mind. People normally find some craft or ideas to channel sincerity into or give up on life and redirect their energy to self hatred.
Atheist here. I have no idea whT that quote is trying to say. Is this some kind of messed of logic that only Christfags can understand?
Not every bad person is an atheist, but every atheist is a bad person.
I used to be a live and let live kinda atheist, but all the atheist hate on Sup Forums has made me decide that all religious people need to be wiped from the Earth.
>all these bitter atheists
Maybe there is a reason your life is so sad you have nothing better to do than be angry online.
Do you think this is clever or funny or your samefaggotry will start some big shitfight? No one cares. 0/10 trolling
she has the body of a swimmer, mirin those broad shoulders
>mass replying
I guess I'll change my name to Kurt Maximilian Bishop then.
Captain obvious my man.But you do decide to keep your name given by others. What about then? The point of this line is that she is a flawed pretentious contrarian girl is having trouble finding her identity, and she says it to reinforce that premise. She is a hypocrite in a lot of the things she does. She openly mocks the religious conformity of her town and thinks this conformity is bad yet she is the typical sweet girl that expects to have the same kind of cliched experiences you see on TV or hears from other people. It is just a dumb fucking quote, we all know what she meant, it was a meme.
i am an atheist and i will murder everyone you know for mocking me
Teenagers all say dumb stuff. You'd probably look pretty stupid if we put your life on film too. I quite liked her character.
Would be friends with /10
Yes. Yes. Yes. and Yes.
I was saying its a line that is used to reinforce her flaws. Also, only the mother-daughter scenes were absolutely worth it. She couldn't capture the same genuine chemistry, acting level, dialogue with the other characters which was a big stain that gave it number 1 spot in last year's mediocre category.
you could ask the same about everyone posting on this board
It's the kind of contrived horseshit that butthurt sky daddy believers come up with when they are offended by whatever they think that atheists think/say of them. They come up with these conjectures that atheists also believe in silly stuff, or are also easily manipulated by cultural mores, or are faking their atheism altogether - but such conjectures are as logically challenged as the beliefs that make them necessary. If you ever heard that "there are no atheists in a plane crash", uttered in an arrogant tone, you know what I'm talking about. I once had a Catholic friend doubt of my atheism because I used to utter believer idioms like "oh, my god!" and capitalize "god" in writing, which I did for the same reason that I do "Santa Claus" or "Tooth Fairy": because I assumed it to be a proper noun. He eventually god over his butthurt. In fact, he became an atheist eventually.
Believing in god is brave in 2017?
It was such a conventional film but i think it was self aware and commenting on an era rather than being derivative. Still, it is a fine line between commentary and immitation, dated film and period piece, cliche and truth. It did toe that line and i can understand how you might read it that way.
The film was undeniably masterfully executed though, from almost every technical perspective. It looked fantastic. I think the writing and characterisation was extremely strong, with the exception of the rich kid clique who were a glaring weakness to the film, every other facet and character was nuanced. It is a bold film that attempts originality through the telling of a highly conventional story. It flies in the face of the modern impetus to make 'new' films, like moonlight or precious, and it also flies in the face of the age old impetus to make 'nice' regular films. It was like a attempt to seperate normality from banality and artistic merit from esoteric pretentiousness.
>that atheists also believe in silly stuff, or are also easily manipulated by cultural mores, or are faking their atheism altogether
all true btw :
Movies like this only serve to remind me how much I hate women. And yet I enjoyed Frances Ha? Maybe its the reception that really sickens me. I hate seeing average schlock put on a pedestal.
you sound like youre going to live a happy life
Try being anti abortion and pre-marital sex in a college classroom and get back to us on how it went lol
>'anti pre-marital sex' in college
nice post retard
yah its gay
No one gives a fuck what you 'choose' not to do, it's prostelatysing your 'beliefs' and trying to impose them on others that people object to, and if you keep them to yourself there's no functional difference between your 'anti pre-marital sex' 'position' and the inevitability of your virginity. You're delusional and take a 'moral position' to justify your pathetic inadequacies, taking it a step further and pretending you're a victim for it as well is just pathetic.
College is literally full of girls at their qtest who are extremely easy to meet and if you want to miss out on them that's cool but there's no reason to pretend to matyr yourself over nothing.
>b-but it's genuine
Oh ok, so did you/do you have a gf atleast in college
>n-no they're all liberal whores
ok lad, ok
Some kind of half baked nominalism that recognizes the empty character of names but not the entirely conceptual character of what is signified by God.
Jesus Christ I bet you love nietzsche as well
>shitty pretentious white wank movie
is this how you talk to people in real life? you didnt even respond to anything he said. this is why youre a virgin, it has nothing to do with your phony moral code.
nice retort faggot, enjoy your wizardry
She asking why people are so easily willing to get all persnickitity and particular about God, and the same people go about their lives letting certain people or situations control them just because they were born into it, or thats "how it is"
>phony moral code
accept it comes from God? Surely you understand that
you actually need Jesus, I'm not joking.